
The wind blows slowly from outside the cafe. The girl named Leviathan was slightly stunned looking at Kaiser "so, you don't need to lose your parents or your family to become a Dimensioner.”

He left the cafe, leaving the girl alone, and headed for a large building next to a gigantic structure now called the Dimensional Gate.

'Generally, if you want to enter the Dimensional Gate people will enter together on certain days. They usually consist of a minimum of 10 people with 1 High-Class Dimensioner.’

Kaiser opened the door of the magnificent building, “Welcome To The Dimensional Guild!” greet a receptionist warmly.

'However, for some reason, people are reluctant to form a team with me. Even people choose to stay away from me. Not since 1 Week ago when I registered as a Dimensioner, but rather— 4 years ago, when my father slaughtered the people in his group and died in there. They have given me an indignation that has nothing to do with it.'

Kaiser sighed and took a piece of paper from the notice board. That was the mission given to them by the guild.

For a Dimensioner who entered the Dimensional Gate alone, it would be nice for kaiser to choose a fairly easy mission. “I have to get stronger.” He said.

However, when he was about to take the mission from the receptionist, suddenly strangers came up to him and patted him on the shoulder as if they knew the Kaiser.

“Yo, bro.” Greet a tattooed man. “What's the matter?”


Very suspicious.

“You are a warrior, right? Incidentally, our party lacks a warrior, so - will you join our party? Of course, you'll get your share of the profits.” Friendly.

'The group I've heard of before, they'll kill me if I follow them.’

Even though he knew it would be dangerous to follow them, a smile was etched on Kaiser's lips as he nodded his head, “sure, that's a very tempting offer!” the lie.

“M-Mr. Kaiser..” the receptionist was about to stop the Kaiser, but the piercing gaze of the tattooed man left her speechless and in a cold sweat. "Haha, it doesn't matter, miss, they are trustworthy people, really,” Kaiser lied again. “Oh yeah, I want to register my name in the Guild's daily mission book." Kaiser took the notebook held by the receptionist and wrote down a series of words, which were clearly not written names, but messages.

“Then go straight to the boss!” The spirit of one of those 5 people.

They took the lead, walking out from within the Guild.

“Take it easy, I'll take care of it.” The fake smile was gone, replaced by his usual flat face. “I pray for your safety.” The receptionist sighed.

The gate is wide open. They entered the Dimensional Gate slowly. “Brother, how long has it been a Dimensioner?" "It's only been a week, I've only been exploring to the 3rd floor,” Kaiser replied, walking to the front while holding his sword tightly.

The first floor, only contains weak monsters such as Goblins. However, even so, goblins are quite troublesome monsters because they are often clustered.

And sure enough, the goblins began to appear.

“Come, my brothers!” the symbols on their bodies lit up red, brutally beating the goblins.

“Fire of destruction!” A person with a Delta symbol around his neck is casting magic, he is a Caster.

Apparently, Kaiser doesn't need to fight. The monsters have already been slaughtered by them. “Boss, just get on with it, I think I've had enough of this.”

Kaiser's calm gaze immediately narrowed, he knew that eventually this would happen. The five men surrounded him, with the tattooed man keeping his sword on his own shoulder. “That's right, brother, for your own safety, join us.”

“What do you mean?”

“We are a fairly well-known group of Dimensioners, you know? We loot, plunder and kill for our victory!” obviously one of the members with a bow in his hand.

It was obvious that they were just a bunch of bandits trapping innocent people.

“Bandit, really. I knew it, anyway.” The Kaiser drew his sword again, squinted his two red eyes and directed his energy towards the omega symbil on the back of his hand.

He tightened his grip: “I'm so sorry, even though I'm shunned by most people, it doesn't mean that I have to be a savage like you.”

“Talkative, fire of destruction!” directly attack Kaiser with magic, but the attack is quite slow. Kaiser was used to dealing with magical attacks, which he often practiced fighting alongside his father who was a Caster.