An Unexpected End



"A toast to our one and only brainiac, who'll spend his days far away from us." Reggie, a jovial red-haired, kicked off the celebration.

".... To Flynn, the genius who's leaving us behind for greater things!" Another male voice added, as it filled Joe's Diner, a cozy restaurant near Flynn's home.

Flynn beamed with gratitude, surrounded by his closet friends. They'd thrown him a surprise party to celebrate his scholarship in Advanced Physics And Mathematics. As glasses clinked, filled with soda and juice and a half eaten cake, he felt overwhelmed. This moment, surrounded by dear friends, would forever be remembered in his heart.

"Flynn, have you told your parents?" asked Alex, his dim-eyed friend who had spoken earlier, "Or is your dad still on that science project?"

"I haven't told anyone yet," Flynn replied, his grip tightening on the canned soda, and a sad expression clearly written over his face. "I'm waiting for their arrival tonight. My dad had a break, and Mom will be back for the weekend."

Flynn's parents were dedicated professionals. His father, was always an absent figure for 11 years, worked tirelessly on a top-secret project, connecting only through occasional video calls. He had left when Flynn was only 7, and His mother, a journalist, balanced work stress with quality time, making every moment count.

"Oh, cut that look!" Reggie grinned widely, "... Think of the most important thing! You got a scholarship, that would take you to a better place, I'm sure far from your workaholic parents."

Flynn's grip on the canned soda softened, realizing his friends were more than what he needed. The scholarship's six-year commitment, followed by an instant job, weighed heavily on him.

"You know," Alex broke through his thoughts, adjusting his glasses. His next words seemed like he had understood Flynn's moment of silence, "There are many... I would say many ways to reach us. And remember, this is a small world, there's no telling where—"

"Oh, shut it, Four Eyes!" Reggie interrupted, his face inches from Alex's. "Today's a day of celebration, not listening to your boring old talks."

Alex adjusted his glasses again. "I wasn't talking boring talk. I was speaking—"

"Nonsense! Yeah, I get it." Reggie teased, then the next words spoken left his eyes twitching.

"Listen, you! I'm sure if you don't put up something into your future, you'll end up like those raccoons!"

"Huh! You said what—"

Flynn sighed, sipping his soda, watching the duo bicker. This wasn't their first argument, and it was exactly why he'd miss them. He turned his head towards the window where he had sat close by.

'I wonder how Mom would feel. A happy smile would definitely be on her face, after I present this scholarship.' He thought, with a cornered smile.

.[10:11 PM].

The night streets were eerily quiet, the only sound being Flynn's footsteps. Reggie and Alex had 'borrowed' a head start, evading the waiter's wrath; He had kept his restaurant long opened, given them enough time to celebrate and they still exceeded it.

Flynn on the other hand strolled, lost in thought. Home was just a stone's throw away. Things seemed okay. For a short minutes, before a loud voice sounded,


Flynn paused, turning towards the alley. A whimper, followed by kicks and muffled cries, caught his attention.

He hesitated, then stepped into the alley, eyes adjusting to the darkness. The streetlight's glow barely reached the alley, casting long shadows, and the only light which illuminated the area was that of the full moon.

As he drew closer, his eyes went wide opened.

A young boy, battered and bruised, lay on the ground, gasping for breath. Two masked assailants loomed over him.

Stupidly at the same time, courageous, Flynn's instincts kicked in.

"Hey, leave him alone!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the alley.

The attackers paused, momentarily startled.

"Sh*t!" one exclaimed, turning to flee.

The second assailant stood firm, eyes locked on Flynn. "Is he a friend of yours?" he sneered.

Flynn approached cautiously, as he took in the boy's critical state.

"He's almost dead!."

The second assailant produced a gun, its muzzle gleaming in the faint moonlight.

"This is none of your business! And Yes! So will you!" he snarled, aiming at Flynn.

At this moment, it seemed fate had planned his life. Reggie and Alex appeared, out of breath, behind him. They had seen his abrupt turn into the alley and with how his body reacted, it definitely had trouble attached.

Out of concern, Reggie yelled out, especially with the gun pointed towards his friend, "Dude W-what...?."

Flynn carefully raised his hands at him, "Not now—"

Alex's eyes met the gunman's, whose hands trembled.

"Damnit! He's got friends!"

Noticing the buildup tension, Flynn pleaded, "Just leave, no one would tell the cops!"


The fleeing assailant returned, "We've given the boy what he deserves, let's just go—"

"The cops are on their way!" Reggie shouted from behind.


Flynn turned to Reggie, "Why did you call the—"



The world froze.

Reggie and Alex's eyes widened in horror. The gunman dropped his weapon, shivering in shock. He had pulled the trigger out of panic and now, his fingers were cold as Ice.

Flynn's gaze fell to his chest, blood spreading across his white shirt. The bullet had pierced his heart which slow beat marked his end. Before darkness claimed him, he heard his name and the sirens.

But, there was a particular thought which crossed his mind...

'Mom, I got a scholarship...'


Flynn's thoughts faded into a dreamlike state, gradually shifting.



That was all that he could see.

Then, slowly, it seemed someone called out to him.

The voice became louder and louder. Until he could catch the words, "Yo Bimpky! Get ya butt off the ground. Are you going to lay there all day?."