Strength in Friendship

While he hadn't actually intended to supercharge Dobby when he'd completed the binding, Harry couldn't help but smile at the elves' newer vocabulary and intelligence. "Take what time you need to design the uniform to your satisfaction."

"I will do so sir. Now, do you want to dine up here or in the Great Hall?" The elf looked like the question was merely rhetorical as he was already preparing to leave.

"I'd like to be out of this room as soon as possible," Harry exclaimed. "The Great Hall would be perfect."

With a snappy salute, Dobby nodded his head and then was gone. Unlike when other elves Apparate, there was no pop to even signify that he'd left the room.

For the Gods' only know what time that morning, Poppy was left just staring at Harry while shaking her head. "Hermione was right. Nothing is ever ordinary with you Harry. That was a very good thing you just did for Dobby. Now let's go. I want you using your body as much as possible, as soon as possible."


Three Weeks Later...

Biting the bullet Harry dropped himself into the bath along with an inarticulate gasp. As the ice swirled around his body, Harry was forced to grit his teeth to keep them from chattering. "A magical world," he breathed to himself. "Magical healing and charms for every ache and pain imaginable. Still... Both the common cold and growing pains are an unsolvable problem?"

Well... Contrary to all of his bitching, Harry was actually allowed to take two pain potions a day. Any more than that however and they'd start interfering with the rest of the magical tonics and fortifying potions that he was forced to ingest every single day. The only problem with his current pain potion intake was that two of them were nowhere near enough, even when taking into consideration Harry's more than impressive pain tolerance.

Slowly but surely over the past couple of weeks, Harry's body had officially transformed into a torture rack of different aches and pains. It felt like every time he sat down, he was lurching and vibrating with new cell division and rapid growth. If the process didn't hurt like a shot to the balls taking place all over his body, Harry would've been pleased that he no longer looked like a ten year old. He officially looked eleven now... Too bad he was really almost fourteen.


Well, whether Harry appreciated the discomfort or not, he was growing fast and that was for the best.

As it turns out, movement and adrenaline is a good way to ignore a person's aches and pains, so Harry was almost always moving these days. For the fifth day in a row, Harry had just finished his ten mile run around the Black lake in record time, and he'd most likely break his newest record again tomorrow.

Now that he was finished with the running, Harry was due in the Room of Requirements to lift weights for the rest of the morning. The activity was a good distraction, but it also meant that Harry was tearing up his muscles in new and creative ways on a regular basis. Despite the fact that ice baths suck, Harry found himself taking several of them a week, in order to soothe constantly torn and rebuilt muscles.


Appearing completely unprompted to save the day like a superhero, Dobby suddenly handed Harry a dark brown smoothie. At first the elf had been completely silent while performing the elves's form of Apparition (teleportation). It was only after Harry was nearly startled off of his feet a few times that he'd started entering rooms with a small but cheerful popping sound.

Dobby smiled as he watched Harry enjoy the smoothie that he'd invented. "I think I've perfected it with this one," he announced, while gesturing proudly at the drink. "It should taste more like a normal gym goer's protein smoothie than the liquid death that it actually is."

About a week earlier, Harry had expressed how much he hated Poppy's magical Nutrition tonics, and doing so was one of the best things he'd ever done…. While at the time, he hadn't actually expected Dobby to do anything about the problem, the elf had immediately dedicated all of his new and prodigious intelligence towards improving the tonic's taste. As Harry took a sip of the new and improved magic/body fortifying tonic, he sighed in satisfaction. It was delicious. "It's official, Dobby. You're a genius and I have no idea how I ever lived without you."


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