"…and then your mother nailed him with a boils hex," Sarah continued to explain, much to Harry's amusement "He had a massive one right between his eyes for about a week after that, as nothing the school nurse could do would get it to go down."
Harry chuckled in amusement, enjoying hearing of the riotous relationship between his mother and father during their fifth year at Hogwarts.
Sarah Abbott smiled at seeing Harry so happy to learn of his parents. It was nice to know that the son of her deceased friends liked to hear stories about his parents, and yet at the same time is was disconcerting to know that he had reached the age of fifteen and yet knew so little about them.
More disconcerting, however, were the results she was getting from her tests. Amelia had warned her about the scars on his back, but she hadn't truly believed it until she saw them for herself. Following that the first things she had tested were his bones. As she had suspected after seeing the scars, many of Harry's bones had breaks or fractures that had not healed properly. Also his bones had grown poorly in general. After that she had discovered his malnourishment.
She didn't know how frequently Harry went to the hospital wing at Hogwarts, but there were some serious questions to be asked, namely how had Poppy Pomfrey missed all this? A more serious question was had she actually missed it?
The healer moved her wand over Harry's torso, a white orb of light glowing on the tip of it. As the wand was moved over Harry's right arm, the orb turned red. She frowned.
"What happened there, Harry?" she asked "The spell is reading that your blood was drawn from that scar on your arm for use in a ritual."
Harry looked down at his arm, and his eyes darkened "That's because that is exactly what happened. Part of the ritual that brought Voldemort back to life involved the use of my blood."
Predictably Sarah flinched at the name of the self-styled Dark Lord but she quickly got over that part. For her the real shocker was what Harry said after that.
Her legs felt weak and she sat down on the edge of the bed so as to avoid collapsing.
"He's really back?" she asked in a weak voice.
Harry gave one slow nod.
She took and deep shuddering breath and then buried her face in her hands.
Harry sat up "You okay?"
Sarah shook her head "No, Harry, I'm not okay. That basted and his psychopath followers killed nearly everyone I cared about… your parents… my parents and sister… friends, family, colleagues…"
Harry sat there feeling incredibly awkward. He never knew what to do about crying women.
Sarah wiped her eyes and stood up "Well, no use crying about it. Let's finish getting you checked out."
She drew her wand again and waved it over Harry. Immediately she frowned and muttered "Well that's not right."
"What?" asked Harry.
"You're testing positive for a Compulsion Potion," replied the Healer. She waved her wand again and her frown deepened "And you've been receiving regular doses for years, though not for a few weeks."
She waved her wand in a slightly more intricate pattern "You're also under the influence of a loyalty potion, though it's wearing off."
Harry frowned in confusion "Why would it be wearing off?"
Sarah gave a shrug "Maybe they failed to get a dose to you."
Harry thought for a moment before realising something.
"My birthday," he exclaimed "My friends kept silent all throughout the holidays, and then send me a load of sweets and cakes for my birthday but I was so angry at them I threw the lot away."
"Do you frequently receive gifts like that during the summer?" asked Sarah.
"Yeah," replied Harry with a nod "But also I am usually at the Weasleys' House by this point in the summer."
"Then we may have the "how" of the situation," said Sarah "If it's alright with you I'd like to take a sample of your blood. Hopefully I'll be able to isolate the potion in the sample and then trace the magical signature back to the brewer and the person to whom the potions are keyed."
"If the Weasleys are supplying it then it's probably on Dumbledore's orders," said Harry "The potions are probably keyed to Dumbledore as well. And if that is the case, the brewer will probably be Snape."
Sarah nodded, a dark look on her face "I was at school with that guy. Never liked him… the way he used to look at your mum gave me the creeps…"
Harry cringed and asked "Did he fancy her?"
He was surprised to get a laugh in return "Harry, just about every bloke in the school fancied your mother. Whether the believed all that pure-blood dogma or not, no red-blooded male could deny that she was fanciable."
Harry frowned and asked "Is "fanciable" even a word?"
"Of course it is, I just used it. Now, let me draw a bit of blood."
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