Chapter 39: Heredity

Chapter of the 150 Stones


Makima was striking a training dummy in the courtyard of the jujutsu school. The sun shone brightly, illuminating her figure as each punch echoed through the air. She had some free time and decided to use it to improve her combat skills. Sweat beaded her forehead, but she felt satisfied with her effort. However, her concentration was interrupted when she felt someone's gaze on her. Looking up, she noticed a boy her age with spiky black hair and matching dark eyes, leaning against the building's railing, watching her.

She was going to ignore him and continue her training, but suddenly, Gojo's voice resonated behind her. "There you are! I was looking for you, thinking you'd gotten lost." He called out to the boy, who was still gazing toward the courtyard. Makima wondered why she was paying so much attention to this boy when she realized that, at the same time, she was staring at him just as intently. How awkward, Gojo thought, sensing the tension in the air.

"Hey, Megumi," Gojo continued in a playful tone, "I know you're at that age, but flirting isn't just staring at a girl; that only scares them off." The now-named Megumi let out a frustrated grunt. "What the heck are you talking about?" Gojo laughed, giving him a friendly pat on the back. "Heh, don't play dumb. Want me to introduce you? Hey, Makima, come here. Let me introduce you to… my adoptive son, I think." His last comment carried an implicit doubt that only further irritated Megumi.

Makima, intrigued by the situation, picked up her towel and approached them. "What's going on? I didn't know you had a son," she said, looking at Megumi, who only scowled at the discomfort of being introduced this way.

"This is Megumi Fushiguro, a kid I found on the street and decided to take care of," Gojo explained with a carefree smile. Makima raised an eyebrow; the revelation surprised her. She hadn't known Gojo had such tendencies, recalling Rika and her own circumstances.

"Megumi, this is Makima Zenin," Gojo continued, ignoring the awkwardness hovering in the air. Upon hearing her surname, Megumi's eyes widened, processing the information. "Zenin? Then…" His voice held a mix of surprise and confusion. Gojo nodded as if that explained everything. "Yeah, she's related to you, so bad luck; your relationship's impossible… or is it?" Megumi's discomfort turned to frustration. "Shut up!" he exclaimed, his face flushing slightly.

Makima, feeling even more confused, looked at Gojo with curiosity. "Related? What do you mean?" Gojo smiled, enjoying the confusion on their faces. "Well, let's just say he has Zenin blood and was the son of a clan member. Certain circumstances made him my responsibility now."

Makima's gaze focused more intently on Megumi. She remembered her father mentioning the Fushiguro name more than once, but the connection still didn't fully make sense. Under Makima's intense gaze, Megumi began to feel uncomfortable, searching for a way out of the situation. Noticing the growing tension, Gojo decided to intervene. "Anyway, I brought him here because he'll be starting formal jujutsu training next year, just like you. So you two will be classmates. Please try to get along."

"Well, Megumi, stay with Makima for a while. I need to go fetch something," Gojo said, smiling nonchalantly before disappearing at a quick pace, leaving them alone in the hallway.

Megumi stood still, feeling the silence growing more uncomfortable. He had heard Gojo mention a girl from the Zenin clan he was in charge of, but he hadn't expected to meet her so soon or to be left alone with her. Just as his thoughts began to tangle, a calm, direct voice broke the tension.

"So…" Makima began, looking at him with an evaluative expression, "why aren't you part of the clan?"

Megumi hesitated, surprised by her bluntness. "Well, I don't know much about that," he admitted, scratching his cheek. "Like Gojo said, he found me on the street. The Zenin clan was about to pick me up, but he got there first and gave me the choice to go with him."

Makima raised an eyebrow, assessing him in silence. "Why did you accept?"

Megumi, uncomfortable under her inquisitive gaze, finally responded, "I asked him if my sister could live comfortably in the Zenin clan. He said no."

Makima's expression shifted to one of disbelief, making Megumi feel even more uncomfortable. "And you believed him?" she questioned, as if it were obvious he had done something foolish. "You trusted a complete stranger while your family was looking for you?"

Makima's tone made him squirm, and his discomfort turned into something else, something he didn't quite understand. Why did her words affect him so much? "I didn't have many options," he replied, looking at the ground. "And… Gojo didn't lie. He took care of me and my sister. He gave us a home, education… The only thing he asked in return was that I become a sorcerer and surpass him."

Makima tilted her head with curiosity. "Surpass him? What do you mean?"

Megumi hesitated but eventually explained, "My technique is something… special, it seems. It's called the Ten Shadows Technique. I can summon ten shikigami, but I have to tame them first."

Upon hearing this, Makima's eyes widened slightly. The Ten Shadows? she thought. She remembered that technique from the texts she had read in the clan. It was the Zenin clan's most powerful hereditary ability, and now, someone outside their lineage possessed it. She looked at Megumi as if he were a thief.

"Show me," she ordered bluntly, the coldness in her voice making it clear this wasn't a simple request.

Megumi stepped back slightly, surprised by the authority in her words. "I don't think it's necessary… Besides, if Gojo finds out that…" he tried to explain, but Makima cut him off with an even firmer tone.

"I said, do it." Her gaze seemed to pierce through him, and Megumi, not wanting to confront her, decided to yield.

Not wanting to cause trouble, Megumi relented. Trembling, he brought his hands together, forming a seal, and murmured, "Divine Dogs."

Megumi's shadow began to morph, taking the form of two wolves that, once fully materialized, let out a howl; one was entirely black and the other white. Both wolves looked at Makima and immediately backed away, beginning to growl and emit whines of distrust as they took shelter behind Megumi. Confused, he tried to calm them, but he noticed Makima's evaluative gaze.

"If it's the Ten Shadows…" Makima murmured to herself, scanning the wolves with an intense look. "Sit," she commanded coolly.

To Megumi's surprise, both wolves obeyed instantly, although their whimpers of discomfort didn't stop. Megumi looked at Makima, puzzled, not understanding how she had achieved that. With a simple gesture, he unsummoned the wolves but kept a cautious gaze on her, trying to process what had just happened.

He was about to ask something when a voice interrupted them.

"Makima!" It was Rika, approaching with a smile. Shoko had given her the rest of the day off, and she wanted to spend time with her mistress, but she stopped, surprised to see Megumi so close to her. Her expression turned into a scowl as she looked at him, quickly positioning herself beside Makima. "Who is this, Makima-sama?" she asked, frowning.

"This?" Megumi thought, puzzled by the way Rika looked at him. Why did this stranger treat him like that?

"Him?" Makima thought for a moment before responding, stroking Rika's long hair. "He's Megumi Fushiguro, Gojo's son."

Rika blinked, confused. "He has children?" she asked incredulously.

Without further response, Makima started walking toward the building, with Rika following closely, giving Megumi one last disdainful glance.

"Are you coming?" Makima asked, glancing at him sideways. Rika pouted, clearly annoyed by the interruption to her alone time. Megumi, somewhat hesitant, began to follow them at a cautious distance.

As they walked, Makima seemed to be scheming, her thoughts turning over what she had just discovered. If I can use the techniques of those under my control… does that mean that…