Mia was up before the sun had fully risen, a bubbling excitement coursing through her as she prepared for the day ahead. Today was special; she had made new friends at the studio, and one of them had even suggested a double date when she mentioned her sister, Ari. Mia had been eager to help her sister get over her heartbreak, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. She was determined to make this outing enjoyable, hoping it would lift Ari's spirits and distract her from the sadness that had been clouding her lately.

Mia dressed quickly, choosing an outfit that was casual yet flattering. Her new male friend had assured her that his friend was kind and fun, someone who might just be able to bring a smile to Ari's face. She finished getting ready and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. The smell of scrambled eggs and toast filled the house, and she prepared two plates, arranging everything just right before heading to Ari’s room.