Chapter 2: Unexpected Connections


It was just another normal day in class when Sota and Heizen, notorious for their mischief, were up to their usual antics. They were silently tossing a crumpled paper ball back and forth, barely paying attention to the history lesson droning on. Sota, growing bored, turned his head just as Heizen launched the ball again. This time, it went off course and struck Shika on the side of her head.

Startled, Shika blinked in surprise, looking around the room to figure out what had hit her. She spotted Heizen, struggling to contain his laughter, and her annoyance flared. Without hesitation, she grabbed the paper ball and threw it back at him—except her aim was off. The ball flew right past Heizen and landed at the feet of the teacher.

The entire class froze as the teacher's face turned red with anger. "Enough!" the teacher snapped, eyes locking on Sota and Heizen. "You two—out! Director's office. Now."

Wide-eyed, Shika glanced over at the two boys as they stood from their desks, smirking despite their apparent punishment. Sota shook his head, but Heizen whispered, "Well, that escalated quickly." They made their way toward the door, showing little remorse, though they tried to look repentant.

The walk to the director's office was short, and the boys entered to find the director waiting, arms crossed, his expression stern.

"The classroom is not a playground," the director said in a cold, measured tone. "This is your first and last warning. Continue with this behavior, and there will be consequences."

Heizen, feeling the weight of the warning, nodded quickly. "Yes, sir. It won't happen again."

"You can go back to class," the director said, but his gaze then shifted to Sota. "Sota, stay behind. I need to have a word with you."

Heizen shot Sota a sympathetic look before leaving the office, the door closing softly behind him. The director's expression grew more serious as he looked at Sota.

"As captain of the football team, and as my nephew, I expect better from you," the director began. "You have a responsibility to your team and this school. Any more irresponsible behavior, and the football team may face disqualification from the upcoming tournament."

Sota clenched his fists, frustration bubbling up inside him. He wanted to protest, to say that being captain didn't mean he had to be perfect all the time, but he kept his mouth shut. Instead, he nodded silently and left the office, his thoughts racing.

"Responsibility," he muttered under his breath. "What does he know about me to say that?"



The weekend arrived, and Shika was enjoying a lazy morning at home, lounging in her pajamas and sipping tea. She had just settled down for breakfast when the doorbell rang unexpectedly.

To her surprise, it was Sota and his younger sister, Tenshi, standing at the door.

"Sota?" Shika blinked, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Hi," Sota greeted, his usual aloof demeanor replaced by an awkward smile. "Tenshi wanted to play with Ichigo."

Before Shika could say more, Ichigo came running down the stairs, grabbing Tenshi's hand and pulling her away to play. Left alone in the entryway, Shika and Sota exchanged a few awkward glances.

"Uh, come in?" Shika offered hesitantly, stepping aside. Sota hesitated for a moment, then followed her into the house. They sat in the living room, the silence between them thick and awkward.

"So, how's school?" Shika asked, trying to ease the tension.

"Fine," Sota replied, keeping his answer short. "What about you?"

"Good, I guess," she said, fidgeting. Then, in an attempt to keep the conversation going, she asked, "How's the football team?"

Before Sota could answer, the two little girls came running back into the room, giggling and pulling at Shika and Sota's hands. "Cushion fight!" Tenshi squealed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Sota sighed but couldn't help but smile. "Right," he said, standing up to join them.

Shika laughed, grabbed a cushion, and joined the game. Soon, the room was filled with laughter as cushions flew back and forth. At one point, Shika collapsed onto the floor, breathless from the fun. Sota, noticing her sprawled out, teased, "Are you cleaning the floor with your clothes?"

Annoyed but amused, Shika picked up a cushion and threw it at him, her laughter growing louder when she noticed a feather stuck to his lip. He wiped it off, chuckling along with the girls.

When it was time for Sota and Tenshi to leave, Shika felt an unexpected warmth. She and Ichigo waved goodbye, watching them walk down the street, and she couldn't help but smile as they disappeared around the corner.



When school resumed, Shika couldn't stop replaying the events of the weekend in her head. She found herself glancing at Sota during class more than usual, his easygoing behavior at her house contrasting with his aloof attitude at school.

Each time Sota caught her staring, Shika quickly averted her gaze, embarrassed. But during a break, he turned to her, smirking.

"Is there something on my face, or are you my new fan?" he teased.

Shika's face flushed. "Of course not!" she stammered, feeling flustered by the attention.

He chuckled, clearly amused, and returned to his work. But the moment stuck with Shika, lingering in her mind.

Later that day, she gathered her nerves and approached Sota after class. "Hey," she greeted awkwardly.

Sota glanced up, raising an eyebrow. "Hey, Shika. What's up?"

"I just wanted to thank you for coming over the other day," she said quickly. "Ichigo had a great time with Tenshi."

Sota nodded. "Tenshi enjoyed it too. Maybe we can do it again sometime."

Shika smiled, relieved by his response. "Actually, my mom suggested you and Tenshi come over every weekend. Ichigo's been asking for her, and my mom wants to meet you properly."

Sota considered it for a moment before shrugging. "Sure, why not?"

Before their conversation could continue, Heizen bounded over, tugging on Sota's arm. "Time for football practice!" he announced, and with that, the two boys left for the field.



At the end of the break, Heizen and Sota finished playing football and were heading back inside the school. The afternoon sun was still strong, and the two friends chatted lazily as they walked toward the main building. Just as they neared the entrance, they spotted Luna and Ryoku waiting for them.

"Hey, guys!" Luna shouted. "Tell them about the festival. It looks like they're coming this way."

Ryoku approached, but before she could say anything, Sota spoke up. "There's a festival tomorrow night. Heizen and I are going. You should come too."

Ryoku's face brightened at the invitation. "Sure! I'll come along with Shika and Luna."

"Great," Sota said. "We'll see you tomorrow at 8."



The next evening, Shika was rushing through her closet, trying to pick the perfect outfit for the festival. By 7:30 p.m., she was still unsure of what to wear. Was she dressing up for Ryoku's sake—or was it for Sota?

She eventually chose a simple but cute outfit, and just as she finished, Ryoku and Luna arrived. "They're here!" Shika called out as she hurried downstairs. "I'm leaving, Mom!"

"Take care, honey!" her mom called after her as the three girls headed out.

On the way to the festival, Ryoku talked non-stop about all the fun things they could do, but Shika wasn't really paying attention. Her mind kept drifting back to Sota—his teasing grin, the way he had acted so differently around Tenshi. What was it about him that had her so confused?

"Right, Shika?" Luna's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, yeah," Shika mumbled, clearly distracted.

Luna gave her a knowing look. "You didn't hear a word I said, did you?"

Shika offered a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I was... distracted."

By the time they reached the festival, Heizen and Sota were already there, standing with a new girl Shika hadn't met before.

"This is Syuka," Heizen introduced her with a grin. "She's in my art class, and she's really talented."

As they exchanged greetings, Sota turned to Shika with a teasing smirk. "Oh, did you wear your sister's dress?"

Shika's face flushed with embarrassment, unsure how to respond. Before she could say anything, Sota added, "But it looks good on you."

Her heart skipped a beat at the unexpected compliment, leaving her flustered as the group walked into the festival. Luna, noticing her dazed expression, tugged her along. "Come on, silly," she said with a laugh.

As they wandered through the festival, Syuka suddenly exclaimed, "The fireworks are about to start!" She took off running, with Heizen hot on her heels.

Ryoku, however, stayed behind, pulling Sota back by the arm. "Let them go," she said softly, her face showing a hint of disappointment. Sota gave her a curious look but didn't protest.

Meanwhile, Heizen caught up to Syuka just in time. He grabbed her hand playfully as they stopped at a perfect spot to watch the fireworks. "Sorry, but if I didn't hurry, we'd miss them," he said with a grin.

Syuka blushed but smiled back. "Yeah, I suppose."



Shika and Luna, on the other hand, had stopped at a food stall, grabbing something to eat. From a distance, Sota watched, still puzzled by the strange tension hanging in the air.

"I wanted to see the fireworks too," Sota muttered, glancing back toward Ryoku.

"You can see them from here," she replied softly, though her expression suggested she wasn't really interested in the fireworks at all.

As the festival came to an end, the group slowly dispersed. Heizen had returned with Syuka, proudly showing off the teddy bear he had won for her at one of the games. Syuka's radiant smile was a stark contrast to the quiet, but Ryoku's expression was clouded with jealousy.

"I think I should head home," Ryoku said abruptly. "It's getting late."

"You can stay," Shika offered, concerned for her friend.

But Ryoku shook her head. "No, it's fine. I'll go alone."

Shika and Luna exchanged glances, and Luna quickly spoke up. "We'll walk with you."

As they walked, Ryoku's mood was somber. Luna tried to cheer her up. "Hey, it's not like there's something serious going on between Heizen and Syuka, right?"

Ryoku sighed. "I don't know... I thought Heizen and I had something special. But now it feels like I'm just watching from the outside."

Shika stayed silent, her mind elsewhere. She couldn't stop thinking about Sota. Why was he on her mind so much? Was it because of the teasing? Or was there something more she wasn't admitting to herself?

They walked home quietly under the dim streetlights, each girl lost in her own thoughts, weighed down by the complexities of feelings they hadn't yet figured out.



The next day at school, Shika was still mulling over everything when Motohiro nervously approached her in the hallway.

"Good morning, Shika. How are you today?" he asked, trying to sound casual, though his voice wavered slightly.

Shika looked up with a warm smile. "I'm doing well, thank you. How about you?"

Motohiro, feeling a bit more confident now, cleared his throat. "Actually…" He hesitated, then quickly gathered his courage. "I was wondering if you'd like to grab lunch with me tomorrow? There's this great little café down the street I think you'd like."

Shika blinked, surprised by the offer. She wasn't expecting this kind of attention from Motohiro. Though she appreciated his kind gesture, her reserved nature made her hesitate. "That's really sweet of you, Motohiro, but… I'm not sure if that's a good idea. I mean, we're just friends, right?"

Motohiro did his best to hide his disappointment, offering a weak smile instead. "Yeah, of course," he said, his voice softening. "We can just hang out as friends then."

Feeling slightly uncomfortable with the turn of the conversation, Shika nodded but didn't say much else. After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Motohiro excused himself, leaving Shika standing there, unsure of how to feel about the whole thing.



Later that day, Motohiro found himself in the courtyard, sitting with Rio and Maemi, trying to process the rejection. He let out a deep sigh, catching the attention of his friends.

"Hey, man. What's up?" Rio asked, noticing the gloomy expression on Motohiro's face.

Motohiro looked at them both, trying to find the right words. "I, uh… I asked Shika out today."

Maemi's eyes widened with curiosity. "And?"

Motohiro rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a bit embarrassed. "She said she just wanted to be friends."

Maemi, ever the optimist, put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Oh, Motohiro, I'm sorry. But honestly, don't worry about it. There are plenty of other girls who'd love to go out with you."

Rio nodded in agreement. "Yeah, man. Maybe Shika just needs some time. You never know how things might turn out later."

Motohiro appreciated their words, though they didn't completely ease the sting of rejection. "Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it."



The next day, as planned, Shika and Motohiro met at the café for lunch. The atmosphere was a bit tense, with Shika still feeling cautious about the situation. She didn't want to hurt Motohiro's feelings, but she also didn't want to give him the wrong idea.

Motohiro, eager to keep the conversation light, tried to make small talk. "So, Shika, how was your weekend?"

"It was good," Shika replied politely, taking a sip of her drink. "Just spent some time with my family."

"That's nice," Motohiro said, though he could sense that she wasn't exactly eager to talk. "Did you do anything fun?"

Shika shook her head, keeping her answers short. "Not really. It was just a quiet weekend."

Motohiro noticed the guarded tone in her voice and decided to switch gears. He leaned forward slightly and flashed her what he hoped was a charming smile. "You know, Shika, you look really beautiful today."

Shika's cheeks flushed at the compliment, but she felt a bit uncomfortable with the shift in conversation. Not wanting to encourage any romantic tension, she quickly changed the subject. "Hey, have you heard about the new sushi place near the park?" she asked, hoping to steer things in a more neutral direction.

Motohiro, sensing the change, went along with it, though he couldn't hide his slight disappointment. "No, I haven't. Is it any good?"

Shika smiled, relieved that the conversation had shifted. "It's amazing! You have to try the spicy tuna roll. It's my favorite."

Motohiro smiled back, grateful for the lighter topic. "I'll definitely check it out. Thanks for the recommendation."

After they finished eating, Shika thanked Motohiro for a nice lunch but quickly excused herself. "I have to go work on a science project," she explained, grabbing her bag.

Motohiro watched as she left, a hint of disappointment lingering. While he appreciated the lunch, it was clear that Shika wasn't interested in anything more than friendship. It wasn't the outcome he had hoped for, but he couldn't help but admire her for being honest and kind about it.



The weekend arrived, and Shika was enjoying the comfort of her bed when her mom knocked on the door, calling her name. "Shika, Ryoku and Luna are here!" her mother said, peeking into the room.

Shika groaned softly, pulling herself out of bed. She had completely forgotten they were coming over to study for the upcoming exams. Quickly dressing, she made her way downstairs to greet them.

Once they were settled in her room, Luna and Ryoku wasted no time pulling out their textbooks. "We need your help, Shika," Luna said with a playful grin. "These formulas are going to drive me insane."

Shika laughed. "Don't worry, we'll figure them out together." The three of them huddled over the books, diving into a focused study session.

Just as they were getting into the groove, the doorbell rang. Shika stood up, curious about who it could be. Ryoku and Luna, equally curious, followed her downstairs and waited on the staircase while Shika went to open the door.

To her surprise, Sota and his little sister, Tenshi, stood on the doorstep, each holding a piece of cake.

"Sota?" Shika said, blinking in surprise. Luna's eyes went wide, and her mouth dropped open in shock. Ryoku, on the other hand, smiled knowingly, intrigued by the unexpected visitors.

Sota seemed slightly flustered by their reaction. "Hey," he said, glancing at the girls behind Shika. "I didn't mean to interrupt. I'll leave—"

Before he could turn to go, Shika's mom appeared behind her. "Who's at the door?" she asked, peering over Shika's shoulder. "Oh, Sota! Welcome! Come on in."

Sota shifted uncomfortably. "It's fine, I can come back later."

"Nonsense," Shika's mom insisted, ushering him and Tenshi inside. "There's always room for guests." She led them into the living room.

Shika, feeling her pulse quicken, rushed back upstairs, her mind racing. Luna and Ryoku were already giving her curious looks, and Luna raised an eyebrow. "Okay, spill. What's going on here?"

Shika, clearly flustered, waved her hands in apology. "I'm sorry! I'll explain everything at school. Please don't make a big deal out of it."

Ryoku smiled kindly. "It's fine. Go ahead. We'll leave you to it. See you at school."

Shika walked them to the door, still jittery from the unexpected visit. After they left, she took a deep breath before returning to the living room, where Sota and Tenshi were waiting. Tenshi and Ichigo were happily eating the cake they had brought.

As Shika entered, Tenshi looked up with a bright smile and held out a piece of red velvet cake. "Here, Shika! Try some!"

"Thanks, Tenshi," Shika said, taking a bite. But as she did, a dollop of red cream smeared across her nose. Ichigo and Tenshi burst into laughter.

Sota, watching the scene unfold, chuckled. "You eat like a baby," he teased, his voice lighthearted.

Shika blushed, flustered by his teasing. "What?" she mumbled, reaching for a napkin.

Ichigo and Tenshi giggled, pointing at her nose. "You've got cream on your face!" Tenshi said.

Before Shika could grab the tissue, Sota leaned forward, still laughing, and gently wiped the cream off her nose with a napkin. His smile was warm, and his eyes held a softness she hadn't noticed before.

Shika smiled back, her blush deepening as she locked eyes with him for a moment longer than she expected. There was something comforting about the way he was looking at her, and it left her feeling a little less flustered than before.

Sota leaned back with a playful grin. "Better now?"

"Yeah, thanks," Shika replied softly, still feeling the warmth of that shared moment.

They continued chatting with the girls, and by the time Sota and Tenshi were ready to leave, Shika realized that her initial nervousness had faded. Watching Sota interact with Tenshi and her family gave her a glimpse of a side of him she wasn't used to seeing—a softer, more thoughtful side that contrasted with his usual aloofness at school.



The next day at school, Luna and Ryoku wasted no time approaching Shika. Clearly, they were still curious about what had happened the day before.

"So... what exactly happened yesterday?" Ryoku asked, her eyes gleaming with interest.

Luna chimed in, crossing her arms. "Since when does Sota come to your house? You've been keeping secrets, haven't you?" she teased, though her curiosity was genuine.

Feeling the pressure from their questions, Shika sighed. "It's really nothing," she insisted, waving her hands dismissively. "My mom invited his little sister over to play with Ichigo. He just came along with her."

Ryoku raised an eyebrow. "But you seemed flustered yesterday."

Luna nodded. "Yeah, and what about that look you had when you came back upstairs?"

Feeling cornered, Shika took a deep breath. "Look, I've made up my mind. Sota's a jerk, okay? I don't like his personality."

Unbeknownst to them, Sota and Heizen had entered the classroom behind them and overheard the conversation. Sota's usual calm expression darkened, and before Shika could continue, he swiftly came up behind her and clamped his hand over her mouth.

Shika's eyes widened in surprise.

"You talk too much," Sota muttered, clearly irritated. He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to the group. "There's a match tonight. Come if you want."

Ryoku, always excited about anything involving Sota and Heizen, brightened immediately. "Of course! We'll be there!" she said eagerly.

Shika, still reeling from Sota's sudden interruption, exchanged a glance with Luna. They both knew they didn't really want to go, but with Ryoku's enthusiasm, it was hard to say no.

"Fine," Shika muttered. Luna nodded in reluctant agreement.



That evening, as the group entered the corridor leading to the stadium, Sota and Heizen were preparing for the big match. Sota glanced at Heizen with a grin. "Are you ready?"

Heizen, brimming with confidence, slapped Sota on the back. "Of course."

The stadium was buzzing with excitement as they entered the field. Ryoku, Luna, and Shika took their seats in the stands just as the match began. It was intense, with Sota's team showing impressive skill and teamwork. Eventually, they won, and the stadium erupted with cheers.

Ryoku, nearly dragging Shika and Luna with her, ran down to congratulate Sota and Heizen. "That was amazing! You guys were incredible!" Ryoku beamed.

Sota gave a modest smile, while Heizen basked in the attention. "Thanks! It was a team effort," Sota said, his eyes briefly meeting Shika's before he quickly looked away.



The next day at school, Shika entered the classroom with a purpose. Her eyes instinctively drifted toward Sota's seat, but instead of seeing him sitting alone as usual, she noticed a group of girls surrounding him, giggling and congratulating him on the win from the night before.

A wave of discomfort hit Shika as she watched from afar. Her heart felt heavy as she realized how close they were standing to him, their excited chatter filling the air. Unable to shake the feeling, she found herself walking over to where Sota and the girls stood, though she wasn't entirely sure why.

As she approached, Shika hesitated for a moment, but then, gathering her courage, she spoke softly, "Excuse me... do you mind giving us some space?"

The girls turned to look at her, their expressions confused and slightly annoyed. "Why should we?" one of them sneered.

Another girl added in a whisper, "She's creepy," and, despite their reluctance, they slowly backed away, leaving Shika and Sota alone.

Sota raised an eyebrow, amused by the situation. "Thanks for that," he said with a small smile. "But you really don't have to worry about them."

Shika nodded, her face calm but her heart racing. "No problem," she said softly, though inside, she was battling the strange feelings bubbling to the surface.

Sota, noticing her slightly flustered state, leaned in closer. "Is everything okay?" he asked, his voice genuinely concerned.

Shika hesitated, not sure how to explain what she was feeling. After a brief pause, she forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

As Sota turned back to his notebook, Shika walked slowly back to her seat, her thoughts racing. I shouldn't have acted that way, she thought. Whether he's nice to other girls or not is none of my business.

But even as she told herself that, the feeling didn't go away. Sitting down at her desk, she stared blankly at her notebook, unable to focus.

Why did I feel jealous? she wondered, her fingers tapping anxiously. Do I have feelings for Sota? Could I... love him?

Shika sighed, pushing the thought aside. But deep down, she knew those feelings weren't going away anytime soon.


Meanwhile, Luna, Motohiro, Rio, and Maemi were deeply engrossed in planning for the upcoming school events. The air was buzzing with energy as they brainstormed new ideas and worked through logistics, ensuring everything was in place for the highly anticipated school dance.

Shika, who had never been involved in school activities before, found herself increasingly drawn into their discussions. Watching their dedication piqued her curiosity, and before long, she started offering her own suggestions. It didn't take long for her to become an integral part of the team.

Their main project was the school dance, an event that hadn't been held in years. With excitement building among the students, there was pressure to make it a success.

One afternoon, while they were working in the courtyard, Luna turned to Shika with a thoughtful look. "Hey, we've got the dance coming up next month. Would you be interested in helping with the decorations?"

Shika's eyes lit up at the idea. "Of course! I'd love to help."



As the days passed, Shika became more immersed in the preparations. The group worked tirelessly to make sure every detail was perfect. However, as with any big project, there were moments of tension.

One afternoon, while they were finalizing plans, Motohiro and Maemi began bickering over the playlist.

"We need more upbeat music," Motohiro insisted, crossing his arms stubbornly. "Something that'll get people dancing."

Maemi shook her head, equally determined. "No, we need more slow songs. It's a dance, not a party! People want something romantic."

The argument escalated, each of them convinced their approach was the right one. Shika, sighed and stepped in. "Alright, how about we compromise? We'll include a mix of both upbeat songs and slow songs so everyone's happy."

Motohiro and Maemi exchanged reluctant glances but eventually agreed. With Shika's diplomacy, the tension eased, and they resumed working on the playlist without further arguments.

While the music debate was settled, Rio had been facing a different challenge—finding affordable refreshments. With their budget stretched thin, most vendors were far too expensive.

"I've contacted so many places, and nothing is working out," Rio complained one afternoon, looking defeated.

Luna, offered a suggestion. "Why don't we reach out to local businesses? Maybe they'd be willing to offer us a discount, especially if we mention it's for a school event."

Motohiro nodded in agreement. "Or we could look for a bakery or restaurant that might want to sponsor us in exchange for some publicity."

Taking Luna's advice, Rio contacted local vendors, and after some effort, they secured a deal with a bakery willing to provide refreshments at a discounted rate. The group finally breathed a sigh of relief—the last major hurdle had been cleared.



The night of the school dance arrived, and the gymnasium had been transformed. The decorations were stunning, the music was playing, and the students poured in, excited to celebrate. Everything the team had worked for was coming together.

As the night progressed, the atmosphere was filled with joy and laughter. Students danced, enjoyed the refreshments, and complimented the event's success.

But then, the music shifted from upbeat tunes to a slow, romantic melody. The mood changed as couples paired off and swayed to the gentle rhythm.

Heizen, who had been dancing with Syuka, noticed Ryoku standing by herself, watching the dancers. With a smile, he made his way over to her. "Hey, Ryoku, want to join us?" He extended his hand, while Syuka gave an encouraging nod.

Surprised but pleased, Ryoku accepted the invitation. "Sure," she said, following them onto the dance floor. Together, they laughed and moved to the soft music, enjoying the moment.

Across the room, Sota found himself surrounded by a group of girls, each vying for his attention. Though he seemed calm and collected, it was clear he didn't mind the attention, dancing from one partner to the next as the girls tugged at him, eager to be part of his night.

From afar, Shika watched the scene unfold, her heart sinking as she saw the crowd of girls around Sota. A familiar pang of jealousy hit her, though she tried her best to push it aside. He's too popular to ever notice someone like me, she thought, sighing quietly.

Luna, who had been standing nearby, nudged Shika gently, oblivious to her inner turmoil. "Can you believe how well everything turned out?" Luna said, grinning as she sipped her drink. "We really pulled it off."

Shika forced a smile, pushing thoughts of Sota aside. "Yeah, it's been amazing," she replied, trying to focus on the success of the night instead of the confusing emotions swirling in her mind.



As Shika stood off to the side, Motohiro noticed her looking at Sota and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to talk to her. He approached with a friendly smile, determined to lift her spirits.

"Hey, Shika," he began. "Would you like to dance with me?"

Shika looked up, surprised by the sudden request. "Oh, hi, Motohiro. Thanks for asking, but I think I'll just watch for now."

Motohiro frowned slightly, clearly disappointed but still hopeful. "Come on, it's just one dance. I promise it'll be fun."

Shika hesitated, glancing at the dance floor. "I appreciate it, but I think I'll pass."

Luna, who had overheard the conversation, decided to step in. "Oh, come on, Shika! Give him a chance. Motohiro's a great dancer—you might even enjoy yourself."

Shika gave Luna a half-hearted smile. "I don't know. I'm just not in the mood to dance tonight."

Sensing Shika's reluctance, Motohiro backed off a little. "That's okay. How about we just talk for a bit?"

After a brief pause, Shika nodded. "Alright. Talking sounds nice."

They moved away from the crowded dance floor, finding a quieter corner to sit and chat. The music and the laughter of the other students faded into the background, and the mood shifted to something more relaxed.

"So," Shika asked, curious, "what do you want to talk about?"

Motohiro smiled warmly. "I just wanted to say thanks for all your help with the dance preparations. You've been a real asset to the team. We couldn't have done it without you."

Shika blushed, looking down at her feet. "It was nothing, really. I just wanted to help."

Motohiro shook his head. "No, seriously. You've been amazing."

Shika smiled at his kind words, feeling a little more at ease. "Thank you, Motohiro. I'm glad I could be part of it."

As they continued talking, Shika found herself relaxing. While the night had started with thoughts of Sota clouding her mind, she was surprised by how comforting it was to chat with Motohiro.