Chapter 3: Echoes of the Crimson Sky

In a headquarters decorated in red with a sun symbol in each corner, a man sat proudly, his uniform adorned with various ranks and stars hanging from his collar and shirt pocket. He appeared to be a high-ranking and influential commander of Japan's air forces—Marshal Ichiro Daichi, a distinguished figure in air combat strategy.

"Today, you are to patrol the skies and watch for any suspicious movements," Marshal Ichiro Daichi commanded, addressing his crew members with authority.

"Yes, sir!" they responded in unison, standing straight and ready.

"Captain Yoriko Daru, I appoint you as the leader of today's air patrol. You are a skilled and talented fighter pilot, and for the umpteenth time, I entrust you with this responsibility," Ichiro said as he assigned the task to Daru.

"Ready to carry it out, sir," Daru replied loudly and confidently. As usual, he was always prepared, no matter the time or situation. He was a reliable man.

Captain Yoriko Daru, known as the best fighter pilot in Japan's history, was the spearhead of the Japanese air force. His sharp mind for combat strategy and exceptional flying skills earned him the title "The King of Combat." In the annals of history, he was recorded as the victor of five air battles, where he single-handedly wiped out enemy forces in plane-to-plane combat.

"Alright, proceed now," commanded the Marshal.

"Ready!" the air fleets responded simultaneously. Under Captain Yoriko Daru's leadership, ten air fleets took off, filling the sky and watching over the city's entire population. Daru divided the personnel into three squads: the first three monitored the west, the next three the east, and the final four, along with Daru, oversaw the north. The task was not easy—they had to remain vigilant every second, knowing that even the slightest lapse could bring danger and death.

"Roger 1, to Captain Daru. This is Hideki Yoshita," Hideki said through his fighter plane's communication device.

"Go ahead, Roger 1," Daru replied to the call from Hideki Yoshita and his team.

"The west side is secure, sir. No signs of any threats," Hideki reported.

"Good. Stay alert, Sergeant."

"Understood," Hideki confirmed.

The sound of fighter planes echoed in the sky, disturbing the residents below. Some began to worry, wondering if an attack from the Japanese air force was imminent. Children cried hysterically, frightened by the loud noises.

The west side, led by Sergeant Hideki Yoshita, remained secure, as did the east side under the command of Sergeant Arata Haru. Likewise, Captain Yoriko Daru's northern watch remained safe with no signs of attack.

Suddenly, gunfire erupted. A series of attacks came from the east as six enemy fighter planes appeared out of nowhere.

"Roger 1, we are under attack from the east!" Hideki's panicked voice came through the communication device.

"Maintain your position," Daru ordered, his own voice carrying a hint of unease as he processed the sudden attack on Roger 1's group. A new strategy was needed fast as the situation became critical.

"Mayday! Mayday! Roger 1—Eiji Yori and Gyujino's teams have fallen," Sergeant Hideki reported, his voice filled with desperation.

"Can you still hold on, Hideki?" Daru asked.

"My plane's propeller is damaged, sir. It was hit in the initial barrage. I might not make it," Hideki's voice began to break up, the communication fading.

"Hideki, do you hear me? Hideki!!" Daru shouted, but the connection was lost. Roger 1 had fallen.

A new transmission came through: "Roger 1 has fallen. Roger 1 has fallen." The danger alarm blared loudly, signaling the disaster that had befallen Roger 1.

"Damn it!" Daru cursed in frustration, slamming his fist against the plane's control panel. This was the first time someone under his command had died in battle.

Daru quickly attempted to contact the Roger 2 squad in the east, instructing them to stay alert and avoid the fate of Roger 1. However, no response came. His suspicions were confirmed—Roger 2's communication line had been severed.

Now, only Roger 3 remained: Daru and his three comrades guarding the northern side. Whether they liked it or not, they had to face the enemy, even though they had no idea how many more planes awaited them. Retreating to base was not an option. Doing so would expose the location of the Nippon forces, leading to an enemy bombardment. They had to stand their ground, no matter the cost.

Taking a deep breath, Daru reached into his pocket and pulled out a small photograph. It was a picture of a woman named Reina Midori—his beloved fiancée. Reina was the reason he continued to fight, always giving him the strength to carry on.

Daru and Reina were supposed to have their wedding at the beginning of the year, but the war and his duties had postponed their plans. They had agreed to marry the following year, once Daru returned.

"Reina, I'm so sorry," Daru whispered, staring at the photo. He kissed it gently and placed it on the glass panel in front of him, drawing strength from the memory of his fiancée. He had to survive.

Suddenly, Daru's communications flared up again. "Roger, Kyojiro has fallen. Roger, Kyojiro has fallen," the alarm blared.

"Roger, Hayate and Saki have fallen. Hayate and Saki have fallen."

In the blink of an eye, only Daru and his friend Ikaru were left. Then, a deafening explosion rocked the sky—Ikaru's plane had been destroyed, leaving Daru alone.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Daru fought on, determined to return to base. But a sharp bullet pierced through his plane and hit him in the side. The propeller began to fail as the aircraft caught fire.

"Mayday, mayday! Yoriko Daru has fallen," Daru gasped into his radio, the pain in his voice unmistakable.

"I'm sorry, Reina. I can't keep my promise to marry you," he murmured, clutching his wound as blood seeped from his mouth.

Daru would never return to Reina. The brave King of Combat had fallen.

"As the sky swallowed the last traces of Daru’s plane, Reina stood by her window, her fingers absentmindedly tracing the ring that symbolized the promise of their future together. The letter from the air force lay unopened on her table, but she refused to believe the whispers of fate. In her heart, she clung to the hope that Daru, her beloved, would one day return—battle-worn but alive, just as he had promised.

Every day, she waited by the window, her gaze fixed on the horizon, searching for a glimpse of his plane, the familiar hum of its engine that once filled her with joy. But as the weeks turned to months, the silence became unbearable. Something told her there was more to his disappearance, a mystery waiting to be unraveled. The world around her mourned him, but Reina couldn’t shake the feeling that his story wasn’t over—that somewhere, beyond the clouds, Daru was still fighting to keep his promise.

And then, one fateful morning, a letter arrived—sealed in the same way as the others, yet carrying the weight of a secret too great to ignore. As she tore it open, her hands trembling, a single line stood out, shaking her to her core:

“He will return… when the sky burns red.”

Reina’s heart raced, her mind swirling with questions. What did it mean? Was it a message from Daru himself? And if so, how could she uncover the truth? Was Daru truly gone, or was there a hidden battle still waiting to be fought?

The answers lay far beyond the horizon, where only the brave dared to venture. And Reina knew, in that moment, her journey had only just begun.