Chapter 1

 "I just hope the tip given to me is legit" I said as I walk to the front of a luxurious restaurant. 

 I hear classical music playing slowly in the background and voices that sounds like whispers, perhaps because I was standing right outside an expensive looking door with golden handle.

 "Well, the door could be soundproof or shattered for all I care, that's not why I am here" I thought to myself. 

 I had never stepped my foot in a restaurant like this before because I am from a middle class family and not a rich one , I literally have no business here. Instead I should be out there looking for my daily bread. 

 I'm quite sure that if under a different circumstance, I would have felt wildly out of place. I could feel my heart beating very fast and my hands clammy and sweaty. 

 All that is currently in my mind is raw, bitter anger that has been building for weeks. 

 I grab the golden handle , twisting it and push the door open. 

 I looked up and i noticed Chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, which casts a soft, golden glow over the patrons who are dining in luxury, as they mingle in hushed tones and occasionally bursting out in laughter. It is a place for the elite those who wear power as casually as the expensive watches on their wrists. 

 I stood by the entrance while intensively scanning the room looking left and right. 

 My breath suddenly gets caught in my throat the moment I laid my eyes on him—Michael Hartley. He was sitting across from a stunning woman who has her long dark hair flowing down her back, laughing classily and with confidence, as if she hasn't a care in the world. I clenched my fists, as my mind flashes back to that night, the night that changed everything for me. 

 I had rehearsed for weeks what I would say if I ever see him again, and now, seeing him so casually sipping his wine and laughing as though his life isn't a complete disaster. 

 At this time, all the words I had previously practiced disappeared and all that was left was fury. 

 Hot , pulsing fury. 

 I walked majestically towards them like I was in a movie, swinging my hands as I did with my heels hitting against the marble floor which echoed. It seemed as though I was walking in slow motion as I approached them with my heart almost coming out of my mouth due to it beating so fast. 

 "Tahhhh", a sound echoes through the restaurant as my hand flies through the air, connecting with the side of his face before I could stop myself. 

 "What the hell…." He began with his dark, intense eyes snapping at me, filled with utter confusion and disbelief. 

 "You lying bastard!" I said cutting him off as I spit on his feet while glaring at him like i was going to eat him alive. My voice trembles with rage. 

 "How could you? You told me you were using protection! Now I'm pregnant, and you…" My voice cracked, as I felt the weight of the last few weeks bearing down on me all at once. 

 I watched as Michael's expression shifted from confusion to complete shock, his brow furrowing as he stared at me like I was speaking a foreign language. 

 "I… what?" he stammered, still not comprehending what was happening. 

 "You know exactly what I'm talking about!" My voice now quivering as I vibrate and clench my fists at my sides. 

 "You lied to me! I trusted you, and now I'm pregnant because of you!" 

 For a moment, he just stared at me, looking utterly confused like his brain was trying to piece together what I was saying. He turned his head to look at the woman sitting across from him—Vanessa, her name was…..and then back to me, as I stood trembling in front of them with my face reddened with anger. 

 "I don't even know you," he said finally in a low, incredulous tone. 

 "You think I'm just some idiot you can toy with?!" I shot back, ignoring the stares and whispers that filled the restaurant. "I'm not just some one-night stand you can forget about!" 

 I noticed the way the shocked woman, Vanessa, looked at me with her mouth falling open. "Michael, who is this? What is she talking about?" 

 "I…..I don't know!" Michael protested, as he pushed his chair back rising to his feet. "I've never seen her before in my life!" 

 "Don't lie to me!" I said in a stern tone, drawing even more attention from the patrons. "You have a tattoo….on your left side. You showed it to me that night, remember? After you promised you were being careful!" 

 I saw Michael's face drain of color, his confusion deepening as he tried to process my words. "A tattoo?" he repeated, his voice sounding far away. "I don't have a tattoo."


 I could sense my heart racing. How could he just stand there and deny everything so easily? Is this some kind of game to him? Does he think I am just going to walk away? 

 My breath became shallow as I move closer to him, my tone now turning from stern to a harsh one. "Don't you dare stand there and pretend like nothing happened. I remember everything, and I know you do too." 

 Michael ran his hand through his hair, as he listened to me. Almost as if I was a complete stranger to him. 

 "You've got the wrong guy," Michael said finally, his voice firm but measured. "I don't have a tattoo, and I sure as hell don't know anything about a one-night stand with you." 

 I shook my head, as disbelief washed over me. "Don't do this to me," i whisper as my voice cracks. "Don't pretend like I'm crazy." 

 Vanessa, who had been silent up until now, suddenly stands with her chair scraping loudly against the floor. Her eyes were open wide, I turned to her looking at her as her hands tremble as she stared at Michael. "Is this true? You've been cheating on me?" 

 "What? No!" Michael turned to her, desperation creeping into his voice. "I swear, I don't even know her! This is a mistake!" 

 Vanessa's face was now twisted with anger and betrayal, and before Michael could say another word, she slaps him hard across the face. 

 "Don't ever speak to me again," she hissed in a cold and venomous tone. 

 And just like that, Vanessa turned away from the table and stormed out of the restaurant, leaving both Michael and i standing there, stunned, with Micheal's cheek red from both slaps. 

 There was a long moment of silence between Micheal and I as we stood with a thick and suffocating tension hanging between us. 

 "You just cost me my girlfriend," Michael said slowly, his voice sounding low and dangerous. His eyes narrows as he looked at me while tightening his jaw. "Now you're going to explain yourself." 

 I swallowed hard as my throat goes dry. The weight of my actions was starting to dawn on me all at once. I really didn't mean for things to go this far, but now that they have, I can't turn them back. 

 "I…" i hesitated, my voice trembling. "I didn't mean for it to happen like this." 

 "Oh really?" Michael's voice dripped with sarcasm. "Because from where I'm standing, it seems like you came here with the sole intention of ruining my life." 

 "I thought you were him, you guys look so much alike except without the tattoo!" I bursted out as I felt my frustration spilling over. "You look exactly like him!" 

 He raised an eyebrow looking at me intensely. "Who?" 

 "Your brother!" I snapped feeling irritated. "Liam! He's the one I… I didn't know you had a twin until just now."