Playing Video Games

"You miss him don't you?" Tyler asked suddenly after we were quiet for a while.

"Who?" I turned to face him, shock by his sudden question.

"Your ex boyfriend." He replied.

I shook my head and answered honestly. "No I don't."

"I saw you looking at him at the party. I assumed you were missing him and reconsidering giving him another chance."

"Of course not!" I said adamantly. I was even shock at the absurdity of the idea. Where did he get that from?

"Did you love him?" He asked, bringing me from my thoughts.

I was silent for a while. Did I love him? I have never really thought about it before. At one point I thought I did, but now, I'm not sure I ever did. One thing I knew for sure was that I did care a lot about him.

There was no question if Logan loved me though. Obviously, he didn't. I still can't believe the last few months of our relationship was a lie.