Harry felt like his head had barely hit the pillow when he awoke to find bright sunlight streaming through the open curtains that hung in front of the large window of the bedroom that he had been shown to the night before.
"Ah, the young sir is up then," said a voice.
Harry rolled over onto his side and saw a House Elf standing next to his bed. Judging by the voice and slighter build, Harry guessed that this House Elf was female, though it wasn't exactly easy to tell with the little beings.
"Mistress Amelia requests that you join her downstairs in the kitchen. She wishes to speak with you," said the Elf.
"Is it alright if I get cleaned up a bit first?" asked Harry.
"Certainly, sir," replied the Elf "I shall inform the Mistress, but please don't be keeping her waiting too long, sir."
And with that the Elf vanished with a pop.
Harry threw back the covers of the bed and swung his legs out onto the wooden floor. He sat on the edge of the bed for a moment, rubbing his eyes wearily, before getting to his feet and making his way over to the en suite bathroom.
Inside the fixtures were all made of an exquisite white marble. Unfortunately there was no shower. Harry had noted this at the Weasley family home, The Burrow, as well. It was the same at Hogwarts. It seemed that the magical community had failed to advance as far as the shower yet. Seeing as he did not have the time for a bath, Harry settled for filling the large wash basin with hot water. After a quick scrub down he dried himself off, got dressed, made a doomed-to-failure attempt to do something with his hair to make it look tidy, and then headed out of his room.
On the staircase leading down to the ground floor, he noticed something that made him pause. The wall beside the staircase was painted in a colour that some might say was called burgundy, whereas others would call it maroon. On the wall there hung dozens, perhaps even hundreds of portrait frames that Harry simply had not taken notice of on his way upstairs the previous evening. He supposed that his tiredness had something to do with it. Also given how just about every corridor and staircase in Hogwarts was decorated with portraits, he had just come to not pay too much attention to the things over time.
As he was walking down the staircase, Harry stopped every so often to take in one portrait or another. It turned out that they all appeared to be members of the Bones family, both born into the line and married into it. Each painting had a small golden plaque, into which were engraved the name, date of birth and date of death of each family member. There was a one of a grim faced man with a short white beard and moustache named Henry Bones, dated to have lived between 949 and 1034. It seemed that the Bones family had a long history, dating to before the time William the Conqueror had led the Norman Conquest against Anglo-Saxon England. In fact, this guy was born before Hogwarts School was even founded *.
Harry moved along the line and saw a couple more names. He was particularly surprised by 'Elizabeth Bones (née Potter) 973 – 1067.' From that he guessed that his own family had a long history as well. It would have been nice to have known that sooner.
Further along the lines he noticed that the Black family had also married into the Bones family, as had the Abbotts, the Longbottoms, the McKinnons and the Meadowes. All very old families, it seemed, and all of whom, if Harry had remembered correctly, had each suffered great losses at the hands of Lord Voldemort and his followers. So much for the supposed value of wizarding blood.
Remembering that Madam Bones was waiting for him, Harry tore his eyes away from the portraits and continued on downstairs. He would definitely be studying those portraits some more during his time here.
In the kitchen Harry found Madam Bones sitting at the table, taking tea with another woman. Although he had never met this woman in his life, as far as he could remember anyway, something about the shape of her face and her blond hair was immediately recognisable to him. Given that he was in the Bones family manor house, and given that Susan Bones was a close friend of Hannah Abbott, and given how much this woman resembled Hannah, Harry immediately assumed that this woman was Hannah's mother.
He was right too.
"Ah, Harry," said Madam Bones "I'd like to introduce you to Sarah Abbott. She's a healer with the Auror department."
Harry took the healer's hand and bowed respectfully "A pleasure to meet you, Healer Abbott."
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