Chapter 87: The Aftermath of Desire

Luca lay sprawled on the bed, his body still trembling from the intense pleasure that had overtaken him. The room was filled with the sound of his ragged breathing, the sheets clinging to his damp skin. His mind struggled to regain some semblance of control, but every nerve in his body was still humming with the aftershocks of what Ethan had done to him.

Ethan stood at the foot of the bed, his eyes fixed on Luca with a predatory gaze. His bare chest glistened in the dim light of the room, muscles taut with restrained energy. Luca could feel Ethan's eyes on him, drinking in the sight of his flushed skin and disheveled appearance. It made Luca feel vulnerable, exposed, and yet a flicker of desire still burned deep within him.

Ethan moved closer, his footsteps slow and deliberate. The air in the room seemed to thicken with the tension between them, the aftermath of their encounter lingering like a heavy fog. Luca's heart raced as Ethan climbed onto the bed, hovering above him with an intensity that made Luca's pulse quicken.

"Do you understand now?" Ethan's voice was low, almost a growl as he leaned down, his face inches from Luca's. "Do you see who you belong to?"

Luca's chest rose and fell with each breath, his mind racing. He wanted to protest, to push Ethan away and reclaim some sense of control, but the truth was undeniable. The connection between them was too strong, the pull of desire too powerful to resist. Ethan had claimed him in every way, and Luca wasn't sure if he wanted to fight it anymore.

Ethan's hand cupped Luca's jaw, his thumb brushing over Luca's swollen lips, a reminder of the bruising kiss they had shared. "You're mine," Ethan whispered, his voice soft but filled with a possessive edge. "And I won't let you forget it."

Luca swallowed hard, his mind reeling from the weight of Ethan's words. Part of him wanted to challenge Ethan, to resist the dominance that he wielded so easily, but another part of him—one he hadn't wanted to acknowledge—thrilled at the idea of being claimed so completely. It was a dangerous feeling, one that threatened to consume him if he wasn't careful.

But in that moment, under Ethan's intense gaze, Luca found himself surrendering. His body relaxed beneath Ethan's weight, and he let out a shaky breath, his resolve crumbling. There was no escaping this pull between them, no denying the fire that burned every time they were near each other.

Ethan's lips curved into a satisfied smirk as he saw the shift in Luca's expression. "Good," he murmured, his hand trailing down Luca's chest, sending shivers through him. "Because I'm not done with you yet."

Luca's breath hitched as Ethan's touch grew more possessive, his fingers exploring the sensitive skin of Luca's chest, brushing over his nipples and sending jolts of pleasure through him. The intensity of Ethan's presence, the way he commanded every inch of Luca's body, left Luca feeling weak and powerless.

Ethan's lips found Luca's again, softer this time but no less demanding. The kiss was slow, almost teasing, as if Ethan was savoring the taste of Luca's surrender. Luca's body responded instinctively, his arms wrapping around Ethan's neck, pulling him closer despite the confusion that swirled in his mind.

This wasn't just a physical connection—it was something deeper, something that scared Luca more than he wanted to admit. But in that moment, as Ethan's lips claimed his once more, Luca couldn't bring himself to care.

End of Chapter 87

To Be Continued...