Chapter 46: The Turning Tide

As their kisses deepened, the world outside faded, leaving only the two of them cocooned in the warmth of Ethan's room. Every caress felt electric, every sigh a promise of what was yet to come.

Ethan's lips trailed from Luca's mouth to his neck, planting kisses that sent shivers of pleasure down Luca's spine. "You're so responsive," he murmured, the admiration clear in his voice.

"Only for you," Luca replied breathlessly, his heart racing as Ethan's hands roamed freely over his body, igniting sparks of desire with every touch.

Ethan paused, looking deep into Luca's eyes. "I want to take my time with you," he said softly. "Every moment counts."

A thrill raced through Luca at the sincerity in Ethan's gaze. He nodded, eager to embrace whatever Ethan had in mind. "I'm all yours," he replied, feeling a rush of excitement course through him.

Ethan grinned, his confidence returning. He leaned down, capturing Luca's lips once more, the kiss deepening as he pressed his body against Luca's. The heat radiating between them was palpable, each movement heightening their senses.

Slowly, Ethan's hands moved down Luca's sides, exploring every curve and contour. He marveled at the way Luca's body responded, each gasp and moan pushing Ethan to explore further.

"Your skin is so soft," Ethan breathed, trailing his lips down Luca's collarbone. "I could spend all night just kissing you."

The way Ethan's lips moved against his skin made Luca's breath hitch in his throat. "Please don't stop," he urged, his voice a desperate whisper.

Ethan's lips traveled lower, trailing down Luca's chest, stopping to tease both of his nipples with tantalizing kisses that sent waves of pleasure crashing over him. Luca's fingers tangled in Ethan's hair, urging him on, desperate for more.

"Luca," Ethan murmured, lifting his head to meet Luca's gaze, his expression serious. "Tell me if I do anything you don't like. I want to make this perfect for you."

"I trust you," Luca replied, his voice steady. The warmth in his chest filled him with confidence, knowing Ethan was committed to their connection.

Ethan's eyes softened, and he leaned in, brushing his lips against Luca's forehead. "Then let's explore this together."

With that, Ethan returned his focus, trailing his kisses lower until he reached Luca's waistband. He hesitated, looking up at Luca for permission.

"Please," Luca breathed, his body aching with need.

Ethan's lips curled into a satisfied smile as he slowly unbuttoned Luca's pants, his fingers deftly sliding the fabric down his hips. Luca's heart raced, the thrill of vulnerability mixed with desire pushing him to the edge.

Ethan paused, looking at Luca with awe as he revealed him fully. "You're stunning," he whispered, his gaze devouring every inch of Luca's exposed skin.

Luca felt a rush of heat flood his cheeks, but the vulnerability was quickly replaced by a surge of confidence. "Just for you," he replied, his voice steady, challenging.

Ethan chuckled, the sound deep and rich, before leaning down to place soft kisses along Luca's thighs, teasingly close to his most sensitive areas. Luca squirmed under the attention, pleasure coursing through him like wildfire.

"Ethan," he gasped, his body arching instinctively towards Ethan's mouth. "Please…"

With a wicked grin, Ethan finally took the hint, pressing his lips against Luca's length, swirling his tongue around the head. The sensation was overwhelming, drawing a moan from deep within Luca.

"Fuck," Luca gasped, his fingers gripping the sheets as he lost himself in the sensation.

Ethan took him deeper, his mouth hot and wet, working his magic with every movement. Luca felt as if he were floating, each thrust of Ethan's mouth sending him closer to the edge.

"Just like that, yes," Luca encouraged, his voice breathy and filled with urgency.

Ethan's eyes sparkled with mischief as he responded to Luca's praises, increasing the pace, swirling his tongue and applying just the right amount of pressure. Luca was lost in the pleasure, the world outside their bubble completely forgotten.

"Ethan, I'm so close," Luca gasped, the pressure building inside him, the pleasure becoming nearly unbearable.

Ethan looked up, his gaze filled with determination, as if urging Luca to let go. "Let it happen," he encouraged, his voice a low growl. "I want to feel you."

With one final thrust, Luca surrendered to the waves of pleasure crashing over him, his body tensing as he reached his peak. The sensations overwhelmed him, every nerve ending igniting as he felt himself spill into Ethan's warm mouth.

Ethan swallowed every drop, his eyes locked onto Luca's, a look of pure satisfaction written across his face. As the waves of pleasure began to recede, Luca collapsed back onto the bed, panting and utterly spent.

Ethan crawled up beside him, a triumphant grin on his face. "How was that?" he teased, his voice playful yet soft.

Luca couldn't help but laugh, a sound filled with joy and satisfaction. "You're incredible," he replied, leaning in to steal a kiss from Ethan's lips.

"Only for you," Ethan said, his eyes sparkling with affection.

As they settled into each other's arms, the warmth of their bodies mingling, Luca realized this was just the beginning. With Ethan by his side, he felt invincible, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

End of Chapter 46

To Be Continued...