Bloody Shore

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"What is the meaning of this? And why are my men floating in the sky?" the marine captain of the ship next to Red-Eye Drake cried as he came out, alarmed by the ruckus Lucas had caused. Lucas had assaulted the Crimson Corsairs on their main ship and used telekinesis to disorient the others by holding them in the sky. The other captain was also up there, floating.

"Are you the one that did this?" the marine captain demanded, looking at Drake, wanting to command him to solve this. But he saw the red-eyed pirate deeply infuriated and minced his words before they came out.

"What did you do to my MEN?" Red-Eye Drake said furiously.

"I could ask you the same about the islanders here," Lucas replied coldly.

"What's there to ask about? We're pirates. What'd you expect from us?" Drake retorted.

"Well, I'm a pirate too. And I currently feel like plundering other pirates right now," Lucas replied with a deathly gaze.

"Pirate? You, flying boy, did you call yourself a pirate? We are the marines and..." the marine captain began, trying to intimidate Lucas. But before he could finish speaking, he exploded, causing a big splat. Drake was taken aback by this, quivering in fear and falling on his back.

"Monster. Monster! You're a monster!" he cried, running to the cannons. He fired in succession three times as Lucas simply hovered there. But as the smoke cleared, Drake saw Lucas unharmed, directing a death warranting gaze at him.

"Wait. Wait. Please. I don't know how you got here, but what if I told you about a really powerful treasure that's here? I don't have it, but I can show..." Drake started pleading for his life.

"Oh, you mean this?" Lucas pulled out the pearl. "Hurting the islanders is one thing, but not only that, you guys killed and ravaged as you pleased," Lucas said in anger, releasing a great murderous intent. "These people suffered because of you," he said, as he levitated the pearl with his left hand and used his right hand to control his telekinetic powers to keep afloat all the remaining marines and Crimson Corsairs.

"Wait. Please. Just wait," Drake cried.

"Enough already," Lucas said, clenching both his fists, resulting in everyone held by his telekinesis to explode. That day, the clear waters of Coral Cove were tainted with blood. Descending on the main deck, Lucas approached Red-Eye Drake. Drake stuttered and shivered in fear, seeing Lucas do such a thing. As he tried to beg, Lucas kept his silence and telekinetically grabbed Red-Eye Drake, sending him flying straight to the sun.

With this now solved, Lucas's mood slowly changed as he thought of pillaging their ships. "I should leave some for the people here," he said. Behind him stood the townspeople, standing in shock at the grim sight. Although their problems were solved, they couldn't stomach the bloody scene in front of them. After witnessing Lucas create such a scene, the people had mixed feelings. The freed divers talked about how they were saved by a ghost pirate, and now they saw him not only using his mind to move people but also flying. This made the townspeople wary. Even the little girl was scared when she saw such a sight, but Lucas knew it was a normal reaction. He himself had to magically adjust his psyche so he could do things like this with mental stability.

"Maybe I should clean up first," he mused, raising his hand and releasing a wave of mana, cleaning the grim sight. The people became dazed as Lucas also partially altered their memories, removing their recollection of the bloody shore. When the people came to, they saw nothing—the shore was empty, and there wasn't any blood. Lucas wiped out the part of the incident, shrunk and stored the five ships in his dimensional pocket, and flew away east.

"What the... What happened here? Weren't there supposed to be five ships?" The townspeople, coming to their senses, were confused as they saw the dock clear and a pile of money at the shore. Wren and her sister wondered about the presence of Lucas, as they couldn't find him. They wanted to thank him again and suspected it was his doing that Wren was healed of his injury.

"Just you wait, ghost pirate. We'll get our revenge," the marines by the shore muttered, planning to hand over the remaining Crimson Corsairs and report Lucas, the ghost pirate, setting a bounty on him. They set out using the small boats on the island.

Now free, the citizens of Coral Cove held a feast. With the money, they could rebuild their town. It was a joyous and momentous day for them, and they wouldn't forget the generosity of the ghost pirate.

Flying in a random direction, Lucas sat on the mana platform he had made, lying on it comfortably. "I feel like Aladdin with the flying carpet," Lucas mused, a smile playing on his lips.

After leaving Coral Cove, Lucas flew east on his mana platform, enjoying the freedom of the open sky. He felt a bit like Aladdin on his flying carpet, the wind rushing past him as he soared above the clouds.

As he traveled, he noticed a dense, lush forest below, with a small village nestled in the heart of it. Intrigued, he decided to descend and explore this new place. The village was quaint and peaceful, with cobblestone streets and charming cottages. The villagers seemed friendly, going about their daily routines with smiles on their faces.

Lucas landed softly in the village square, drawing curious glances from the locals. He approached an elderly woman who was tending to a flower stall.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Could you tell me where I am?" Lucas asked politely.

"Why, you're in Greenhaven, dear," the woman replied with a warm smile. "It's a quiet little village, but we have our share of excitement from time to time."

"Greenhaven, huh? Sounds like a nice place," Lucas said, looking around. "Is there anything interesting to see or do around here?"

"Well, we do have the annual Harvest Festival coming up," the woman said. "It's a big event for us, with lots of food, music, and games. You should stick around for it."

"That sounds fun. Maybe I will," Lucas replied, feeling a sense of anticipation. "Thank you for the information."

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