Set Sail

[A/N: Again sorry for mixing the chapters here's two chapters as an apology]

"Does that mean you're a magician? Awesome! We've got a magician in our crew! What else can you do? Quick, do some magic right now!" Luffy said, pestering Lucas with childlike enthusiasm.

Lucas made a fireball and shot it up, leading it to explode in the air like a firework. The Straw Hats came to the conclusion that he either had Devil Fruit powers or was a magician, as Luffy thought. Since explaining that he wished to have the powers to transform into a million-plus aliens would be bothersome, Lucas figured they'd simply see his powers in action. It wasn't like he wanted to hide them or anything.

"Ahem. Aren't we forgetting something here?" he said, pointing at the knocked-out strangers.

"Yeah. Who are these guys anyway, and what's with the whale?" Nami asked, her voice filled with concern and curiosity.

The old man sighed a little, "This is Laboon. And those two are rogues from a nearby island. Their goal is to hunt down Laboon because, as you can see from his size, he could probably feed them for at least a couple of years."

"That's horrible!" Nami exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock and anger.

"We can't let them get away with this," Zoro said, his voice low and dangerous.

"Yeah. But he might kill himself if he continues to bash his head on the redline like that" Usopp said.

"Why is he doing that Anyways." Nami asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Laboon has been waiting for a group of pirates who promised to return after crossing the Grand Line. They never came back, and Laboon has been bashing his head against the Red Line ever since, trying to break through to find them." The old man replied.

"That's so sad," Nami said, her voice softening.

"I have an idea," Lucas said, stepping forward. He watched in horror as Luffy ran to rip the mast off the ship, intending to slam it on Laboon. Quickly, Lucas constructed a hand from mana, stretching it to grab hold of Luffy before he could pierce the whale.

"Ahem. Captain, if you rip off the mast like that, we'll end up stuck here," Lucas said, his voice calm but firm. As the others caught on to what Luffy was about to do, they screamed at him for acting so recklessly. Luffy pouted a little but ended up improvising, making a promise to Laboon to see him again.

The crew had to stay as Usopp repaired the ship. While eating, Nami checked her compass, only to find that it was not working well. "Huh, the compass is broken," she remarked as it spun like crazy.

"You really are first-timers," the old man said, holding a plate of food. "Common sense doesn't apply in the Grand Line. That compass isn't broken either; it's just that you need a special compass to navigate this ocean. It's something called a Log Pose. It's a special compass that records magnetic fields," the old man explained.

"So it's a strange-looking compass?" Luffy asked while munching on the food.

"Simply put, yes. You see, the various islands in the Grand Line have their own unique magnetic fields. A Log Pose is used to record the magnetic field interaction between two islands, and it'll show you the corresponding island which the Log Pose points to next. The process also varies; it can take days or sometimes years," the old man explained.

"Is it something like this then?" Luffy pulled out a Log Pose while munching on the food. Nami whacked him on the head for keeping it from her.

"Hey... That wasn't mine. I got it from those two weirdos from earlier," Luffy said, rubbing his head.

"As I was saying, the Log Pose is your only way of navigating this ocean. Furthermore, from here, you can choose one from seven paths of the magnetic field to record, which will lead you to different islands. But no matter where you start, you'll always end up at one island—the last island one can reach in the Grand Line," the old man said.

"Raftel. The island which Gol D. Roger confirmed its existence. I wonder if Lodestar can sense the magnetic field for it," Lucas muttered.

"Ahhh. Yes, you're quite informed," the old man said, as the others looked at Lucas with wonder.

"Then does that mean the One Piece is on that island?" Usopp asked, his voice filled with excitement.

"Who knows. Although it's the most likely theory," the old man responded, giving the crew great anticipation.

"Haa. I'm stuffed. I think we should get going now," Luffy said after finishing all the food, leaving Sanji and Usopp scolding him for eating everything.

"You should've learned by now," Lucas said, holding his plate of food and eating it.

"No fair, I was busy listening to the old man," Usopp said, wanting to ask for some from Lucas, but Lucas turned, giving him the shoulder as he ate. Sanji went and kicked Luffy, sending him flying, but Lucas made a mana barrier over Nami, protecting her and the Log Pose.

"Be careful, you idiots!" Nami yelled as she kicked Sanji and Luffy. "Thanks, you saved us there," she said to Lucas, her voice filled with gratitude.

As the old man continued his exposition, Luffy and Sanji resurfaced from the water, finding themselves alongside Miss Wednesday and Mr. 9. The two strangers seemed to want a ride from the Straw Hats back to their town. Luffy, ever the accommodating captain, accepted their request, setting the course for their first island.

"Right, almost forgot. Is it cool if I set this up by the door?" Lucas asked as they boarded the Merry.

"A birdhouse? Okay," Luffy replied, watching as Lucas went ahead to mount the little house on a stand next to the door on the main deck, to the left of the door.

"You have a bird or something? Huuu! Is it a magic bird?" Luffy started asking Lucas questions, his curiosity piqued.

"I don't know, it looks too sophisticated to be a birdhouse," Usopp remarked, examining the house closely.

"It's for me, actually," Lucas said. He then shrunk down, landing on the porch of the small house he'd mounted. He went inside and came out again, returning to his regular size. "See?" he said, proving his words.

The rest were shocked, their eyes wide with disbelief. "What the... He just shrunk and grew back to normal. What's with these weirdos?" Miss Wednesday and Mr. 9 gasped.

"Awesome!" Usopp and Luffy exclaimed in unison, their faces lighting up with excitement.

"Guess he really is a magician," Zoro retorted, a smirk playing on his lips as they set sail for their first destination: Whiskey Peak.

[A/N: I'm thinking to write the story and focusing more on Lucas and his perspective of things so from chapter 24 the writing maybe different]