The Deal

Tyler put his hands on my waist and pull me closer to him. I could feel his entire body press up against mine. Thinking it was now time to end this, I broke the kiss and pull away from him, creating a few distance between us. Tyler was looking at me, an arrogant smirk on his lips.

"Well, what do we have here?" Tyler said. "I know you couldn't resist me, Sweet Cheeks, but next time give me a warning first. I'll be happy to oblige anytime." He winked at me.

I roll my eyes. Boy, was he arrogant! This is why I avoid him like the plague. He was too full of himself. "Please don't flatter yourself. I'm only here for one reason only."

"Yes I know. You want me." He responded smugly.

Before I could respond, I heard a locker door slam loudly. I turn around in that direction to see Logan storming away. I smiled. Mission accomplished. Tyler followed my line of vision and then chuckle.

"Ahh, I see. Putting on a show for your boyfriend?" He asked.

Now that Logan had left, I step away from Tyler completely and cross my arms. "He is not my boyfriend anymore and yes, I want him to think that I have moved on."

He lifted his brow in amusement. "So, you used me?" I search his face. He didn't look offended at all. In fact, he seem to be enjoying himself.

"Yes, because you were here." I said, then added. "And now I regret it, because you are nothing more than an arrogant jerk. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go. This was a bad idea. I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

"It's okay, I don't mind. You can use me anytime." He smirk, "Don't hesitate to ask."

I make up my face in disgust. "You're disgusting! Just forget I kissed you." I said, before turning away from him completely and walk away. I don't know why I decided to kiss him. God! What was I thinking? Now, I know it was a very bad idea. Shaking all thoughts of Tyler from my head, I left the school and head home.


"So, you just walked up to him and kissed him?" Tori asked me at school the following day. We were in our homeroom sitting down and waiting for the bell to ring.

"Yep." I confirmed. As soon as I got to school, I told Tori about what I did yesterday. To say she was surprised was an understatement.

"Wow, you must really want Logan to get lost." Tori surmise in a tone of surprise. Tori and I have been best friends from freshman year, so she knew me well. She knew I would never do something so impulsive without a motive. "So, what did Logan do?"

"He stormed away." I replied, feeling a small bit of satisfaction.

Tori smile. "Serves him right. Hopefully, he will stop bothering you now." I nodded my head in agreement. We were silent for a while, until Tori spoke again. "What was it like kissing a boy like Tyler?"

I look up at her surprise by her question. She saw my look and quickly held up her hands in defense. "I'm just curious."

"Well, not that I was paying much attention, he was actually a great kisser." I answer after thinking about it.

"Wow, who would have thought?" I just shrug. Certainly not me, because I've never thought about Tyler in that way before. The bell rang shortly after and Mrs. Hilton, came and roll call began.

Today was one of those days that dragged on and when school finally ended, I was glad for the end of the long day. However, I didn't feel like going home as yet, so I went to a coffee shop that was a few miles away from school.

This is the closest coffee shop to our school, so a lot of students from our school will hang out here. So I wasn't surprised when I saw a few student here now, especially that today was Friday.

I ordered a cappuccino and a slice of apple pie and took a seat in an empty booth. I don't know why, but I was craving apple pie. I guess craving sweet was part of the heartbreak process.

I had just finish eating and took out my phone to check my social media, when someone slid into the seat in front of me. I look to see who the person was and scowl. "Are you following me now?"

Tyler chuckled lightly. "Of course not." I shake my head and went back to my phone, ignoring him. "You know, I was trying to figure out where I know you from and when I got home yesterday, I figured it out." He continued. "You're the girl that lives next door to me."

I put my phone down on the table and look up at him. "Yes, you're right, but I'm sorry, there is no award. So why don't you leave me alone?"

He smile amusingly. "You're a feisty one, aren't you?"

I heaved a sigh, getting annoyed. "Is there something that you want, Tyler?" I ask.

"Yes, actually, there is." I look at him, waiting on him to continue, so he can leave. "I have a proposition for you."

I snorted. "And why do you think I'll be interested in anything concerning you?"

"Because we'll both be gaining from this. Look at it this way, you'll be helping me and I'll be helping you." He answered.

"How can you possibly help me?" I ask, folding my arms on the table.

"By being my girlfriend." He replied.

My eyes widen at his suggestion. "What?!" I spoke a little too loud, causing a few heads to turn in our direction. He must be crazy if he thought I was going to agree to that.

He laugh at my reaction. "Don't worry, it won't be real. We'll be fake dating."

"Why?" I ask curiously, speaking in a normal volume again. I mean, what kind of person comes up with an idea like that?

He rest his hands on the table, speaking softly so no one would hear what he was saying. "Look, if we pretend to date, your ex boyfriend will for sure see that you've moved on and finally leave you alone. Isn't that what you want?"

I was silent for a moment. He was right, I wanted Logan to stop trying to get me back, but that doesn't mean I was going to do something as insane as dating Tyler King. "Why do you want to help me? What's in it for you?" I ask.

"My mother is on my case, saying that I should find a steady girlfriend and stop moving from one girl to the next. So, if I pretend that I've got a girlfriend, she would finally stop with her matchmaking and stop pressuring me to get a girlfriend." He said with that notorious smirk on his lips.

I roll my eyes. Of course it was something like that. He was known for his player ways and he wouldn't give it up that easily. Wouldn't want Mr. Player to stop with his conquest of girls by settling down. "Why did you choose me?" I ask, trying to make sense of all this.

"Because you were the only one I knew that would be gaining something from this scheme." He answered. "The idea came to me when you kissed me yesterday."

He seem so sure of this, while I, on the other hand, was unsure. Doing this with Tyler seem like a bad idea. For more reasons than I cared to list out.

Tyler stretch his hands across the table. "So, do we have a deal?"

I look at his outstretch hand and frown. Should I do this? Was it worth it? I know I wouldn't like this, but I really did want Logan to know that it was over between us. Even though, it was a bad idea, it was also a great opportunity. Pushing away all caution, I lifted my hands and shook Tyler's. "Deal."

A slow smile crease his face and I know that I've just made the biggest mistake of my life. His smile turn into a grin and I know for certain, I was going to regret this.

Boy, was I in for trouble.