Chapter 65: The Unseen Conflict

The night after their intense encounter left Luca in a haze of conflicting emotions. He lay beside Ethan, his body still tingling from the sensation of Ethan's touch, but his mind raced with the weight of unspoken thoughts. No matter how much his body craved Ethan, there was something unsettling beneath the surface—something that kept Luca from fully surrendering.

Ethan had always been possessive, but recently, his control felt suffocating. Luca's world had begun to revolve around Ethan, and while part of him loved that connection, another part feared it. How much longer could he stay in Ethan's grip without losing himself completely?

Ethan stirred beside him, his arm draped casually across Luca's waist, as if even in sleep he needed to remind Luca who he belonged to. Luca turned slightly, watching the steady rise and fall of Ethan's chest, feeling both comforted and trapped by his presence. The tension between them was always there, simmering just beneath the surface.

As the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, Luca slipped quietly out of bed, careful not to wake Ethan. He needed space—time to think. Grabbing his robe from the chair, Luca padded softly across the room and made his way to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

The cold tile floor beneath his feet grounded him in reality. Staring at his reflection in the mirror, Luca barely recognized the person looking back at him. His skin was flushed from the night before, his lips swollen from Ethan's kisses, and faint marks trailed down his neck where Ethan had claimed him. The sight stirred something deep inside him—something dark and conflicted.

Luca ran his fingers through his hair, pushing back the tousled strands that fell over his forehead. His reflection stared back, eyes wide with uncertainty. How had things gotten so complicated? What started as a passionate connection had turned into something far more intense, and Luca wasn't sure he could handle it.

Turning on the faucet, Luca splashed cold water onto his face, hoping to clear his thoughts. The shock of the icy water jolted his senses, but it did little to chase away the swirling emotions that clouded his mind. He leaned against the sink, gripping the edge tightly, his breath coming in shallow bursts.

"What am I doing?" Luca whispered to himself, his voice barely audible over the sound of the running water.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Ethan's silhouette filled the doorway. Luca froze, his heart skipping a beat as their eyes locked in the reflection of the mirror. Ethan's gaze was intense, dark with possessiveness and something else—something unreadable.

"You think I didn't notice?" Ethan's voice was low, dripping with an edge of danger that sent a shiver down Luca's spine. He stepped into the bathroom, closing the door behind him, his movements slow and deliberate.

Luca's pulse quickened as Ethan approached, the small space between them shrinking with every step. "Notice what?" Luca asked, his voice betraying the nerves he tried to hide.

Ethan's lips twisted into a smirk. "You, trying to escape me."

Luca swallowed hard, his eyes flicking away from Ethan's gaze. "I wasn't—"

Before he could finish, Ethan closed the distance between them, pressing Luca against the cold counter. The sudden contact stole Luca's breath, and he gasped as Ethan's fingers gripped his chin, forcing their eyes to meet once more.

"You're mine, Luca," Ethan growled, his voice rough and filled with possessive heat. "Don't ever forget that."

The weight of Ethan's words hung heavy in the air, and despite the fear that crept up Luca's spine, a dark thrill ran through him. He wanted to resist, to push back, but the fire in Ethan's eyes burned too brightly. It consumed him.

Without warning, Ethan's lips crashed against Luca's in a bruising kiss, the intensity of it stealing any thoughts of resistance. Luca's body betrayed him again, melting into Ethan's touch, his hands gripping Ethan's arms for support.

As Ethan deepened the kiss, his hands roamed Luca's body with a possessiveness that left no room for escape. And once again, Luca found himself lost in the storm of their twisted passion, unable to tell where his desires ended and Ethan's control began.

End of Chapter 65

To Be Continued...