Just Different

"Dude, I can't believe that you'll be teaching at the same school you attended just four years ago. Isn't that weird?" Seth asked as he busily scribbled in the notebook in his hand.

After departing from Emily at the cafe, I drove passed Seth's house and decided to stop. He was sitting in his front yard in a lawn chair working on a proposal for work. I had joined him sitting on the next lawn chair that was beside the one that Seth was on. This was where we were both sitting now.

"No, it's not weird at all. Well, I don't see it that way. I'm just glad I got the job." I answered.

"Well, I'm happy for you, bro," Seth said. We were quiet for a while as Seth continued to write in his notebook. He then looked over at me and then back to his book. "So, how does it feel to be back here?"

"It's feels okay, I guess. I'm glad to be back here, but everything is just different, though. Sometimes, I feel like I'm in a strange place where nothing is the same." I answered.