Family Dinner III

First to introduce themselves was the child sitting next to Asher. He placed his fork down and spoke with a calm yet firm voice. "Ryan Magnus, currently just a mortal who has awakened his core. Inherent Ability: Blue Terror."

He sat back down, his introduction short and to the point. Asher glanced at him, subtly using his Absolute Appraisal ability to gather more information. He quickly learned that Ryan was the son of his Uncle Liam, the one who had just introduced his own Blue Terror ability.

The connection was clear—Ryan was likely set to inherit the same terrifying power as his father.

As the girl next to Asher placed her fork down, she introduced herself with a calm, measured tone. "Clare Magnus, mortal with a foundation core. Inherent Ability: Golden Terror."

She paused before explaining, "Golden Terror is formed after the perfect fusion of the Blood Ruler and Golden Sword Saint abilities."

After her brief introduction, she picked up her fork again, and everyone else resumed their meal. Arnold nodded approvingly, acknowledging Clare's introduction, before addressing the group.

"Now," Arnold said, finishing his first course as he rang the bell for the next, "let me explain about the Supreme Families."

The room grew quieter as Arnold's words carried authority. "As you all know, in our world, there are several grades of families, but at the top are only Ten—these are the Supreme Families, and our Magnus family is one of them."

He continued, detailing the significance of each family. "Each of these families has an ability that sets them apart. For our Magnus family, it is the Blood Ruler ability."

He gestured slightly with his hand, "The Saints family is known for their Golden Sword Saint ability. Then there's the Riverdale family, whose Atlantean ability gives them perfect control over water. They can even extract moisture from the air, using it for water-based attacks and creating water from seemingly nothing."

The table was silent as everyone listened intently, understanding the weight of the information being shared. The mention of these supreme abilities stirred a sense of pride and responsibility in everyone present.

Arnold continued listing the Supreme Families, each name carrying immense power and history.

"Then there's the Helion family, known for their Hellfire inherent ability—an unrelenting force of destruction and purification."

He took a brief pause before continuing, "The Darius family, masters of deception with their Illusion ability, capable of creating realities that aren't real but feel as vivid as life itself."

"The Indra family holds dominion over Black Lightning, an elemental force that devastates anything in its path with both speed and fury."

Arnold's voice deepened as he spoke of the next family. "The Enrose family has the World Tree ability, granting them an unmatched connection to nature, allowing them to grow forests and manipulate plant life on a massive scale."

"The Artemis family wields the World Eye ability, giving them the power of foresight and near-omniscient perception—seeing everything from the past, present, and even glimpses of the future."

Then, the mood darkened as he mentioned, "The Black family—masters of the dead, with their Necromancy ability. They command legions of undead and control the balance between life and death."

Lastly, Arnold leaned back in his chair as he introduced the final family. "The Dagon family wields the Overlord ability. They are unmatched in the art of taming and controlling monstrous beasts, making them the most powerful tamers in existence."

"These are the original ten supreme families, descendants of the ten great heroes who saved our world by fighting back against the Invaders," Arnold said, pausing briefly before continuing. "Yes, you three have probably heard about the Invaders in stories, but do you know what they really are?" he asked, and all three kids shook their heads.

"Although this information is usually provided to you after your second awakening, you three are among the most powerful of this generation, which is why your abilities have 'Terror' in their names."

Arnold continued, "Each family has its own elite warriors. Our family's elites are called Terrors. Our Blood Ruler ability allows us to perfectly fuse with other family inherent abilities, and those with such powers are given the distinction of Terrors."

The three nodded, already knowing this part.

"However, none of you can use the title until you reach that level of power," he added, looking at them sternly. They nodded in acknowledgment.

"Now, about the Invaders," Arnold said, leaning forward slightly, "while we call them Invaders, that's not entirely correct. In reality, they are our competitors."

Arnold's tone grew more serious as he looked at the three.

"You can think of our planet as a kingdom and the whole of space as a world map," Arnold explained. "Now, you know how different kingdoms fight for more land so they can control more resources, and the kingdom with the most land has the most power, right?" He looked at the three, who nodded in understanding.

"So, we're actually at the planetary level of kingdom battles?" Asher asked, intrigued.

Arnold nodded. "Yes, exactly. That's why the Invaders, who we now call the Negukir and Cometis, are essentially competitors in this Planetary battle for dominance."

"Our planet is neighboring two more planets, millions of light-years away," Arnold continued, "and this is how far a planet can expand its influence. Since there are two other planets within our reach, they are constantly fighting for dominance."

"You all must have heard about how a beastman race ran away from their planet and came to ours for help, right? Well, their planet also fell under our 10 million light-year reach, but they were very wild and primitive. They had no advanced technology, and their low-level magical prowess only took them so far," he explained.

"thus, when Cometis attacked their planet they were conquered within a decade and most of the beastman has to flee, unlike us , who had technology to fend off them for some time until we had our own super power individuals were ready to strike at them" he said.

"But didn't our awakening method come from the beastmen? So how were we able to use this power to fend off these... Comets, yet they weren't able to?" Asher asked.