March 5th, 2006, Yanaught Detective school, Aporium.
Two days ago, Daniel Smith arrived in Australia, that was on his birthday, his friend Xavier would have had his birthday on the 3rd of April, but unfortunately, he was murdered! The culprit was found just the day before, Simon invited Daniel to join him in Yanaught, so that he could show Daniel the Detective school.
The time was currently 8 A.M, they both looked toward the school, they had exited the portal into this world only seconds ago, they were now in a new land, a new place not part of their universe, another world!
The Yanaught detective school was big enough to accommodate at maximum 750 students and 25 staff, not including cleaning staff as they don’t need an office for cleaning staff. The entire school was a single story in height.
There was a notification plastered onto a window next to all the entrances of the school, but Daniel and Simon only knew of the one that was next to the entrance they were near, the message on the sheet of paper was in big bold letters and read: ‘new students please report to the principal's office to sign in, all other students please head to the assembly area, thank you.’
So, Daniel and Simon headed to the principal’s office, but since this was a new location that neither of them has been before, it was like traveling through a maze. Fortunately, Simon had a brilliant plan, he took from his bag a brochure which contained information about the classes, the teachers and Thomas Frank, whom at the time was the current principal. The image on the front cover was that of Thomas Frank, beside him were the four nominees for the best teacher award, the photo was taken the year prior, Thomas was holding the award, recently engraved on the name plate of the reward was that years winner, Leela Marane, she was in charge of the criminology class for the first year students. She still is the current teacher of the class mentioned above. However, all this information wasn’t important at that moment as the information they required was the map, which Simon turned to quite quickly after a short glance at the cover.
Anyway on their way they saw two students which were in the midst of a conversation, a female and a male, they were wearing their second year uniforms.
“So is it true, Cody?” The girl asked, “Are the rumours that you are in love with Mrs. Marane true?”
“‘Course not, honey,” was the boys response. “You’re the only star in my sky.” The girl was awestruck by the response, so much so that she kissed the boy on his right cheek, she then began skipping toward the assembly area.
A few seconds after the girl had vanished from sight and presumably out of earshot, Mrs. Marane appeared as if on cue, she approached the boy and they both kissed in a romantic embrace. After they finished their romantic moment, they both headed to the assembly area, but they split apart as they didn’t want to be seen together. Finally Simon and Daniel walked to the principal’s office.
“I wonder what that was about?” Daniel inquired.
“Probably a rehearsal for the drama club.” Simon replied, but Daniel could tell by the tone of his voice that he was quite uncertain about that statement.
“No, you and I both saw that the girl was long gone before the teacher and that student embraced.”
“But that would mean that the rumour that the girl and boy were discussing was actually true.”
“Yes, but we have no need to investigate this rumour, our current top priority is to register our names for the school roster.”
“Oh, so you have been reading the pamphlet, anyway, looks like we’re running out of time, it’s almost time for the first period, if we don’t register before then we will not be able to take any of the courses they have to offer here.”
So they both ran as fast as they could, at least Daniel tried to go fast, since he was fifty years of age, he was basically power walking.
Anyhow Simon arrived first, two minutes after they finished their conversation, however, Daniel arrived two minutes afterward. Fortunately they arrived five minutes before registration ended. For unknown reasons the registration book was atop a podium positioned a few centimetres from the principal’s desk, the book was already open.
Daniel and Simon wrote their names in the book, then suddenly the principal, Thomas Frank, entered the room.
“Ah, new students, go on take a seat, I’ll move that,” Said Mr. Frank, he then moved the podium out of the way, the podium slid across the floor as if it was made butter, and seemingly as light as styrofoam. “I was just about to take the registration book to read the names of our new students, but since you’re here, I guess we could have a small chit-chat.”
“Well thank you, Mr. Frank.” Said Dan.
“No, no! That won’t do,” Mr. Frank interrupted, “please, by all means, just call me Tom.”
“Ok then, Tom.” Simon replied quite enthusiastically. “I’m Simon, and this here is my friend Dan Smith.”
“Ah, you must be this ‘Smith’ who solved that mystery about Mr. Lanchouse’s death!” Tom stayed.
“Yes that’s the thing that brought me here, Xavier was my best friend for a very long time, we first met during a science class back when I was in primary school. Since those humble beginnings I knew that we’d work together as budding physicists.”
“So you two were long time friends, I’m sorry for your loss.”
Suddenly a siren rang out.
“Oh my, is it that time already? Come on you two, you must follow me to the assembly area, when we arrive you two must go back stage and when I announce your names, you will come through the curtains and collect your first year uniforms.” Said Tom.
“Quick question before we leave, how many years would one spend being educated here before graduating?” Dan inquired.
“The answer is four, hurry up, we must leave before the cleaner comes and thinks I’m slacking off.”
So the party of three strolled of to the assembly area, Daniel and Simon snuck behind the curtains when they arrived, they saw other students, they too were also beginning anew, because of this they were wearing casual clothes as well.
The principal was now on the stage, he was giving an epic soliloquy, his words filled each and every student with enthusiasm, once he had finished he called out the names a the students whom would be joining into the school’s curriculum that year in alphabetical order by last name.
Simon Blueford was called up to the stage long before Daniel, Simon entered the stage area, pushing the vivid red curtain aside as he passed through.
The light shone brightly into Simon’s eyes shortly after he passed the curtains, he stood tall on the stage and saw more then 200 students sitting in the large assembly area, it was almost daunting.
Tom told him to take a uniform and change in the locker room. So Simon left. The same thing Tom told Simon was repeated but to Daniel’s ears instead when he was on the stage. Simon knee this because Simon had returned seconds before Daniel’s last name. Dan left with his uniform in tow, he to traversed to the locker room. The ceremony finally ended after the teachers had handed out time tables to each and every student.
The siren sounded once more, eerily this occurred once the last time table that needed to handed out reached its recipient.
Daniel and Simon’s first class was year 1 criminology with Mrs. Marane.