Finding Her

“You are looking at her? Where? I am coming over keep her there.” Kang Seo Joon hurriedly dashed from his office.

“NamSuk-dong. I am busy but i will keep an eye till you get here,” he answered. Kang Seo joon rushed back into his bedroom, through on a black jean and white t-shirt, grabbed a jacket and dashed out the door.

It took him a while through traffic to get to the station. His impatience was building, as well as his stress. The traffic cared not for his mood and moved at it’s own pace. By the time he got to the station, more than thrity minutes had passed. The moment his car came to a stop at the police station parking lot, he called his contact as he rushed out of the car.

“Where are you?” his contact asked.

“I’m here.” he said as he rushed into the station. His eyes only scanned the room a second to spot her figure talking to an officer.

“Kim Hana-ssi!” he called to her.

Kim Hana heard the familiar voice and shun in shock. There he stood, dressed differently, but just as she remembered him to be; a towering wall.

“Kang Seo Joon-ssi!” she called back. For some reason her red eyes got even redder. She had for a moment thought she had dreamed what had happened to her. How could a drema be that real? She even considered that she had lost her mind from being stalked this long. But seeing him in front of her, she relaxed slightly. She had not realize how much panic filled her being and had not left when she slammed back into that supermarket and he was not there.

“Are you alright?” he asked and she nodded and he looked to the small crowd gathered around her. He had so many questions he wanted to ask, but soon recalled the situation she was in. He resolved that they would talk when they were alone.

“Who is the stalker?” he asked, dragging her to his side.

“That’s him,” Kim Hana pointed to her neighbour and Kang Seo Joon stepped forward. Looking at the scrawny man, his stress built and his irritation knawed at him.

“Are you crazy? What are you following her for?” he asked; his calm was cracking, his hands were itchy. “How can you follow someone that they are afraid to go home?” Kang Seo Joon grabbed his collar.

“You can’t do that here!” One of the officers stepped forward to stop them as Kang Seo Joon picked the man up leaving his feet begging for the grey tile on the ground.

“I just asked her what was wrong with her? Are you the boyfriend? Why was she walking alone on her own. All she has ever done is walk alone!” The stalker neighbour shouted back. The some police men tried to reconnect the stalker neighbour to the ground, while others tried to pull Kang Seo Joon away, but his tall form and large muscles ignored their weak protest.

“Who asked you to help her walk? Are you a public servant? Doing the work of god maybe? Loneliness police?” Kang Seo Joon could not help himself and kicked his knee while more police joined, forcing Kang Seo Joon rationallity to beg his calm to return and he releaed his grip, dropping the stalker neighbour to the floor.

“Seo Joon-ah!” Kang Seo Joon heard this familiar call. Since he had not bothered to cut the call, it seems his contact was alerted to the commotion, thus the frown adorning his face.

“Hyung.” Kang Seo Joon responded after a slight glance his way. Seeing the mid aged man approaching them, the two police officers saluted as they glanced between the mid aged man and Kang Seo Joon who was at most in his early thirties.

“What is going on?” the mid aged man asked as he walked over to Kang Seo Joon’s side.

“Superinterndent Kang, This lady reported him as a stalker. He said that he was only trying to help her home since she looked hurt, but the security cameras show weeks of stalking. We have procured the camera footage of the supermarket and she was really running from him. There is even one of him forcefully grabbing her this morning.” One of the officers explained.

“I wanted to talk to her but she started running away. I am her neighbour, is it wrong of me to talk to her? She could have said she did not want to talk. I only grabbed her to stop her for a moment, how is that a crime?” the stalker neighbour asked heatedly. Kang Seo Joon felt so itchy he threw a punch that connected with the neighbour’s jaw and the police stepped in between them.

“Seo Joon-ah!” held him back, his face mirrored his shock.

“I’m fine. I was just cleaning dirt on his mouth.” Kang Seo Joon said and the onlookers could almost nod at this explanation.

“It seems you and your girlfriend like to respond with violence.” a police officer commented.

“What?” Kang Seo Joon and Director Kang asked.

“She wants to press charges but she had beaten him with a spade. That makes things a little complicated,” the officer explained and Kang Seo Joon glanced at Kim Hana hiding behind him and she shrugged in response.

“Self defence,” Kang Seo Joon responded, “besides, why is she injured?”

His question caused everyone to pause and glance at Kim Hana covered in bruises. True. No one could explain her injury and she refused to comment on it.

“What are you going to do about him?” Superinterndent Kang asked.

“How about we send him off with a warning if he agrees to stay away from her and does not press charges for the assualt?” One police man looked at both parties.

“Then what about his assault?” The stalker neighbour asked.

“Can i go now? I have nothing to do with this.” one of the two girls standing by the corner asked.

“How are you not involved? You saw someone following me and spread rumor that we were dating so that neighbours would not even help me when I asked for help.” Kim Hana recalled that this net door neighbour of hers was still there.

“I did not know.” she said, “You’ve never shown me your boyfriend and he was always around you.” she pointed at the stalker neighbour.

“I just wanted to get to know my neighbour! How am i a stalker because of this?” the stalker neighbour responded completely provoked.

“Shut it, pervert. I even made comments every time you followed her home at night, if you were on a stroll with your girlfriend and even called her name and you never corrected me!” Kim Hana’s next door neighbour retorted in anger.

“That is a witness that he has always followed her home everynight. It is normal if she beats him with a spade. How is it assault?” Kang Seo Joon asked.

“Someone can testify that you have been following her home and there is evidence that you stalked her. What do you wish to do? Do you want to sleep in this cell or will you apologize and stay away from her? A stay away order will be written but you will not be charged, as long as you stay away, you should not have issues. What will you do?” Director Kang asked the stalker neighbour and he looked at everyone present and agreed through his teeth.

“Can I take her home now?” Kang Seo Joon asked and Director Kang raised a brow as his eyes glanced between Kim Hana and Kang Seo Joon, before looking to the officers in charge and they nodded.

“We have taken her statement, she can leave. We will process the stay away order,” an officer said and Kang Seo Joon bowed slightly and took Kim Hana’s hand to leave.

“Hyung, thank you for today. I will see you later,” he said and Director Kang nodded slightly at their leaving figures.

“Call me when things are settled.” he said but Kang Seo Joon only nodded and walked out the station with Kim Hana. A few seconds later, he pulled his phone and typed a message on the family group chat. It was only one sentence and it read; Seo Joon punched a man over girl in the police station today. Soon, his phone was buzzing without end but he ony chuckled and placed it back in his pocket without bothering to answer.