Note 3: To save on repetition, anything said with square brackets will be translated by Alan Ticket. For example: ‘“[Hello]” Daniel said.’ In this case, Alan will say “Kon’nichiwa” to the person Daniel is conversing with. Another example is: ‘“[(Hello.)]” Stated the young boy.’ In this case a young boy said “kon’nichiwa” and Alan translated it to “hello.”
Sendai station, Sendai, Miyagi prefecture, 1:51 P.M
Daniel looked at the station, there were signs in English and Japanese. “[Is this Sendai station?]” Daniel inquired.
“[(Yes, it is.)]” Daisuke replied.
“[According to this report,]” Daniel stated with documents on his lap that the sergeant had passed him earlier. “[The train was heading northward. They turned the train in question back?]”
“[(Yes, that’s right.)]” Daisuke responded. “[(There is a depot in Morioko, but that is a two-hour drive and not in our Jurisdiction.)]”
Daniel nodded.