Alan Detimis’ house, Everleason, Cascoss, June 2nd, 1999*
*Earth equivalent date.
Alan Detimis’ son Michael Detimis was on the roof of his house. He had dreams of one day becoming a pilot. There was a young lady next to him. He was aware that sitting beside this lady was potentially dangerous, but he didn’t care. He loved her, she loved him.
But who was this lady? Why was she potentially dangerous? This was Alissa Everstone, she was the daughter of one of Edgar Everstone’s children. Edgar was a notorious man, a nefarious ne’er do well. A godfather. Leader of a mafia. He was not one to be messed with. That was why Alissa was dangerous.
Michael got up and stretched.
“It certainly is a most wondrous night.” Michael noted, looking directly at Lucite, the local satellite of Rhombodian.
“Lucite is beautiful tonight. It is a bright full moon.” Alissa added. “Did you write any new poetry for me?”