Just Decorating

Rachel and Trenton's anniversary party came faster than expected. Yesterday evening they both had Sunday dinner at our house, and they were talking about their anniversary party. I had decided to help them with the party preparations and had volunteered to help. I was actually excited about helping out.

At first, Rachel declined my help because she didn't want to put me out of my way. I told her that I didn't mind, and I was glad to help because I knew that they were planning this party on their own along with Tyler, and they needed the help. Tyler was already in charge of getting the caterers, so I told them that I would help with the decorations. They didn’t have a lot of things left to do, so that was the only thing that was left. They have already booked the venue, entertainment, and photographer. They also sent out all invitations. I was impressed that they handled everything, considering that they were on their cruise for a week.