Chapter 105: Unspoken Truths

The warmth of the shower faded as Ethan and Luca stepped out, the cool air of the bathroom hitting their damp skin. Luca reached for a towel, wrapping it around his waist while Ethan did the same. The intimacy of the moment lingered in the air, heavy and undeniable. They hadn't said much, but the looks they exchanged spoke volumes—glances full of a raw honesty that neither of them knew how to articulate.

As they moved into Ethan's bedroom, Luca felt a pang of uncertainty. What they had just shared wasn't just another impulsive encounter. There had been a tenderness and a sense of longing in Ethan's touch that had caught him off guard. It made him question if he was ready to accept the depth of whatever was forming between them.

Ethan noticed the hesitation in Luca's eyes, and for a moment, his own confidence wavered. He wasn't used to feeling vulnerable, especially not with someone like Luca, who seemed to see past his defenses. He took a step closer, reaching out to touch Luca's arm, his fingers trailing lightly along his skin. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice soft, almost hesitant.

Luca nodded, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes—uncertainty or maybe even fear. "I'm fine," he replied, though his voice lacked its usual steadiness. "It's just… what are we doing, Ethan?" His words hung in the air, carrying the weight of the unspoken.

Ethan's brow furrowed, and he glanced away, as if struggling to find the right words. "I don't know," he admitted, his voice low. "But I don't want this to be just a one-time thing. I want more… with you."

Luca's heart fluttered at the confession, but it also made his chest tighten with anxiety. He had always been careful to keep his emotions in check, never letting anyone get too close. But Ethan had a way of breaking down his barriers, making him feel things he wasn't sure he was ready for.

Before he could respond, Ethan reached out, cupping his cheek and drawing him closer. "You don't have to have all the answers right now," he whispered, his thumb brushing gently against Luca's lips. "We can figure this out… together."

The sincerity in Ethan's voice softened the edges of Luca's doubt. He closed his eyes, leaning into Ethan's touch, feeling the steady beat of Ethan's heart against his chest. Maybe it didn't have to be complicated. Maybe, for once, he could allow himself to be vulnerable, to let someone in without overthinking every step.

"Okay," he breathed, opening his eyes to meet Ethan's gaze. "We'll figure it out."

A small smile tugged at Ethan's lips, and he leaned down to kiss Luca again, a gentle press of lips that spoke of reassurance and the promise of something more. This kiss wasn't about heat or passion—it was a quiet affirmation that they were both willing to explore where this would lead.

As they pulled apart, Ethan's phone buzzed on the bedside table, breaking the moment. He glanced at the screen, and his expression shifted, a hint of concern flashing across his features. "I need to take this," he said, his tone apologetic.

Luca nodded, a mix of relief and curiosity washing over him. "Go ahead."

Ethan stepped out of the room, leaving Luca alone with his thoughts. As he dried off and dressed, Luca couldn't shake the feeling that whatever lay ahead, it was going to be more complicated than either of them anticipated.

End of Chapter 105

To Be Continued...