Big Deadly City (feat. Dr Draconias Myth) - Prologue + 1


Dear Diary

I am the great, magnificent, and eloquent Dr. Draconias Myth! I was yet again involved in yet another incident in the great city of Arkihimious. I was not accused of the crime in question; however, I was introduced to the fantastical Dr. D. S. Smith. Of course, I speak to you dear diary after Daniel had come to the solution of the case, so I could tell you now who the criminal was, however that would not be as interesting. It all started on the ‘look like someone else’ day in Arkihimious, the 14th of July, every year. I personally was not there, but Daniel’s deduction was quite on the mark as usual. But let me tell you the events as the started on that day from the point of view of Lila Protuve.

Mayoral Tower, secretary’s desk, Arkihimious, Cascoss, July 14th, 2006*, 12:00 P.M

*approx. July 14th, 2006, Australian date.