Mystery at Mikey's Mansion - Author's Note + Symbol of a Madman

First and foremost, I need to mention that this story takes place on May 1st, 2006, meaning that canonically, this is Daniel’s sixth mystery, and it happens between mysteries 1.05 (New York, New Murder) and 1.06 (Midnight Murderer), this is the first canonical appearance of the name of Simon George. Even though this mystery happens before 1.06, the mystery that introduces Simon George, it's not required to read this book first as the criminal that committed the crime contained within is not the true Simon George.

When I was growing up, I used to love puzzles a lot, and I even played hidden object games during that time. My favourite series is Mystery Case Files, and to be honest, I did have to cheat by reading the strategy guide provided in Return to Ravenhearst and Dire Grove. Thankfully I have surpassed those issues, and I was able to get through other hidden object games without peeking at the strategy guides. Why is this pertinent?