An Evening With The Player

"Come on. I understand that you guys are anxious to go at each other, but at least have the decency to bolt the door next time."

The person who had spoken was Seth. He was standing in the doorway, an amused smile on his face. He held a pack of beer in his hand. I felt my face heat up at what he said. I heard Tyler chuckle, making me realize that I was still on top of him. He finally let go of me and I stand up instantly.

" weren't...he..." I trailed off as I fumbled to get the right words out. My face was getting redder by the second. I was a little embarrass that Seth walked in on us in that position, although, I was glad that it wasn't Tyler's mom. That would have been super awkward.

Suddenly, both boys burst into laughter. I crossed my arms and glared at both of them. Finally, they stopped laughing and Seth said. "Man, you should have seen your face."

"Ha ha. Very funny. I'm going to get you back for that." I said to Seth.

Seth looked behind me at Tyler, who was now standing beside me. "You have a funny girl here, Tyler."

"First of all, I'm not Tyler's girl and secondly, do you guys just walk into each other's house like that?" I asked.

"When I texted Tyler earlier, he said that I should just come right in." Seth answered as he walked over to the table and placed the pack of beer on it. "I didn't know I was stopping something from happening." He looked at me and smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Would you quit it? Nothing was happening. The only reason I'm here is because I'm locked out of my house."

"Right." Seth teased and Tyler walked over to him and bump fist.

"You know what? I don't have time for you idiots," I said as my eyes shifted to the beer on the table. "You can carry on doing whatever it is you're going to do. I'm going downstairs to find something to occupy my time."

Before I could turn and leave, Tyler said. "I know what you can do to occupy your time." He smirked mischievously.

"No thank you, Tyler. I'm not going to be one of your conquest." I said.

Tyler raised his eyes in fake shock. "I wasn't talking about that." He said, but he was still smirking mischievously. We both know that he was making a sexual comment. "I was referring to you having a drink and joining us."

"Right." I said at his lame cover up. "Well, no thank you. I don't want to take part in being irresponsible morons." As I said that, Seth's phone rings and he took it from his pocket and answered it. He spoke into the receiver for a few seconds before hanging up.

He looked at Tyler. "That was my mom. She wants me to get a few things for her."

"Okay, cool man." Tyler did the guy fist bump thing with him, before Seth takes up his car keys from the table beside the beer and walked back through the door. Tyler turned to face me again. "So it's just you and me now."

Rolling my eyes, I walked over to his bed and sat on the end of it, leaning my back on the wall behind me. I took out my phone out of my pocket, deciding to check my social medias to pass time. I had just sign into my Snapchat account, when Tyler sat on the bed and took my phone from my hands.

"Tyler! What are you doing?" I said, scrambling for my phone, but Tyler moved quickly away from me on the bed. "Come on, give that back!"

"Nope." He said grinning. Annoyed, I wanted to smack the grin off his face.

"I said, give me back my phone!" I said, trying to sound threatening. I crawled on the bed towards him and stretched for my phone. However, the more I stretched for it, he moved his hand further away from me. In my movements to get back my phone, I didn't realize that I was fully on the bed beside Tyler. My body was pressed up against his as I tried to retrieve my phone. In order to reach my phone, I'd have to climb on him fully. And there's no way I was doing that.

"Do you want your phone?" Tyler asked me, smirking.

Trying not to be affected by our position, I nodded. "Yes!"

"You have to give me a kiss first." He replied.

"No way I'm doing that." I shook my head.

"You're not getting your phone then." I saw that the phone was in my reach, so I reached for it again, but Tyler moved his hand further before I could grab it.

I groaned. "Come on, Tyler. Quit playing around."

He tapped his hand on his cheek. "A kiss on the cheek. That's all I ask."

I looked at him for a long while, weighing my options. It was just a kiss on the cheek right? I think I could do that. Finally, releasing a heavy breath, I said. "Fine."

I leaned toward him and kissed him on the cheek. Just then, Tyler move my phone in front of us, while I kissed his cheek. By the time I looked at the phone to see what he did, he moved the phone from my reach again and began to type something on my phone.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I took a picture of us on your Snapchat." He said without looking at me.

My eyes widen. "Why did you do that?" I asked shocked. Tyler ignored me as he continued to type on the phone. When he was done typing, I saw that he was about to save the picture and I reached for my phone again. "Tyler, delete it right now!"

Tyler looked around at me and smiled mischievously. "Why should I do that? Look at it this way, your ex boyfriend will see it."

My hands that was reaching for the phone stilled as I thought about what he said. That did make a lot of sense! I felt stupid for not thinking about it. When Logan see a picture of me and Tyler cozying up, he'll get angry. I couldn't help but smile with satisfaction. Maybe after this he will see that Tyler and I were serious and finally leave me alone.

I looked back at Tyler and grinned. "Nice thinking. At least somewhere in that clouded head of yours, there is a brain."

"Well, I do think of great ideas now and then." Tyler said smugly.

I rolled my eyes. Why did I have to boost his ego more than it already was? "Whatever makes you sleep better at night."

Tyler looked down at me and smirked. "I'll sleep better with you in my bed."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You're disgusting and also a pervert!" I said, shoving away from him a little. "Now, give me that." I grabbed my phone from him and then moved away from him completely. He didn't object, he just laughed at my horrific reaction. It was very disturbing due to the fact that I was actually in his bed, close enough to be intimate.

After I've finally reached at the safe corner of the bed, where I once was, I looked at my phone. I saw that Tyler had indeed saved our picture to Snapchat. In the picture, Tyler was grinning at the phone screen, while I kissed his cheek. A caption read 'hanging with my love bunny' followed by a couple of kiss emojis. I looked at the viewers to see that the picture had already received 200 views in five minutes. I also received 58 private messages.

I checked the viewers to see that Logan was one of them. I felt a satisfied smile tugging at my lips. In the picture we did look like a loving couple and I can imagine the anger and jealousy that is going through him right now. It serves him right.

Who knew revenge could feel this good?