An Enchanted Arsenal

"Okay, I think… this will do," I muttered as I looked over my stock of magical items. There were potions, but I was hesitant to bring them with me. Too fragile. I still put a few potions into small plastic bottles just because they were too useful to not bring with me, and the plastic containers were better than nothing, even if – for reasons I still couldn't figure out – the potions would degrade in effectiveness over the course of a few hours due to not being stored in glass.

'I'll have to splurge and get some vials with Unbreakable charms on them,' I mused, thinking of the future for a moment. 'My best bets are the runic artifacts and Ofuda.'

The former were items I'd carved with runes to do various tasks. I even had a few that were basically magical bombs. Toss 'em and forget about 'em. Same for the Ofuda, which were Japanese talismans inscribed with a unique rune language based on Japan's Kanji.

The ink used to inscribe the magical arrays had been mixed with a few potions and my own blood, to provide the magical energy necessary to even use them. But they were more versatile than the runic devices, as I'd been able to make Sealing type Ofuda that were basically one-use stunners. And a couple Fire type that would set whatever they attached to on fire.

I gathered them all up, in the end. Better to have them than not need them. Only ten of each, though.

My runic rings would be going with me as well, but I also put on a pair of fake glasses that I considered to be my best work yet.

They had a trio of potent spells woven into them; a Bubble Head charm, a Shield Charm centered around the head and neck that was anchored to the Bubble Head charm to protect me like a transparent astronaut's helmet, and a facial obscuring hex that made it hard to identify me so long as I was wearing said glasses. It sadly wouldn't fool cameras or electronic videos, but that was a problem for another day to be dealt with.

What it would do was protect me against being shot in the head. I'd gotten lucky earlier with the gunman choosing to pop a round in my enchanted suit instead of my face, but I wasn't going to let that happen again.

'Oh, and I'll be able to breath underwater or in a smoke-filled room, so that's also nice,' I mused as I adjusted them. It felt weird to wear glasses, as I'd never needed them in my previous life either, but I would put up with the discomfort.

'Perhaps a Cushioning charm on the bridge of the nose?' I pondered to myself.

I then slid a couple bundles of Stunner Ofuda into a pair of modified faux-leather deck holders. They were originally designed to hold a deck of cards each, but I had added straps so they could hang off my belt or across my chest, bandolier style. This way, I could draw my paper talismans with ease.

A pair of sturdy hiking boots was next. A Cushioning charm rune set kept them nice and comfy, while also letting me jump and land on me feet without breaking my legs, at least from a height of ten feet or less. And of course there was a Muffling charm to hide any noise I could make.

Gloves were next. These were my most offensive runic creations besides the rune bombs. Made of greyish Mountain Troll hide, I had woven ancient runes for Great Strength onto them, making me capable of lifting close to a thousand pounds with them. And punching with as much force. If I hit somebody at full strength, they would be lucky to only get bruises, and not broken bones.

Last but not least, I got out my bag of fortune telling bones. You never knew when a bit of Divination could come in handy, and I'd been getting better at using this particular method of observing the future. I tied the velvet bag full of knuckle bones to my belt, ready to use them at a moment's notice.

There was a dangerous amount of magic in my combat outfit, not to mention all the magical modifications in my muggle items, which was technically illegal since I planned on using it against other muggles, and if I was caught by an auror carrying even half of this stuff, I'd be thrown in Azkaban faster than you can say 'Dementor!'

But I didn't care that there was a fiendish amount of power at my fingertips, nor that it was illegal to even try and fight against muggles with it. I was going to save Delilah without hesitation!

As I was getting my battle supplies ready, Inky popped back in with a remorseful look on his face.

"Inky is sorry, Young Master Eddy," the Hunch family House Elf apologized. "Inky could not use the bullet to trace the bad muggles."

"Hmm, it's alright, Inky, it was a long shot anyways," I said with a sigh. "Did you find any of the kidnapped victim's hair, at least?"

"Inky did," the House Elf proclaimed, proudly holding up a single silver strand.

"Good," I muttered, and began to prepare a special potion. This one used up a good chunk of my available magical ingredients, but when I was done, I had a Tracking Potion.

I dropped Delilah's hair into the potion, where it sizzled and went from a murky brown to a bright silver-white. Then, it started to glow yellow.


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