Veyrn sighed dramatically, stepping further into the fortress. "You should've stayed hidden like a good little fugitive. Malfus's mercy only extends so far, you know. But I suppose you already knew that when you killed Lloyd."
His tone sharpened. "That was a mistake."
Asher's grip on his scythe tightened.
Lloyd was a monster. Killing him was no mistake.
Veyrn turned his head slightly, as if sensing something.
Tch. He's cautious. I need to act now.Asher silently signaled Serena, and in that moment, the ambush began.
With a flick of his wrist, Asher manipulated the blood around them, sending razor-sharp crimson blades toward Veyrn from multiple directions. At the same time, Serena struck from behind, her daggers burning with ethereal blue flames.
Veyrn reacted instantly.
A dome of divine energy exploded from his body, shattering the blood blades and forcing Serena to leap back before she was incinerated.