Chapter 16: Reunion and Decision

The moment Jack, Sarah, Tom, and Anna stepped out of the ice cave, they were assaulted by the wind. But unlike the deathly chill inside the cave, this wind carried the breath of life. Anna leaned weakly on Jack, every step exhausting, yet her eyes were clearer than ever, as if she had found herself again in the warmth of the Heart of Oblivion.

All around them lay a vast expanse of ice, an endless white plain stretching in every direction. It felt as if they were the only living beings in a world of ice and snow. The sun hovered low on the horizon, emitting a dim light, giving the impression that this world was locked in eternal twilight. The storm raged on, but the faint golden glow of the Heart of Oblivion gave them a small measure of warmth and courage.

"Where do we go now?" Sarah asked, supporting Anna. Her voice was tired, but there was a resolute edge to it.

Jack squinted into the distance, the horizon blurred by the swirling storm. Somewhere ahead lay either escape or more danger and unknowns, but he knew they could no longer afford to stop. "We need to get out of this area and find a place to rest—at least so Anna can recover a bit." Jack's voice was low but firm.

Tom nodded. Despite his exhaustion, he mustered the strength to lead. "I remember a higher ice mound nearby when we came through. It might offer some shelter," he said, his tone laced with hope and uncertainty.

Jack clapped Tom on the shoulder. "Then let's go. Whatever it takes, we need to reach that mound and get away from the influence of the whispers and runes."

The four of them trudged through the storm, their breaths condensing into mist in the cold air. The flashlight's beam was weak in the dimness of the snow, but it was their only guide. Jack noticed that Anna's breathing was becoming more even, her face no longer as pale. The Heart of Oblivion was clearly having a profound effect on her.

They walked in silence for a long time, only the sound of their footsteps and the wind accompanying them. Every step felt like a struggle, but no one faltered. Jack kept recalling the route of their previous exploration, trying to find the direction and a safe path forward. A strong belief sustained him—whatever the cost, he had to lead his companions out of this desolate ice field alive.

After an indeterminate time, Tom suddenly stopped and pointed ahead. "There it is. I remember that ice mound." There was joy in his voice—a feeling of finding a lifeline in this wilderness between life and death.

Jack squinted in the faint light towards where Tom was pointing. Indeed, there was an ice mound that stood taller than the surroundings, with a hollow beneath it that might offer some shelter from the wind.

"Great, hang in there, everyone—we're almost there." Jack encouraged them. They quickened their pace and finally reached the hollow beneath the ice mound just before their strength gave out.

It was a naturally formed small ice cave, not very spacious but enough for the four of them to squeeze inside and rest. Jack crawled in first, lighting up the area with his flashlight to ensure there were no dangers before signaling Sarah and Tom to bring Anna inside.

"At least we can get out of the wind here," Sarah sighed softly, placing Anna in a relatively flat spot. She touched Anna's forehead, feeling her temperature gradually returning to normal.

Anna opened her eyes, looking at Sarah and Jack, tears welling up. "Thank you… if it weren't for you, I might have…" Her voice choked, unable to finish.

"Don't mention it. We're a team," Jack said gently, holding her hand. "We're all getting out of here safely."

Tom sat down beside them, taking out the notebook and leafing through its worn pages, seemingly searching for more useful information. Suddenly, his gaze froze on a particular page, and his expression grew serious.

"There's a passage here… it mentions the Heart of Oblivion and something called 'the Guardian,'" Tom said quietly, looking up at the others. "It says that the power of the Heart of Oblivion can only temporarily weaken the control of the runes. To truly eliminate the threat, we need to awaken the Guardian."

"The Guardian?" Sarah frowned, clearly uneasy about the term. "What is that? A person or… some kind of force?"

"The notebook doesn't explain it in detail, only that the Guardian is an ancient entity, the opposite of the runes and whispers," Tom replied, his brow furrowed. "But it doesn't say how we're supposed to find this Guardian."

Jack was silent for a moment, his eyes shifting between Anna and Sarah, then resting on the Heart of Oblivion in his hand. Its faint glow continued to pulse, as if answering their questions. "Either way, we have to find this Guardian. If the power of the runes and whispers isn't fully eradicated, we'll never truly escape."

Sarah nodded, a look of determination flashing in her eyes. "Then we move forward. Let's rest and recover here for now, and once Anna is better, we'll set out again."

Anna smiled faintly. Though her body was weak, her resolve was unwavering. "I'll be okay. Whatever it takes, we have to leave this cursed place."

For a while, the only sound inside the ice cave was the wind howling outside. The four of them huddled together, finding some comfort in each other's warmth. They knew that the road ahead was still fraught with unknown dangers and challenges, but they had made their choice: to keep moving, to seek out the mysterious Guardian, to find a real way out of the abyss.

The Heart of Oblivion pulsed gently in the dim light, as if hinting at their fate and the future of this ice field being intertwined. Perhaps more difficult trials awaited them ahead, but they were no longer alone—they had each other, and that was the strength that would carry them forward.