Assassin Interview

Hana and Seo Joon found themselves in what seemed to be a lobby of a large building infront of the reception desk. They did not have time to look around as the receptionist before them in an over sized navy blue suit talked to them.

“Applicant 69 and 96, please sign here,” she clumsily slid two tablets over to them while adjusting her glasses under her scattered coily bangs. Kang Seo Joon read through quckly, his hand tightening around Kim Hana as he read.

Both tablets had an e-document dispayed, both were completely identical. His tightened grip caused Kim Hana to join him to read the document. It was a contract between party A simply named, the company and Party B, the freelancer, both of them, simply named Freelancer 69 and freelancer 96.

The Freelancer was not allowed to disclose information about their work.

The freelancer was required to finish their mission no matter the target.