Chapter 97: Lingering Desires

The dinner table was set, and the soft glow of the candles illuminated the room. Luca sat across from Ethan, a quiet tension lingering between them. The food looked delicious, yet Luca could hardly focus on the meal. His thoughts kept drifting back to the way Ethan's touch had felt just moments ago, the heat of his hands, the intensity of his gaze.

As they ate in silence, Luca's eyes wandered, observing Ethan as he moved his fork and took measured bites. There was something undeniably magnetic about him, a pull that Luca had felt from the beginning. It wasn't just about physical attraction; there was a deeper connection that kept drawing him back. But with that connection came a desire that was hard to suppress, an urge that coursed through his veins, demanding to be acknowledged.

Ethan noticed Luca's gaze, his eyes narrowing slightly with curiosity. "You look like you're a million miles away," he said softly. "What's on your mind?"

Luca hesitated, setting down his fork. "It's just… everything. Us. I keep thinking about how I ran from you, and now that I'm here again, I'm scared things will go back to the way they were."

Ethan leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "You're worried that I'll try to control you, like before."

"Yes," Luca admitted. "But it's not just that. I'm also afraid that I won't be able to resist you. That I'll get lost in this all over again."

Ethan's gaze darkened with an unmistakable hunger, and he stood up, walking around the table toward Luca. He stopped just inches away, his presence overwhelming. "What if I don't want you to resist?" he murmured, his voice low and husky.

Luca's breath hitched as Ethan reached out to caress his cheek. The touch sent a shiver down his spine, awakening a need he had tried to bury. His skin tingled, and his body leaned unconsciously toward Ethan's, craving the heat and the closeness that only he could provide. He wanted to stay strong, to not give in so easily, but the way Ethan's fingers trailed along his jaw, the way his breath ghosted over his lips, made it impossible to think clearly.

Without another word, Ethan's hand slid to the back of Luca's neck, pulling him closer. Their lips met in a kiss that was both fierce and tender, a clash of longing and unspoken words. Luca felt himself melt into the kiss, his arms wrapping around Ethan's waist, drawing him closer still. He couldn't deny it any longer—he was still very much in love with him.

Ethan broke the kiss just enough to murmur against Luca's lips, "I'll give you the space you need… but don't ever doubt that I want you, Luca. All of you."

Before Luca could respond, Ethan captured his mouth again, and this time, the kiss was deeper, more desperate. Their breaths mingled, and Luca's hands roamed over Ethan's chest, feeling the firm muscle beneath his fingertips. Every touch seemed to stoke the flames of desire higher, making it impossible to hold back.

Ethan's hands slid down Luca's back, pulling him flush against him, and for a moment, it felt like nothing else in the world mattered—just the two of them and the heat of the moment.

End of Chapter 97

To Be Continued...