Expecting Forgiveness

"How is your fake dating with Tyler coming along?" Tori asked on Wednesday. She was lying on her stomach across her bed, swinging her feet in the air. As soon as we left school we head over to her house and was here talking about random things.

"It's going okay. Everyone seems to believe we are actually a couple and Logan hasn't said anything to me in two days, so I guess it's working." I responded. "At least, I hope so." I added. I was sitting in front of Tori on the bed, my back against the headboard.

"I wish I'd seen the look on his face when he saw that you were dating Tyler." She chuckled. "The cheating jerk deserves it. No me gusta nada."

I smiled at Tori's words. Ever since Logan cheated on me, Tori despised him. She never fails to express how much she hates him. After a while, Tori turned on the bed and sat up, facing me. "So, what are you going to be for Halloween?"

"Aren't we too old to dress up for Halloween, Tori?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at her.

"Nonsense, it's fun to dress up. You don't have to be a kid." Tori replied.

Of course, it would be cool for Tori. She loves Halloween. It was her favourite time of year. Every year she goes all out thinking of what she was going to be; and every year she's something different. She looks forward to this time of year and even though Halloween was two weeks away, she began preparing for it early. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against Halloween. I just don't love it as much as she does. Personally, Christmas is my favourite time of year.

What I really love about Halloween, however, is the horror shows that comes on the television. Movies such as; Paranormal Activity, The Quiet Place and The Haunted Mansion and many more nail biting movies that grace the television on this time of year. There are other movies that are not scream worthy, but I love them too, like; Hocus Pocus and The Halloween Town series. Horror movies are my favourite kind of movies, so that's something I'll be looking forward to.

"But it's going to be weird; dressing up and going trick or treating." I reasoned.

Tori rolled her eyes. "Of course we are not going trick or treating, Emily. That's for kids. However, we can still dress up in hot costumes."

I sighed. Well, she was right. I guess we could. "Okay, I'll think about it."

Tori clapped her hands together. "Great! I'll tell you what I'm going to be this year; a hot fire fighter or wonder woman."

I giggled. "They're both great ideas. I'm sure you will look good in either one. Even in a plastic bag." I added with a laugh.

It was true though. Tori could rock any look. She had a gorgeous body. Boys are always vying for her attention, but as always, she never gave anyone of them the time of day.

Tori burst out laughing too. "Hmm...a plastic bag. Maybe I'll try that one."

My eyes widen. "Tori, you wouldn't!"

Tori didn't respond. She just winked at me and grinned teasingly. I shook my head at her. Knowing Tori and how impulsive she can be, that's exactly something she would do.


Closing my locker at the end of the day, I turned around only to come face to face with Logan.

Why doesn't he just leave me alone? Seeing him alone makes my once good day now bad. I never knew he could be this annoying.

"What do you want Logan?" I asked, sighing quietly. I really wasn't in the mood to deal with him today.

"I want you back, Emily. I want to know, why can't you give me another chance? Why is it so easy for you to throw away what we had?" He asked.

I felt my anger rising at his words. How dare him? How dare him to try and make me look like the bad guy? "I'm not the one who threw away what we had. That's all on you. You threw away what we had the second you cheated on me and hid it from me for months!"

"I told you I was sorry. Why can't you just forgive me? I miss you, Emily." He said, frustration in his voice.

Why does he think that it's that easy to forgive him? He can't expect me to forget what he did. To trust him again. No. He may have took my pride and dignity by using me and taking me along for a joy ride, but he won't take my self respect.

"Logan, I'm not going to forgive you. You've made your choice and now I've made mine." I said.

"And that choice is Tyler?" He said, his voice getting hard. "He's going to leave you eventually because you weren't putting out for me, so why would you do it for him?"

Before I could say anything, someone stepped beside me and put their arms around my waist. "What's going on here, babe?"

Logan shifted his gaze to Tyler, who had spoken and then his gaze fell to his hands around my waist. His eyes turned dark with anger. He looked at Tyler and was about to say something, but deciding against it, he said instead. "Nothing. Nothing at all." He looked at me and said. "You are making a very big mistake, Emily. I will get you back." He then walked away without saying anything else.

When he was gone, Tyler turned to me. "Your ex boyfriend is an ass. What did you see in him anyway?"

I shook my head. "Believe me, he wasn't always like that."

"Right." He said, before adding. "Well, you know him best."

I was about to comment, when I spotted Tori over his shoulder. "Hold up, I'll be right back."

I walked over to Tori, who was heading in my direction. "Hey Tori, are you heading home?"

She shook her head. "No. I'm going to the mall to buy my Halloween costume." She answered.

"Great. I can come with you if you want." I offered.

"Are you kidding me? So that you can see my outfit? I don't think so." She wriggled her eyebrows, her eyes shinning with excitement. "I want our outfits to be a surprise to each other."

I laughed. "That's a great idea. Bye then."

"Bye." I turned and walked back to my locker, but Tyler wasn't there. Where did he go?

Sighing, I began to walk out the school's building in search of Tyler. When I reach the parking lot, I searched for his car. His car was there, so at least he wasn't foolish enough to leave me. I wish I could just go home, but a lot of students were lounging around school and they would definitely find it weird if I leave school on foot, if Tyler was still here. Deciding to check the place where he'd most likely be, I head in the direction of the back of the school.

When I turned the corner and was at the back of the school, I saw that I was right. Tyler was at the back of the school with Seth and of course, they were smoking.

I walked in the direction towards them. When I reached them, I fanned the cloud of smoke that was emitting from their cigarettes.

"Are you guys crazy?" I asked, still fanning my hands and coughing a little. "You guys are literally asking for cancer. Don't you know that smoking is bad for you?"

"Yeah, but it also makes you feel good." Seth responded, blowing out a puff of smoke as he did so.

I rolled my eyes. So irresponsible. "You're both brainless morons."

"You want to know what else makes me feel good?" Tyler cut in, winking at me.

"Um...no. I don't want to hear about your disgusting escapades." I said, wrinkling up my face in disgust and Tyler laughed. "Now, put those out and let's go."

Tyler mock bow. "As you wish, m'lady."

Suppressing the urge to roll my eyes a second time, I turned away from them and walked away. Why did I have to be stuck with these guys?