Chapter 34

My pulse quickened. "What did you find?" Micheal says.


"There's a paper trail," Jack said. "Harrington's been moving money around—lots of it. And it's not just his own. He's got investors involved, too. Some big names."


I watched as Micheal tightens his grip on the phone. "Are you saying he's funneling money away from the company?"


"That's exactly what I'm saying," Jack replied. "But it's not just that. He's been using these funds to finance something else. I haven't nailed down exactly what yet, but it's big, Michael. Bigger than we thought."


My mind raced. If Harrington is funneling money out of the company, that means he is setting up for something massive—something that can bring the entire empire crashing down.


"I need everything you've got," Michael said, his voice low, controlled. "Meet me at the office in an hour."


"On my way," Jack replied before the line goes dead.