Chapter 91: Lost in the Fire

Luca's body felt weightless as Ethan pinned him against the wall. His mind raced, but his body responded instinctively to Ethan's demanding touch. The room was filled with the sound of their heavy breathing, the tension thick enough to choke on. Luca could feel the heat of Ethan's breath on his neck, each inhale and exhale sending shivers down his spine.

Ethan's fingers dug into Luca's waist as he pressed their bodies closer together, his lips grazing the sensitive skin of Luca's throat. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this," Ethan whispered, his voice rough with desire.

Luca's chest heaved as he struggled to catch his breath, his mind spinning. Every rational thought had long since evaporated, leaving him lost in the overwhelming sensation of Ethan's presence. His hands slid over Ethan's muscular back, feeling the tension in every muscle as Ethan's body pressed him harder against the wall.

"I can't—" Luca started, his voice breaking as Ethan's mouth found his collarbone, sucking hard enough to leave a mark. His thoughts faltered, his words failing him as pleasure took over.

Ethan chuckled darkly against his skin. "You can," he whispered, biting down gently before pulling back to meet Luca's gaze. The intensity in Ethan's eyes was enough to make Luca's knees weak. "You want this, Luca. Stop pretending you don't."

Luca's heart raced in his chest. The truth was, he did want it—he had wanted it for so long, but fear had always held him back. Now, with Ethan's body pressed against his, that fear felt insignificant compared to the burning need he felt.

Ethan didn't give him time to think. His hands moved quickly, pulling Luca's shirt over his head and tossing it aside before sliding his fingers over Luca's bare chest. The touch sent sparks of electricity through Luca's body, making him gasp.

Without warning, Ethan scooped Luca up and carried him to the bed. He dropped him onto the soft sheets, and before Luca could react, Ethan was on top of him again, his lips crashing down in a kiss so fierce it left Luca dizzy.

Their mouths moved together hungrily, tongues clashing as Ethan took full control of the kiss. Luca could feel the weight of Ethan's body pressing him into the mattress, the heat between them becoming unbearable.

Ethan's hands roamed Luca's body with a possessive urgency, his fingers tracing every curve, every dip of muscle, as if committing him to memory. Luca could feel Ethan's desire in every touch, every kiss. It was as if Ethan was afraid that if he let go, Luca would slip away.

But Luca wasn't going anywhere. Not now.

Ethan's lips left a trail of fire down Luca's chest, stopping to bite and suck at his nipples, causing Luca to moan involuntarily. The sound seemed to spur Ethan on, and his hands moved lower, sliding beneath the waistband of Luca's pants.

Luca's breath hitched, his mind overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through him. He had never felt anything like this before—this intensity, this heat. It was as if Ethan was consuming him whole, and Luca couldn't get enough.

Ethan pulled Luca's pants down with one swift motion, his eyes dark and hungry as he took in the sight of Luca beneath him. "You're mine, Luca," he growled, his voice thick with possession. "No one else will ever have you."

Luca's heart pounded in his chest, his body trembling with anticipation. He wanted this. He wanted Ethan to claim him completely, to burn away every doubt, every fear.

And as Ethan's fingers teased him, pushing him closer and closer to the edge, Luca knew there was no turning back.

End of Chapter 91

To Be Continued...