Death Groove

"Get away from the mushrooms!"

The Digger boys, each carrying bags filled with spiky red berries, exchanged confused glances. Their minds were on selling the berries, not heeding Flynn's warning.

"GET AWAY FROM THE MUSHROOMS!" Flynn shouted again.

Two-tooth, his expression irritated, took a deep breath as Flynn approached. "What now, Bimpky?" he asked, his tone with annoyance.

"The mushrooms will soon release creature spores," Flynn explained, pointing towards the large swollen orange-capped fungi. "We need to get away from them, now—!"

One of Two-tooth's goons growled, and the largest boy among stepped forward, He grasped Flynn's shoulders, his voice filled with condescension.

"Listen 'ere, Bimpky!" the huge redhead, bushy-bearded boy sneered. "You got yelled out, and rightly so! You deserve it, ain't ya?"

Flynn's eyes narrowed, his gaze locked on the boy's smirking face. The redhead's hair reminded him of Reggie, but the attitude was a far cry from his friend's.

The boy continued, "Don't think you've got the upper 'and, Bimpky. You slip off to the lake, spin some yarn 'bout creature spores... Come on! You think we're gullible? The spider creature was one thing, but mushrooms spoutin' creatures? You must think we're bloody simpletons!"

The other goons chuckled, egging him on.

At this moment, Flynn didn't know what else to say. One, with the goons spitting nonsense, the others would be in danger. Especially those who couldn't voice their opinion, all thanks to Two-tooth's fearful leadership.

Flynn slapped the boy's hand from his shoulder and walked towards the other eight boys, "Listen here!.."

They all turned their head towards Flynn, some rolling their eyes, others listening to what he had to say,

".... I know we all have our share of differences. But w must understand that this place.... This isn't the place for us. It's a death trap, for nearly everything and everyone. Please, I beg you, leave this Mushrooms spot. Just these Mushroom spot—"

A boy with crooked teeth spoke up, "Just move away from that mushroom and be alive, eh?"

Flynn nodded vigorously. "Yes! That's right!."

Soon, Another boy stepped forward, joining Flynn. A glimmer of hope sparked within him. If just one soul stood by him, it was a start.

Two-tooth noticing this, stormed forward, his face reddening. "So, you think you can take authority over me, you useless good-for-nothin'—"

Two more boys defected from Two-tooth's group, their arms folded, eyes locked on Flynn and then Two-tooth. They had long-held grudges against Two-tooth, so leaving was an opportunity to show half of their anger.

Now, three boys stood by Flynn, thirteen steps away from the ripening mushrooms.

"Please, come," Flynn implored to the others, his voice with urgency. "Just walk towards me, and you'll be safe!... Please!"

Two-tooth came closer, his voice dripping with malice. "Fulfillin' your useless thoughts of takin' over? You won't succeed!"

Flynn smiled as Two-tooth approached. "You really cling to life, eh? Not pride, but survival?"

Two-tooth's face reddened. "You think you've won over three? Ten still stand by me!" He shoved Flynn's chest. "No one, not even you, will take that from me! You'll see, nothing strange about these mushrooms—"


The ripe mushroom's silent hiss filled the grove, shaking the surroundings. Flynn's eyes widened. "Oh no!"

The boys, including Two-tooth's goons, looked up and around as mushroom spores filled the air.

A spore landed on one of the digger boy's hand. He stretched out his fingers, catching two more. The spores, transforming into ant-like creatures.

"Huh?" The boy exclaimed, stunned by the white ants with orange-glowing abdomens.

These weren't ordinary ants; they stood on four legs, using the other two as arms.

The ant creature tilted its head, and so did the boy who found it quite enticing.

Flynn's voice rang out, urgent. "You fool! Leave now and dust yourself off!"

The boy replied, mesmerized, "It's kinda cute, innit?"

He gazed back at the ant creature, which repeated its tilt. When suddenly, the creature's arms dug into the boy's flesh. "Pop~"

An orange mushroom burst forth from his arm.

The boy shrieked in agony as thousands of mushrooms sprouted around his body, as he dropped on the ground.

"Pop... Pop... Pop...~" The sound echoed through the grove.

Panic spread as the other boys nearby felt mushrooms growing on themselves. Four fell, then Two-tooth's goons, one by one.

Two-tooth's eyes widened in terror as he turned to Flynn, whose face mirrored his horror.

"Do somethin'!" Two-tooth begged.

Flynn's expression darkened. "I've done what I—"


A giant mushroom's cap beside them swelled, capturing their attention.

Quickly without any word, Flynn sprinted away, the other three boys, including Two-tooth, following closely.

'Burst..~' Spores filled the air.

One of the boys shouted, "What's with these blasted mushrooms?"

They dashed to their right, only to find five more giant mushrooms swelling. Flynn yelled, "Are you kidding me!"

The entire grove brightened, and yellow-capped mushrooms swelled simultaneously.

"Bloody hell!" Two-tooth exclaimed.

Panic gripped the group as Flynn's eyes darted wildly, seeking escape. Ahead lay the lake, but giant mushrooms blocked the path. Red berries surrounded them, reminding Flynn of the spiky leaves.

He swiftly plucked four leaves and handed three to the boys. "Use these to blow away the spores," he instructed, demonstrating how the large leaves could cover their heads. "They turn spiky with the slightest touch, protecting us from mushroom spouts.—"

Two-tooth protested, "Hey?! What about my leaf, eh?"

Flynn glanced at him, his expression stern. "Pluck one yourself, mate."

To the other boys, Flynn said, "Follow me! We're heading for the lake."

As they rushed ahead, Two-tooth groaned, scanning the area for a red berry leaf. He spotted a smaller one and swiftly plucked it, opting for safety over size. A nearby mushroom had just released its spores, and he wasn't willing to take the risk.


'Swiss... Swiss....~'


Spiky leaves held by the boys blew through the air, as the spores bursts.

Flynn could easily rush through the tight spaces of the Mushrooms. His agility and balance, made this easier.

The other three boys found this harder, but the spiky leaves protected their head from the releasing spores.

Flynn ahead yelled out, "We're almost there!.."

Meanwhile, the other three boys struggled to run through the tight spaces.

At the very last part, one of the Digger boys tripped over a root, his leaf leaving his hands. Immediately, he tried standing up, Two-tooth stepped on his back, picked up his leaf and gave him a crooked smile, "Survival For The Fittest innit!," He said, leaving the boy behind.

"Curse you Two-tooth!!!..."

The boy's cry was replaced by an agonizing scream, with the Mushrooms spores landing on his body, sprouting alongside.

However, Two-tooth laughed out as he had gotten two red berry leaves, it made it easier for him to blow away any spores which came his way.

The two boys ahead were closer to each other and they both nodded, taking a left path.

Two-tooth followed as well, as he used them for guidance, when suddenly, he came towards a circle filled with large swelling Mushrooms.

"Wait... What?." He paused as the two boys did as well.

The two boys turned towards Two-tooth, and swiftly snatched his leaf, leaving him in awe.

"... You will pay for all you've done! How you've lead us into this place..." One of the boys said.

The other adding, "And for usin' our brother's head as a steppin' stone in the spider's incident!."

Before Two-tooth could say a word, the boys escaped through the tiniest space, and also, before his Legs could move...


The ripe Mushrooms spores were released and he quickly took off his shirt, cursing under his breath as he drove the spores away...

But slowly, One Mushroom after the other released it's spores, clouding Two-tooth whose last words were, "DAMN YOU BLOODY BASTARDS!."


Flynn turned his head towards the two boys who suddenly appeared behind, "Two-tooth?" He asked, surely heard his voice.

"Gone to see his maker!" One of the boys replied, and Flynn shrugged.

".... He deserves it tho."

Ahead was the lake and quickly, all three dived in, escaping large explosion of Mushrooms spores.

Above, spores floated on the water, while ant creatures swiftly swam towards dry land. The boys shared relieved glances.

Flynn recalled from Bimpky's memories, swimming through waters, but spores and ant creatures still lurked above.

"... Really?.." he thought through, when one boy pointed to a hole in the lake wall.

Flynn frowned, seeing no alternative.

Without a second thought, They swam in, praying for a safe passage.

Flynn as well carefully swam into the dark tunnel, when monotone voice echoed:


Flynn's eyes widened; he'd forgotten about the Ring....


[HOST NEGLIGENCE FAILURE - (-16 Liters Of Blood!) -1hr!!!]

Flynn's pupils dilated.