Chapter 67: A Dangerous Obsession

The next few days passed in a blur for Luca. Ethan's possessiveness grew, and with every moment they spent together, Luca felt the walls closing in. Ethan's need for control consumed him, making it impossible for Luca to breathe. It wasn't just the heated moments of passion anymore—it was Ethan's constant presence, his eyes always watching, always demanding more.

At first, Luca thought it was just Ethan being protective, but it was becoming more than that. Ethan wouldn't let him out of his sight, and whenever Luca tried to pull away, even for a moment, Ethan would reel him back in with a look or a touch that left him powerless. The intensity between them had always been electric, but now, it felt like a storm brewing on the horizon—dangerous and all-consuming.

One evening, after an especially heated argument, Luca found himself standing in the bathroom, staring at the mirror once again. His reflection looked tired, his eyes heavy with the weight of everything happening between them. But before he could gather his thoughts, the door swung open, and Ethan stepped inside.

"Are you hiding from me again?" Ethan's voice was sharp, but there was an undercurrent of something darker in his tone—possessiveness that had long passed the point of concern.

Luca turned, swallowing hard as he faced Ethan. "I just needed a moment to think."

Ethan's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing as he took a step forward. "Think about what? Leaving me?" The accusation in his voice sent a chill down Luca's spine.

"No, Ethan, I just—" Luca started, but Ethan was already on him, backing him against the counter, trapping him with his body.

"You don't need space," Ethan growled, his hand gripping Luca's chin. "You need to understand something. You. Are. Mine."

Luca's heart raced as Ethan's words sank in. The possessiveness in Ethan's eyes sent a thrill through him, but there was also fear. He wasn't sure if Ethan's obsession was something he could handle anymore. But before he could voice his concern, Ethan's lips were on his, forceful and demanding, leaving Luca no room to breathe.

The kiss was rough, hungry, and possessive, a reminder that Ethan wasn't going to let him go. Ethan's hands roamed Luca's body, exploring every inch as if marking his territory once more. Luca's body responded instinctively, arching into Ethan's touch, even as his mind screamed for space, for air.

Suddenly, Ethan's fingers gripped Luca's hips, spinning him around to face the mirror. Their reflections stared back at them, Luca's wide eyes meeting Ethan's dark, heated gaze. Ethan's breath was hot against Luca's ear as he pressed against him from behind.

"You belong to me, Luca," Ethan whispered, his voice sending shivers down Luca's spine. "Say it."

Luca's pulse quickened as Ethan's hands trailed down his chest, teasing his skin in ways that made him forget the tension between them. But he knew that if he gave in completely, he'd lose what little control he had left.

"I can't," Luca gasped, his voice barely a whisper.

Ethan's grip tightened, his eyes darkening as he leaned in closer, lips brushing against Luca's ear. "You will."

Before Luca could protest, Ethan's hand slid lower, teasing him in ways that left no room for thought. The intensity of their reflection in the mirror only heightened the moment, and Luca found himself teetering on the edge once more—torn between desire and the need to escape.

But as Ethan's lips found the sensitive skin of his neck, trailing hot kisses down to his shoulder, Luca's resolve crumbled. He wanted Ethan, needed him, even if it meant giving up a part of himself in the process. The tension, the conflict, it all melted away in the heat of the moment.

End of Chapter 67

To Be Continued...