Chapter 24: Arrival

Makima was in her room, quietly observing the garden as the breeze moved her reddish hair. Rika, behind her, was carefully packing their belongings. Makima had already informed Naoya about their departure, asking him not to tell anyone else in the clan. Although Naoya was confused, he didn't ask too many questions. He knew that if Makima had decided something, it had to be for an important reason.

When Rika finished packing, all that was left was to wait for the car that would come to pick them up. She looked at Makima, who was still deep in thought, watching the garden. If she didn't know the truth about her mistress, she might think she was an innocent child. However, Rika knew that behind that serene beauty was an implacable coldness.

Suddenly, Rika broke the silence. "I'm going to say goodbye to someone," she said, her gaze fixed on Makima.

Without taking her eyes off the garden, Makima replied emotionlessly, "Who?"

"Kaori," Rika responded, waiting for her mistress's reaction.

Makima merely said, "Fine," with complete indifference, as if the mention of Kaori, her deceased mother, meant nothing to her. Knowing not to insist, Rika quietly left the room.

She headed to the small altar that had been dedicated to Kaori. Although most of the clan seemed to have forgotten her existence, Rika always held a special respect for Makima's mother. She lit a small candle and clasped her hands in a brief prayer. "Kaori-sama," she whispered, "I say goodbye for now. Please watch over us from wherever you are."

After the short farewell, Rika returned to the room, where Makima still sat motionless, as calm as before. There were no further words between them.

An hour later, they were both at the entrance, where the car awaited them. The driver bowed before opening the door for them. It was eight in the morning when they got into the vehicle. As the car started, Rika stared out the window, lost in thought. She knew this trip marked a new beginning, but she wasn't sure where it would take them.

Inside the car, silence stretched for several minutes. Finally, Rika broke the stillness. "What do you expect from all this?" she asked, looking at Makima with curiosity.

Makima glanced at her and gave a small smile. "I don't know," she replied calmly. "I suppose I just want information from the outside. Books and people only offer limited knowledge. Experiencing things firsthand is best."

Rika nodded, understanding just enough. Although she knew Makima rarely shared her true intentions, she was sure there was more behind that answer.

"Besides," Makima added, looking back out the window, "it will be more useful for you. I am not a teacher, and my methods have their limitations."

Rika remained silent, processing those words. She knew the trip would be revealing, both for her and for Makima, but only time would tell what truly awaited them.

The journey had been long and quiet, but they finally reached their destination. As the car stopped, Makima and Rika saw Satoru Gojo waiting at the entrance with a flashy demeanor. As expected, Gojo was waving exaggeratedly to greet them, sporting a wide, carefree smile. In his other hand, he held a sign that read in large letters: Zenin.

Rika couldn't help but sigh, visibly uncomfortable with the man's nonchalant attitude. "Is this for real...?" she muttered under her breath, a bead of sweat forming on her forehead. For her part, Makima remained unfazed, paying little attention to Gojo's extravagance, calmly stepping out of the car.

Both stood in front of him, and Gojo, keeping his smile, looked them up and down with exaggerated curiosity. "Are you the Zenins?" he asked in a mocking tone, though he clearly knew the answer.

Makima, with a neutral expression, responded bluntly, "Cut the theatrics already."

Gojo placed a hand over his heart, feigning hurt. "Ugh! Your sense of humor is as dry as Megumi's. And that's saying a lot!"

Rika, who had been silent up until then, simply rolled her eyes at the scene unfolding before her. "Unbelievable..." she thought, wondering how someone so eccentric could be one of the most powerful sorcerers in the world.

"Anyway," Gojo continued, shrugging and returning to his usual tone, "I'll take you to your room." Without further ado, Gojo made a gesture with his hand, and in the blink of an eye, the three of them were transported in front of a small, traditional Japanese-style house. It was surrounded by a dense bamboo forest, far removed from the main building of the sorcery school.

Makima turned her head, observing her surroundings with mild curiosity. "Why so far from the main building?" she asked, not fully understanding the reason for the location.

Gojo smiled, this time more calmly, and replied, "Orders from above. Besides, you're not an official student, Makima. You'll only be able to enter the school when I'm present."

Rika snorted, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes again. "Seriously? Don't tell me we're going to be that controlled the whole time..." she muttered with clear frustration.

Gojo, ever relaxed, shrugged again. "It's how things are for now. But, if it's any consolation, you won't be bored. Makima here has very... interesting ways of passing the time, doesn't she?" he said, throwing a conspiratorial glance at Makima, though she completely ignored him.

While Makima continued to survey the area, Gojo kept talking. "Anyway, if you need anything, just call me. I'm a snap away. Literally."

"How convenient," Rika murmured sarcastically.

Gojo just smiled with his typical carefree air and turned to leave. "See you later. Enjoy your stay at the humble Zenin house." And, with a blink, he disappeared as quickly as he had appeared.

When they were alone, Rika let out a long sigh. "This is going to be more complicated than I thought," she remarked, casting a glance at the small house that would be their temporary refuge.

Makima, for her part, showed no emotion. "It doesn't matter," she said as she moved toward the entrance. "We'll adapt as always. What matters is what we'll learn here."

Rika followed her, though with less enthusiasm. She knew that any stay with her would be difficult, but she had gotten used to it after all.

Rika was in the small room assigned to them, quickly organizing their luggage. She took out the clothes and carefully placed them in the wooden shelves. Despite the space being smaller than she had expected, organization and order were essential, especially for Makima's clothes. After a few minutes, everything was in place. Rika let out a long, satisfied sigh and smiled slightly at seeing everything in order.

With the work done, she left the room and began to search for her mistress. She hadn't called for her, but she assumed she was nearby. After a brief search, she found her on the front porch, calmly sitting on the floor, completely engrossed in a thick book. The light breeze moved her reddish hair, but Makima seemed oblivious to it. Rika stood there for a moment, wondering how important that book must be.

Makima only looked up from her reading when Rika approached. In a calm voice, without taking her eyes off the pages, she asked, "Are you finished?"

Rika nodded, always respectful. "Yes, I just finished. You just need to arrange the clothes in the wardrobe to your liking." She paused, then with slight curiosity, continued, "If it's not too much to ask, what are you reading that's so... complex?"

Makima finally closed the book and set it aside. It was a volume on nuclear physics, as thick as it was dense in concepts. The book's cover displayed an abstract design of molecules and particles, a cover that immediately spoke of something advanced, beyond the reach of most. Makima had been reading it intently and now placed it calmly on the ground.

"Knowledge is power... literally, for me it is," Makima replied confidently. "This book is helping me understand some abstract concepts that I consider essential. I need to comprehend the world at its core."

Rika looked at her silently, accustomed to the intensity that always surrounded her. The fact that Makima was reading about nuclear physics seemed both fascinating and disconcerting. How did that fit into her plans? Rika stayed quiet, accepting that her mistress always had reasons she didn't easily share.

"And how do you plan to apply all that?" she asked, curious, not challenging her, just interested in understanding her perspective. She knew that what Makima was learning wasn't just out of curiosity.

Makima smiled slightly, though her eyes did not. "You'll see, because when the time comes, you'll understand why I need it."

Rika nodded, understanding the implication. She didn't need more explanations. She knew Makima had big plans in mind, even if she didn't fully grasp what was in motion. In her role as a servant, all she could do was wait and obey, no matter the details.

"Understood," Rika said in her usual tone. "Is there anything else I should do for now?"

Makima looked at the horizon for a moment, her face impassive. "No, for now it's fine. Do what you need to, and when I'm finished, we'll find a way for your learning to be productive here as well."

Rika nodded again and quietly left Makima's side to continue with her tasks, while Makima refocused on her book, her gaze now locked on the pages of nuclear physics, as if seeking something only she could understand. The atmosphere in the house remained serene, yet the tension that always seemed to follow Makima lingered, like a whisper behind every word, every subtle movement.

The day continued, and although the sun shone brightly in the sky, Rika couldn't shake the feeling that something was brewing, though she had no idea what. The only certainty was that it would be anything but ordinary.