The Plan

It was 10:30 p.m., and everyone had gathered in the room—except for Felix. After a month apart, the team was finally together again. Meanwhile, Felix was in the hotel garage, retrieving a suitcase from the trunk of his BMW. When he eventually entered the room, he saw that the others were taking turns changing in the bathroom. Felix opened his suitcase and pulled out a red, long-sleeved shirt and gray lounge pants.

Klein and Lucia were still in their signature matching outfits: crisp blue suits with white shirts, both without ties. The couple had been married for six months and had a strong bond.

Klein, a black-haired man with a sharp sense of humor, exuded power and wisdom. His good looks and ability to lighten the mood made him an indispensable part of the group.

Lucia, with her brown hair and courageous spirit, was equally impressive. She was kind-hearted and naturally knew how to bring a smile to anyone's face, much like her husband.

After Felix changed into more casual clothes, he joined Klein and Lucia, who were seated at the table. Klein broke the silence, asking, "Felix, do you have any plans for the mission?"

Felix, standing with his suitcase still in hand, replied, "Not yet. First, I need to monitor the outside of the Leonardo Vinci Hotel where Saul Smith is staying. I'll use my surveillance drone for that. Once the outside is mapped out, I'll transform the drone into a cat to infiltrate the inside. It's a new model, and it can shapeshift."

Before Felix could say more, James, who had just finished changing, chimed in, "You should probably get started on that plan now."

Felix nodded. "Yeah, I'll get on it."

He then took out the drone and demonstrated its ability to shapeshift. The group watched in awe as the drone transformed from its normal state into a lifelike cat. Felix wasted no time and prepped the drone to take flight. Setting it on the edge of the large hotel window, he launched it. 

Felix controlled the drone from his laptop as it soared across the street to the Leonardo Vinci Hotel. Once it reached the building, he hacked into the hotel's CCTV system. The hack was successful, and Felix began analyzing the security footage. Saul's security was extremely tight—guards patrolled every area, from the rooftop down to the garage. As Felix scanned the footage, he spotted Saul on the 4th floor, the second-highest level of the hotel, in room 47. One detail stood out: every guard wore the same type of mask, resembling a gas mask.

Felix stood up from the table and addressed the group. "Alright, I've got a plan. I hacked the CCTV system and saw that Saul's security is intense, but they all wear the same kind of mask—like a gas mask. Here's the plan: once I corrupt the CCTV feeds, you guys need to knock out the guards at the entrance and switch into their uniforms. Head up to the 2nd floor, plant a bomb in the restaurant—don't worry, it's just a diversion. The blast will create chaos without harming anyone. Security will rush to the restaurant. While they're distracted, you'll head to the 4th floor and knock Saul out."

He paused for a moment before adding, "And if Saul escapes the hotel, don't worry. I'll take full responsibility. Just remember—no innocent people get hurt."

Felix added, "By the way, the plan will be executed tomorrow morning, so make sure you're prepared."

Klein nodded in approval. "The plan sounds solid, Felix."

"Thanks, Klein," Felix replied, glancing at James with a quick nod of appreciation.