*I shut the alarm on my phone*
5:25AM. I woke up quite later than expected. Probably because of the long talk we had last night.
Last night, when I closed my eyes. I guess a dream? For some reason I saw myself laid down on the floor, unable to move, just seeing things unfold before me. My name again being shouted in a worrying manner this time. Everything was so hazy. But why was I there in the first place? Did I skip a scene or something?
As the noise and chaos started to fade, my eyes slowly began to open to the sunshine rays shining on my face. I get off bed and as usual, do my routine and head to school.
A loud BANG! came from the hallways as I walk up the stairs to our classroom. I quickly stride up the flight of stairs curious to what happened. I have no idea wether this would be a good or bad sight to see.
Once I set my eyes upon the scene, I was met with eyes as confused and revolted as mine. THERE WAS A GROUP FILMING IN FRONT OF ME AND I WRECKED THE CLIMAX SCENE. Picture this: Our hunk of a protagonist is facing the antagonist in a Wild West Duel and they have just drawn their gun and shot it.
"You UNBELIEVEABLY UNFORTUNATELY TIMELY KNUCKLEHEAD!!! THAT WAS THE TAKE OF ABSOLUTE PEAK CINEMA!!!" The leader of the English group violently reacted to one's unfortunate arrival.
I bowed down a lot of times to show how sorry I am and I hurried to the door of the classroom. Luckily, I swept in with a fluke of getting right on time before class.
"What an unlucky man you are..." Ken sighs as I head over to my table behind him and Ivan.
"Sucks to be yelled at by the commander isn't it?" Ivan also let out a sigh.
"I said I'm sorry... Even bowed myself an excessive amount of times to show how sorry I am! Ugh, just move on from it alright I just want to get this day to be good."
Class starts and— wait, probably at this point you're gonna be wondering... If Ivan and Ken are sitting together in front of me, then who is beside me?
Well, I do have an answer.
The person sitting beside me, was an old friend of mine. Let's call her Nam. A schoolmate I had during elementary. We weren't the best of friends not the worst of enemies. Just an acquaintance is all though we barely talk nowadays even when sat together.
"You got pad paper?" I asked Nam for the activity.
"Yeah. Here, have some."
"Ah thank you, didn't ask yet though."
"I'd know anyway what you'll ask... Always running out of paper."
"Well I guess knowing each other since elementary is a perk. Thank you though."
"Anytime, not like you're a stranger or something."
The class proceeds to do the activity. We found it pretty easy so we finished quite early and had free time. Ken and Ivan as usual are cooperating while I do my own thing.
As the first period passes, and the second without any interesting things happening or anything I did that was noteworthy. Recess came and I had to try to settle my thoughts that were lingering in this brain of mine.
"Can I ask something about our classmates?"
"What about our classmates?"
"Well one in particular, Lin."
"gqhgfssjsaI did not expect you to start a motion here, Ying... Like you wouldn't be the kind to ask about potential rom—"
"HECK NO! I just wanted to ask because she's my leader for General Biology and I just want to get to know people so I know the presonality and proper attitude or etiquette to be observed when I'm in the presence of such person."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say... Now what do you really wanna ask about Lin?"
"What is Lin like? Like personality. Or what are some manners or things that she dislikes especially if it were a group project."
"You forgot? Oh, wait. You did forgot..." Nam spoke in a descending tone as if she realized what she said.
"What do you mean by?"
"Nothing, nothing. I guess she is a lighthearted person, probably one to be very responsible but carefree when it comes to the occasion. She does not like an attitude of being snobbish or irresponsible of something important. In a group project... Just don't be a freeloader and she'll be happy about that."
"I see, thanks for the info. Alright, see ya later then I'm just gonna buy some food at the canteen."
"Alright, come back before class starts you knucklehead..."
I proceed to go to the canteen with a question in my mind. What did she mean by "You forgot?"
I saw Lin at the canteen, she bought some donuts and gummies with her friends. I guess a sweet tooth. But donuts, something I do remember was I'd also eat donuts when I was younger in school. Especially the ones with the chocolate frosting on top with sprinkles... Yum...
I headed back to the classroom. Something just makes me think that Nam meant something else while describing Lin. As if it's supposed to be known facts?
"I'm back, excuse me please..."
"Well took you long enough. I have to say, this is like the first time I ever talked to your lonely bum. What got into your head?"
"Dunno, I guess today I felt to be in the mood to talk to someone else other than my bros."
"Huh, I see. If that's what you say so."
Class begins and the subject after recess is, English of Ma'am Cam. Yeah, the leader didn't look at me at a friendly manner as the teacher asks about the progress of the filming...
Well, good thing I'm not getting cooked today by that grump of a leader... We went on to discuss about the functions of the English language and done an activity where we had to speak in front about the current issues in our society.
"Yes, ma'am, as you can see this is the, yes of the thing you see here the two men fighting uhh, accidental boom! absolutely!" Ken as usual had the craziest English sentence constructions...
"What?" Ma'am Cam was in utter disbelief as she stops herself from bursting out laughing.
"Man h-how do you get HAHAHAHA Eng-HAHAHA English this b-b-broken? HAHAHAHA" Ivan was in tears laughing.
"HAHAHAHA It just seems h-h-harder t-to HAHAHA mess up-p that b-ad than t-alk n-n-HAHAHA normally!!! Li-Like hooow???" I was bawling out laughing as my lungs slowly start to give up.
The whole class starts going on an oxygen shortage after that horrid but hilarious speech by Ken...
Lunch comes by and we told Jay about what happened in English class to which he was just as amused. The day goes through and we pack our things to go home. I left something underneath the table and had to get it.
"Alright let me get thi—" I was thumped by something as I rose up.
"Uh Ying..."
"Hmm? And who is— oh. Lin, what's up?"
"What happened to the paper you were supposed to write? Were approaching deadline in 2 days as you can see."
"Oh, about that... Don't worry I'll start writing later alright."
"Thank you! Is there anything else you want to ask?"
"Ah, well nothing particularly related to the paper..."
"What do you mean by that?"
"How do I say this..."
~ To Be Continued ~