Chapter 143: Dangerous Alliances.

The next day, Luca and Ethan met Marcus in a quiet, dimly lit bar on the outskirts of the city. The atmosphere was tense, with every patron minding their own business, as if aware that conversations here were best left private. Marcus was already seated at a corner table, nursing a drink, his expression unreadable as they approached.

"Glad you could make it," Marcus said as they took their seats. "Our contact will be here soon. He's not exactly... conventional, but if you want to take Darren down, he's the man for the job."

Luca nodded, his gaze flicking to Ethan, who seemed restless, his fingers tapping lightly on the table. "We don't have much choice," Luca replied. "We need someone who can help us fight back."

Just then, the bar's door creaked open, and a man with a rugged look stepped inside. He had a rough, streetwise air about him—his unkempt beard and leather jacket added to the aura of danger that surrounded him. He scanned the room briefly before making his way over to their table.

"This is Gray," Marcus introduced. "He's done a lot of work off the books—some of it less than legal—but he's the best at finding things that others would prefer stay hidden."

Gray gave a curt nod, pulling out a chair and sitting down. His eyes, a piercing blue, studied Luca and Ethan for a moment before he spoke. "So, you two want to take on Darren. That's a bold move, considering how many people he's bought off."

"We have no choice," Ethan cut in, his voice steady but tinged with anger. "He's not going to stop coming after us. We need to strike first."

Gray smirked, a hint of approval in his gaze. "I like the fire," he said. "But if you're going up against Darren, you'll need more than just determination. You'll need dirt—something that can't be swept under the rug."

"We think he's involved in money laundering," Luca said, leaning forward. "If we can prove it, we can expose him."

Gray's eyes gleamed with interest. "Money laundering, huh? That's a start. I can dig around, see if I can find any financial trails that lead back to him. But it won't be easy, or cheap."

As they discussed their plan, a shadow loomed at the bar's entrance. Luca noticed a figure watching them from across the room—a familiar face, one of Darren's men. Luca's pulse quickened. They had been followed again.

He shot a glance at Ethan, who had already noticed the man and was quietly reaching for his phone. "We need to get out of here," Ethan murmured under his breath.

Gray followed their gaze, his expression hardening. "Looks like Darren's keeping close tabs on you," he remarked. "I can create a distraction, but you two need to slip out the back. I'll contact you when I've found something useful."

Luca nodded, his nerves on edge. "Be careful," he said, rising from his seat. He and Ethan made their way towards the back exit, trying to appear as casual as possible, though tension rippled through their movements.

As they reached the door, a sudden commotion erupted at the bar—Gray had knocked over a stool, creating a momentary chaos. It was all the distraction they needed. Luca and Ethan bolted out into the alleyway, the cool air hitting their faces as they ran.

They didn't stop until they reached Ethan's car, parked a few streets away. As they caught their breath, Ethan's phone buzzed. It was a text from Gray: Nice exit. I'll be in touch soon. Keep your heads down.

"Darren is getting desperate," Ethan said, his voice taut with frustration. "He's not even trying to be subtle anymore."

Luca's expression was one of grim resolve. "He's cornering us, hoping we'll break under pressure. But we're not giving him the satisfaction."

That night, back at the apartment, Luca was restless. His mind raced with thoughts of Darren, the looming threats, and what Gray might uncover. As he stared out the window, his phone buzzed with a message from an unknown number: Think you can escape me, Luca? I'm always watching.

His blood ran cold. The message was clear—it wasn't just a threat, but a reminder that Darren's reach extended far beyond what they had imagined. There was no place left to hide.

End of Chapter 143

To Be Continued…