Chapter 82: Fire and Ice

The heat from the shower mixed with the tension hanging thick in the air, creating an almost unbearable atmosphere. Luca's body felt like it was on fire under Ethan's relentless touch. His skin was tingling, burning with desire and confusion, the battle between his emotions and his body raging on.

But Ethan's hold was unyielding. His lips moved against Luca's in a rhythm that was both intoxicating and suffocating. Luca could feel the hard press of Ethan's body, the way his hands explored him with possessive force. It was as if Ethan was determined to remind Luca of who he belonged to, every single touch a claim.

But something was different this time.

Luca's mind drifted, despite the waves of pleasure coursing through him. He couldn't shake the growing discomfort gnawing at him. The shower, the closeness, the fire of Ethan's touch—it was all too much, too fast. He needed air. He needed to escape, if only for a moment.

As Ethan's hands slid lower, teasing and claiming more of Luca's body, Luca grabbed his wrist. His chest heaved with labored breaths, his heart pounding in his ears. "Ethan," he gasped, pulling away from the kiss. "Wait."

Ethan froze, his dark eyes narrowing as he stared at Luca, droplets of water streaming down his face. "What is it?" His voice was calm, but there was a dangerous edge to it, one that sent a shiver down Luca's spine.

"I—" Luca swallowed hard, his mind racing for an explanation. "I just… I need a minute."

Ethan's grip on his waist tightened. "A minute?" His voice was low, a warning. "You're pulling away from me again."

Luca could feel the tension growing between them, the atmosphere crackling with unspoken emotions. He knew how Ethan got when he felt Luca slipping away, how the possessiveness would turn into something darker, more dangerous.

"I'm not pulling away," Luca said quickly, though even to his own ears, it sounded like a lie. "I just… I need to breathe."

Ethan's gaze bore into him, his expression unreadable for a moment. Then, without warning, he stepped back, his hands falling away from Luca's body. The sudden loss of contact left Luca feeling cold, exposed. But it also gave him the space he had desperately craved.

The shower water continued to pour down, the sound filling the silence between them. Luca leaned against the wall, his chest still rising and falling rapidly. Ethan watched him, his dark eyes filled with something Luca couldn't quite place—hurt? Anger? Possessiveness?

"You always do this," Ethan said quietly, his voice laced with frustration. "You always run."

Luca looked at him, his own heart aching with the weight of Ethan's words. "I'm not running," he whispered. "I just… I need time. This is all so intense."

Ethan's jaw clenched, and Luca could see the conflict in his eyes. "Intense? You think this is too much?" He stepped closer again, his presence filling the small space between them. "You think I'm too much?"

Luca shook his head, his voice barely audible. "It's not you, Ethan. It's me."

But Ethan wasn't convinced. He moved forward, his lips brushing against Luca's neck, sending a wave of heat through his body once more. "You're lying," Ethan whispered, his breath hot against Luca's skin. "You want this. You want me."

Luca's body betrayed him, a soft moan escaping his lips as Ethan's fingers trailed down his chest. He was losing control again, the fire between them too powerful to resist. But the icy grip of doubt still lingered in the back of his mind.

As Ethan kissed him again, hard and demanding, Luca couldn't help but wonder—how much longer could he keep playing this game before everything between them fell apart?

End of Chapter 82

To Be Continued...