Chapter 1: "Awakening the System"

The shrill sound of the alarm clock sliced through the morning silence, jarring Dave awake. With a groggy grunt, he slapped the snooze button, his eyes still heavy with sleep. He reluctantly blinked against the harsh light filtering through the curtains, his mind struggling to catch up with the waking world.

As he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, something unusual caught his attention. Floating beside his bed was a translucent window, glowing faintly. He squinted at it, unsure whether it was a figment of his imagination or a trick of the light.

[Welcome to the System of Attraction!]

The words shimmered across the screen, and Dave's heart raced. This can't be real, he thought. But the window remained, pulsating gently as if urging him to interact.

[I am your personal assistant, designed to help you navigate the complexities of attraction and relationships. My features will guide you in winning the hearts of the women you desire.]

Dave sat up, rubbing his eyes again, hoping to dispel the bizarre vision. Yet, the window remained, unwavering.

[Features Include:]

Conversation Guidance: Receive the perfect lines to say to women, tailored to their interests and desires.Appearance Customization: Edit your looks to attract your ideal partner.Interest Gauge: A bar that tracks the interest level of your romantic pursuits.Intimacy Assistance: Advice on how to escalate relationships to more intimate levels.

Is this for real? The words danced before his eyes, each feature sounding more absurd yet tantalizing than the last. Dave couldn't shake the feeling of disbelief—what kind of system would exist to help him, an average guy, with women? But the curiosity bubbled within him, igniting a flicker of hope.

After a few moments of hesitation, he decided to test the system. "Okay, let's see what you can do," he muttered to himself, excitement and skepticism mingling in his chest.

As the window faded, he dressed for work, thoughts swirling in his mind. What if it actually works? he pondered as he combed his hair, glancing at his reflection—1.60 meters tall, acne-prone, and sporting a pair of glasses that never quite fit. He sighed, feeling a twinge of hopelessness but pushed it aside. Today, he would put the system to the test.

At Work

Arriving at the office, Dave felt the weight of routine pressing down on him. The dull hum of fluorescent lights buzzed overhead, mixing with the soft chatter of co-workers. He trudged past cubicles, his colleagues already engrossed in their tasks. Each face he passed seemed to reflect the monotony of corporate life. As he settled at his desk, the system window popped back up, the familiar glow giving him a sense of purpose.

[What would you like to do today?]

"Flirt with someone," he said aloud, feeling slightly ridiculous. A moment later, the window displayed several suggestions.

[Select a Target:

Sarah – The charming receptionist everyone admires.Mia – The mysterious intern who keeps to herself.Lisa – The ambitious project manager known for her sharp wit.]

His gaze landed on Sarah. She was the quintessential beauty, with long, flowing chestnut hair that framed her face perfectly and large green eyes that sparkled with mischief. Her fitted blouse accentuated her ample cleavage, showcasing a pair of C-cup breasts that drew attention without being overly provocative. A black pencil skirt hugged her curves, emphasizing her shapely hips and round derrière. She radiated an effortless charm that captivated everyone in the office.

Everyone has a crush on her, he thought. What do I have to lose?

After a moment of contemplation, he chose Sarah. The system immediately generated a series of conversation starters.

[Try these lines:]

"Hey Sarah, do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?""I noticed you have a knack for brightening everyone's day; what's your secret?"

His heart raced as he approached her desk, the hum of conversation around him fading into the background. With each step, the thrill of possibility surged through him.

"Hey, Sarah!" he called out, mustering his best casual tone.

She looked up, her eyes sparkling with surprise. "Hey, Dave! What's up?"

Taking a deep breath, he recalled the system's first suggestion. "Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?" he quipped, trying to keep his voice steady.

A moment of silence hung in the air before she burst into laughter, a melodious sound that made his heart flutter. "That's a new one! I think you should walk by again, just to be safe."

Encouraged by her response, he pressed on. "So, what's your secret? You always manage to brighten everyone's day around here."

Her smile widened, revealing a set of perfectly aligned teeth. "Honestly, I just try to stay positive. But you know, it's hard not to when you work with such great people."

Dave leaned in slightly, maintaining eye contact. "I've always thought you were really amazing. I'd love to take you out sometime, maybe grab a coffee or dinner?"

As he spoke, he could feel the interest bar materializing in his mind's eye.

[Bar of Interest: ████░░░░░░ (40%)]

The sight of the filling bar sent a jolt of excitement through him. He continued to flirt, using the system's suggestions, each line drawing them closer.

"By the way, do you believe in fate? Because I think this might be one of those moments," he added, giving her a playful grin.

Sarah's cheeks flushed, and she leaned forward, clearly intrigued. "Fate, huh? That's a bold claim! What do you think makes this moment special?"

He felt emboldened by her interest and decided to take a chance. "Well, you're here, and I'm here, and the universe seems to be aligning just right, don't you think?"

They exchanged playful banter, laughter bubbling between them. Dave felt more at ease, his previous nervousness melting away as he realized the system was actually working.

"Honestly, I think you'd be an amazing partner for trivia night," he said, recalling how her knowledge often surprised him. "We'd crush it together!"

Sarah laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Are you suggesting a date centered around trivia? That's unique!"

"Why not? I promise to make it fun. Plus, I might even let you win," he winked, his confidence soaring.

As they spoke, the interest bar moved again.

[Bar of Interest: ███████░░░░ (70%)]

Feeling emboldened, Dave leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "You know, I've always thought that someone as wonderful as you shouldn't be alone. How about I take you out this weekend?"

Sarah's eyes sparkled with interest, and he could sense her intrigue growing. "I'd love that, Dave. Just let me know when!"

The bar climbed even higher, nearing the peak.

[Bar of Interest: ████████░░░ (85%)]

Dave could hardly believe what was happening. He felt a thrill coursing through him, a mixture of excitement and disbelief. This was far beyond what he had anticipated. "Great! I'll plan something fun, I promise."

"Looking forward to it," Sarah said, her tone warm, and she shot him a radiant smile.

As the conversation continued, Dave felt a connection forming, and the initial butterflies in his stomach transformed into confidence. They chatted about trivial office matters and shared laughs, a sense of camaraderie blooming between them.

But as the workday wrapped up, he could sense the tension of the moment hanging in the air, unspoken and electric. Sarah glanced at the clock, then back at him. "I guess I should get back to work. But I really can't wait for our date."

"Me neither," he replied, reluctant to let the moment end. "I'll text you later, okay?"

"Sounds good, Dave," she said, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

With a final wave, he turned to leave, his heart still racing. As he walked back to his desk, the gravity of what had just happened began to sink in. The system had not only given him the confidence to approach Sarah, but it had also opened his eyes to the possibility of a future he never thought he could have.

As he sat at his desk, the system window popped back up, the familiar glow giving him a sense of purpose once more.

[Congratulations! You have successfully increased your interest level with Sarah. Would you like to proceed with more targets or plan your next move?]

"Plan my next move," Dave said, the words flowing easily.

[Recommended: Engage with other women to expand your harem potential.]

Dave felt a thrill at the thought of expanding his options. For the first time in his life, he felt like he had a chance—not just with Sarah, but with many other women. This system, whatever it was, had the potential to change his life entirely.