Chapter 51

Giovanni POV: 

We got out of the city and headed west, away from the coast. Most of the night, she was staring out of the window, haunted by what she had seen. I don't regret taking her out of there, away from those horrors, but I do hope it won't weigh on her. She was too good a soul to come from such a psychopath. I doubt the reality of what he had done even entered his mind. 

I wouldn't take her back there for a while, it was too dangerous, not only for her body but her mind. He would no doubt continue to play these mind games until she cracked and came back to him. The only issue with his plan was me. I refused to lose this fight. It was ironic how he had brought Arianna into the fold in an attempt to distract me, but instead, he gave me the greatest motivation I had ever experienced. Every breath was for her, and every choice I made now was to ensure her survival. 

I made sure that I was updated on the damage done that night, I wanted personal accounts of every single deed. I had my men hand out food and blankets, provide shelter, and arrange for transportation. I had them in the hospital to ensure those who needed to heal had the utmost care. 


In total, 27 dead, five were in critical condition, 78 were injured. The property damages were too great to count, but I would see to all of it. I would not fail them in the aftermath. I might not be in the city, but my presence would be felt. As suspected, Domenico went after only my side of the city, leaving those on his side unharmed but shaken. The fear crept into the very heart of the populace, nobody walked the streets, fathers sat up late with shotguns, and mothers held their babies tightly. 

Though he may have succeeded in earning the fear of the people and damaging my hold on the city, he did earn the ire of the police. It was quite alarming to the state patrol how, during one of the largest "riots" in history, half of the police force was told to stand down. I.A. came down with an iron fist, rooting out some of Domenicos oldest rats in the police department, they were off to county. Many of his thugs had also paid the price, whether with blood or cuffs; they were off the streets, and he was looking for new men. 

The only satisfaction I could take for a while was that it had cost him dearly to inflict his pain. 

That was until an all too eager and annoying detective ended up on my front porch demanding to speak with me. 

"Are you aware of what happened in your beloved city?" He didn't even hesitate, just stomped inside. 

"Please come in, detective," I raised an eyebrow, clenching my fist around the door handle. 

"Captuo ran his thugs through the street like chainsaws, they've killed over two dozen people-" He scoffed at me so high and mighty in his indignation as if I hadn't seen it for myself. 

"I know what he's done," I interrupted, crossing my arms and staring him down. "I'm the one cleaning up the damage," 

He gritted his teeth and let out a sharp breath before his face fell. "I know," He gave me a begrudging smile. "That's why I'm here," He huffed. "I don't like you at all. I know you're crooked," He pointed a finger at me, and that familiar arrogant sneer spread across his face, then again fell "But Caputo, he's a monster," He held up his hands. 

"Detective?" Her voice came from down the hall as she entered the room, he straightened for her, making me want to pop his head off his shoulders. Arianna crossed over to stand beside me, and I locked eyes with the fed as I wrapped my hand around her waist. "Is everything okay," She was hesitant to ask, waiting for more news of the terrors that had occurred. 

He sighed, looking between us, a green hue taking over his face. "Yes, I was just expressing my interest in using Mr. Riscis aide to put your father behind bars," 

She crossed her arms. "So you've finally come to your senses," She taunted him, and I grinned at her, but he just gave up smiling and laughing softly. 

"As I said, I know you launder money; there's no doubt in my mind you break half a dozen laws with every breath, but I care more about lives lost than latent tax dollars," He raised his chin. 

Though I knew he was attracted to Arianna and he would gladly put me in jail, we were in agreement. So, the detective joined our ranks, and we filled him in on everything that happened. 

"Do you have the photos from your mother's true autopsy?" He asked, she squirmed in her seat and looked away from us. How this moron was in the F.B.I., I'll never know. 

"They're at my house, they're safe," 

"And this evidence your mom had on him, where is that?" He took a bite of some muffins on my coffee table, crumbs going everywhere. Americans. 

"We've been trying to find the private investigator, but there's no luck," I told him. 

He nodded, then stood up. "Well, I have a few more resources than you do, maybe I can track them down," With that, the detective went off in search of our wild goose. 

We stayed away at the country house of my fathers, biding our time to return. The city healed in our absence, and so did she. Her sorrow turned to anger once more, and I knew it was safe to take her back. Domenico had gained some ground, but we had new allies. He hadn't gotten in with the cops again, and I.A. had set up a new field office in town. I decided one last weekend, just her and I, before we headed back to the game in the city, we couldn't stay on the sidelines forever. 

With the detective using his government resources to track down the private investigator, we would have leads on that soon, and then we could try and put this thing to bed. Hopefully, what her mother has hidden away would be enough.