Cancelling The Deal

As I made my way back to the parking lot, I saw Tyler heading there as well. Good. Right on time.

Before the day was finished, Tyler had told me that he had something to do right after school and I should wait on him. I didn't mind, because I knew I was going to meet Logan. I told him to go ahead, hoping that he would be ready by the time I've finished talking to Logan.

As I reached closer to him, he looked at me and then his eyes shifted over my shoulders. "Someone looks angry." He said, indicating his head behind me.

I turned and looked behind me and saw Logan still standing where I left him. The only difference was his arms were crossed and he sent a glare in Tyler's direction. If looks could kill, Tyler would be six feet under by now. I turned back to face Tyler. "Good for him. He needs to suck it up and move on with his life."

Tyler sent a smirk in Logan's direction before facing me again. "Let's go. We're going to the coffee shop down the street."

I gave him a confused look. "Why?"

"Because a few of my friends, who are on the football team, invited me. We're just going to hang out and they suggested I bring you." He replied as he started to walk to the driver's side of his car.

I stopped in my tracks and shot him a glare. "I don't get it. Why do I have to go?"

He turned back in my direction and shot me a mischievous smirk. "Because you're my girlfriend, remember?"

"Oh yeah." I groaned in defeat. To be honest, I had forgotten that detail. I breathed a heavy sigh and grumbled under my breath. "I hate this."

I didn't think Tyler heard me until he shot me a grin. "I know, that's why it's fun."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Just get in the car and let's get this over with."

"Okay, right after I do this." Just as he said that he turned around and walked back to me. As soon as he reached where I stood, he wrapped his arms around my waist.

My eyes widen in surprise. "What are you-?" Before I could finish my sentence, Tyler pulled me closer and brought his lips to mine. I lost all thought processing as he began to kiss me.

Once again, I became captivated by his kisses and losing all sensible thoughts; I kiss him back. The kiss was sweet and passionate and it took my breath away. Everything else around me faded away and all I could focus on was his lips on mine.

Finally, after what seems like forever, he pulled away. I looked up at him and cleared my throat, trying to get myself together. "What was that for?"

A sly smirk appeared on his lips. "Just putting on a show for your ex-boyfriend." It took a while for my foggy brain to register what he was talking about. Finally, my brain began to function again and my eyes widen with realization. I didn't even know Logan was still behind us. Now it all made sense. "It looks like he didn't like the season finale."

I didn't dare to look behind me, but I can imagine that he didn't. A wide smile spread across my face as I imagined the look on his face. "Genius."

"I know," Tyler responded. I rolled my eyes at him and placed my hands on his chest to push him away from me.

"Get in the car, Tyler. I hope you and your ego can fit." Tyler chuckled as I walk over to the passenger side of the car and got in.

For the entire car ride, I couldn't help my mind from going back to the kiss in the parking lot. I didn't like that I was thinking about it, because I can't allow Tyler to get to me like how he gets to all the other girls at our school. Besides, it was a mere kiss done to make Logan jealous. The sooner I stop thinking about it, the better. Gosh, I really was regreting agreeing to this deal.

Within five minutes, Tyler pulled his car in front of the cafe. It has been a while since I've been here. The last time I was here, I was striking a dangerous deal with the most obnoxious boy I've ever met.

Tyler and I exited the car and entered the coffee shop. As we entered, I saw that it was crowded with students. Students from our school and nearby schools. I was surprised it was crowded because it was only a Tuesday afternoon.

"Yow, Tyler! Over here!" I heard someone shouted. I turned my attention to where the voice came from and saw a table in the corner of the cafe, loaded with a few boys on our school's football team. Seth was also there and a few other boys who weren't on the team. A few girls were there as well.

Tyler walked over in their direction and I followed him. When we reached their table, Tyler hit his fist with the guys. I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable standing there. One of the boys looks over in my direction. "So, this is your girl. Glad you brought her." I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes at 'your girl'.

Tyler, however, was enjoying this. He turned to look at me and grinned. "Yeah. Emily, this is Ryan." He pointed to the guy who spoke, before introducing everyone else. I already knew most of them already through gossip. Tyler sat down on the end of the seat. My face drops with realization as I saw that it was the last space on the seat.

Before I could decide where to sit, Tyler's hand grasped mine and pulled me to sit on his lap. I was surprised at his action, but I had to clamp down my protest. I didn't want anything to look suspicious. Playing along, I turned to Tyler and gave him a sickly sweet smile. However, behind that smile, I was scowling at him and he knew that. I turned around to face the others and indulged in their conversation while trying my best not to squirm in Tyler's lap.


We stayed at the coffee shop for an hour, before everyone decided to leave. All they did was talked and I listened. The only time I contributed to the conversation was when I was asked a direct question. I was glad when they decide to leave because they were boring me with their guy talk.

Everyone had now left and Tyler and I were the only ones left. Tyler went outside to wait on me, while I went to use the restroom. When I came from the restroom and walked from the coffee shop, I saw Tyler leaning against his car, making out with a girl.

I shook my head as I walked over to him. Was he crazy? Did he have any idea what his crazy stunt will cause?

As I reached in front of him, I cleared my throat. He abruptly pulled away from the girl and they both turned to face me. The girl wasn't even embarrassed, she just looks at me, annoyed that I disrupted her make-out session. Desperate much? I stood silent with my arms crossed.

Finally, she got the hint to leave. She turned to Tyler. "I'll see you soon. Don't forget to stop by later." She winked at him. I rolled my eyes.

"I won't," Tyler responded. As soon as the girl left, I uncrossed my arms and faced Tyler fully.

"Are you crazy? Why were you making out with that girl?" I asked, trying to remain calm.

"Chill, she doesn't even go to our school." He defended.

"She may not, but take a look around you." I gestured at our surroundings with my hands. "You are standing in the middle of a parking lot. Anyone could have seen you."

"But no one did." He stated.

"Someone could have. I can't have that. You can't be seen making out with other girls. If people should find out that we're fake dating, they would tag me as desperate and a liar. Can't you keep it in your pants for once?!"

He shrugged. "I can't help myself. I am a teenage boy and we have needs to be fulfilled. She was all over me and I couldn't just turn her down." He grinned slyly. "I have to get laid regularly."

I sighed heavily and rest my head in my hands. "This was a huge mistake," I whispered.

"What is?"

I looked up at him again. "This! This whole fake dating thing. It was a bad idea. Maybe we should just call it quits."

"Why?" He asked.

"Because this crazy charade is going to blow up in both our faces. I'm really grateful for your help, but I'm calling the deal off." He was about to object, but I cut him off. "Congratulations playerboy, you're free again. There's nothing holding you back now." I turned and walked away as I said that.

"Don't you at least want a ride home?" He asked.

With my back still to him, I replied. "No, I'm walking home." With that, I left him standing in the parking lot.