Chapter 5 : two bites 2

**"I am a vampire!"** Drake screamed before bursting into laughter. All those fictional novels weren't lies—vampires were real.

**"Am I immortal now?"** he wondered aloud as he stood up, surveying his surroundings. The sun had set, and the forest should have been shrouded in darkness. Yet for him, it was as bright as day—better, even. After a few moments of reflection, Drake recalled something important he had forgotten.

**"Vampires are made through bites, right? So, I was bitten... but by who? Wait—Mark said I was with a woman."** Drake slowly pieced it together. She must have been the one who bit him.

But why? His curiosity surged. He grabbed his bag, pulling out his phone to check the time.

**8:00 p.m.**

His parents would freak out, but he could come up with a story—maybe say Kate took him out. He let out a dry laugh. **"Hah, my imagination again..."** The truth was, his parents were long gone. He had only the vast property left behind by a wealthy man. His butler was the only one waiting for him.

**"Time to go,"** Drake muttered, glancing at the GPS. **"Wait, I'm at the edge of another city? What the...?"** His phone slipped from his hand. How had he traveled hundreds of kilometers to another city without realizing it? The thought sent chills down his spine. He had accepted the cold body, the heightened senses, but this...?

**"I'll just have to figure it out,"** Drake whispered, trying to calm himself. He started walking.

Suddenly, **boom**—he collided with a tree, toppling it effortlessly. Each step he took now covered five meters. **"What... what?"** Drake stared in disbelief at the tree he had felled, marveling at his unscathed body.

**"I'll never get used to this,"** he muttered with a wary smile.


**An hour later**, he was almost out of the forest. He could hear the distant hum of vehicles and see people ahead. Checking his phone again, he confirmed that his skin wasn't pale like the vampires in the movies. Yet his body temperature remained cold, though it didn't bother him.

**"Almost there,"** he thought, slipping his phone into his pocket. Just then, his ears twitched—something big was approaching, fast. Drake's body reacted instinctively, sensing danger. His mind raced. What could it be?

As a movie buff, he knew the answer. The number one enemy of vampires. Werewolves.


A deafening roar filled the air, and the thudding footsteps abruptly stopped. Drake's heart pounded as he spotted the source ahead. His fangs extended, and his nails grew into sharp, deadly claws, each about three inches long. His senses went into overdrive, the stench of fur and blood filling his nostrils. This werewolf had killed recently.

Then Drake looked up, and his blood ran cold.

**"What kind of werewolf is ten meters tall?"** he blurted, ready to flee without a second thought. Fighting was out of the question.

He discarded his bag and emptied his pockets, lightening his load as he sprinted away. His footfalls left deep marks in the ground. Behind him, the beast howled, a chilling sound that echoed through the forest.

Drake didn't slow. He shot across the road, a blur to the drivers, leaving them gaping in confusion. He kept running, his mind replaying his mistake—he had abandoned his phone and bag.

**"I'm such an idiot,"** he cursed himself. Going back wasn't an option. That werewolf was too close.

Despite his panic, Drake realized that vampires were faster than werewolves. **"I guess I'm faster after all,"** he thought with a fleeting smile.

That smile vanished as something hit him—a force so powerful it sent him flying, crashing through trees. Drake coughed up blood, his stomach twisting in agony. His hunger surged, nearly unbearable. His vision blurred, and through the haze, he saw something terrifying—a massive maw, wide enough to swallow him whole, descending rapidly.

**"Am I going to die?"** was his last thought as the world went dark.


**The next morning**, sunlight bathed a nearly naked body, chiselled like a Greek statue. Drake groaned, wincing as the light hit his brow. He stirred, murmuring, **"Where am I?"** Struggling to open his eyes, he saw the forest around him.

Memories flooded his mind, painful and overwhelming. He pushed himself up slowly, leaning on a tree for support.

**"What have I gotten myself into? What was that werewolf, and how strong was it?"** he murmured. His sharp ears picked up the sound of a nearby road, and he stumbled toward it.

Finally reaching the road, Drake collapsed at the center as a car screeched to a halt in front of him.

**"Help me... to the next city,"** he muttered, his hunger gnawing at him as he lost consciousness.

**"Wait, isn't that the kid...?"** a voice asked as the car door opened.


Drake woke with a hunger unlike anything he'd ever felt. He sat up, his body trembling with weakness, oblivious to the unfamiliar brown room he found himself in. Attempting to stand, he collapsed to the floor, his legs too frail to support him.

**"Didn't know there was a wolf here,"** a female voice said casually. Drake, still in pain, turned toward the sound, squinting at the figure. He could only make out a pair of legs at first, but the voice sparked something in his memory.

**"Lily..."** Drake rasped, his voice weak.

**"Yes, Drake,"** came her response. **"Now, tell me—who bit you?"**

The legs moved toward him, but Drake barely noticed as his body convulsed with hunger.

**"I... I don't know... I'm not a wolf... I need food,"** he croaked. His heart pounded violently, his rib cage vibrating with each beat.

**"At this rate, you'll die. Newborns always need to feed,"** she said, her voice fading as she left the room.

Those minutes were pure agony for Drake, his body screaming for sustenance. When Lily returned, carrying a plate of meat, his relief was palpable.

She bent down, and for a brief moment, Drake caught sight of her blue panties. But it wasn't her appearance that caught his attention—it was the meat. The smell overwhelmed him, his body reacting instinctively. He pounced on it like a wild animal, tearing into the food without restraint, barely leaving even the bones.

Lily chuckled softly, watching him devour the meal. Slowly, Drake's strength returned, far more powerful than he had felt even in the forest. As the haze of hunger lifted, he took stock of his surroundings. Everything in the room—curtains, tiles, bed—was brown.

**"You really like brown, huh?"** he remarked, trying to break the awkward silence after his earlier animalistic behavior. He still didn't understand why he had woken with such an overpowering craving for meat.

**"Pretty much,"** Lily replied simply, her tone unreadable. Now that Drake had regained some composure, he looked her over. Her beauty stunned him, but it also reminded him of the moment he'd seen her panties, his mind drifting to inappropriate thoughts.

Lily seemed to notice his gaze but remained patient, allowing the silence to linger. Drake cleared his throat, desperate to change the subject.

**"You called me a wolf earlier. What did you mean?"** he asked, trying to divert his thoughts.

**"Werewolf,"** she said flatly. **"Don't act like you don't know. I've seen enough human movies to know what you are."**

Drake nearly choked. **"Cough..."** He faked a cough, scrambling for a new topic.

**"Now, will you tell me who bit you? And stop checking me out."** Lily's expression was bored, but Drake felt his face heat up. He had been caught. Still, the seriousness of her question forced him to reflect. His last memory was becoming a vampire, running from something massive—a werewolf—and getting knocked aside.

**"I... I was bitten by a big werewolf,"** Drake stammered, not wanting to admit the truth—that he'd turned into a vampire first. The fact that he was still alive, coupled with Lily calling him a wolf, suggested something far more complex was happening.

**"Hmm... Are you sure?"** Lily asked, her expression growing more serious. Today was Tuesday, a school day, but she had been forced to investigate something unusual—a call had gone out to all wolves the previous night. She'd picked up the scent of fur and blood, leading her to Drake. The real question was how he had traveled 50 kilometers from town to this remote spot.

**"Yes, absolutely,"** Drake smiled nervously, poorly concealing his lie.

**"Show me your eyes,"** Lily commanded, crossing her legs.

**"My eyes?"** Drake asked, confused.

**"Sigh... I hate dealing with newborns. Close your eyes, imagine yourself as something else... anything. You'll see a wolf staring back at you. Then open them."**

The frustration in her voice was clear, and Drake hurried to comply. He shut his eyes and followed her instructions, his breath catching as he saw two beings—one a 3-meter-tall werewolf with yellow eyes, the other a human-like figure, but with fangs and glowing red eyes.

Drake's eyes shot open in shock, gasping for air. He could feel the power in his gaze, glowing from within. He looked up to find Lily staring at him, her face twisted with a crazed expression.

**"What... what's wrong?"** Drake asked, pretending not to understand her reaction.

**"Please be yellow... please be yellow,"** he silently prayed as Lily stood up, approaching him with deliberate steps.

**"Put on your clothes and meet me downstairs, wolf... or should I call you bloodsucker?"** Lily said, closing the door behind her.

Drake was left in stunned silence. He was naked—something he hadn't even noticed until now. But worse, Lily had figured out the truth. He wasn't just a werewolf or a vampire. He was both—a hybrid. A creature of legend, straight out of the mythologies that had fascinated humans for centuries.

**"Am I the main character of a vampire/werewolf movie?"** Drake wondered, doubting the absurdity of his existence.

He remembered Lily's instruction and began dressing. His mind raced with questions. If Lily was a werewolf, why hadn't she killed him the moment she saw he was both vampire and wolf? Weren't hybrids hated by both species?

Driven by curiosity, Drake walked over to the room's large mirror and looked at his reflection. What he saw chilled him to the bone. His right eye glowed red, his left eye glowed yellow.

**"I'm so dead,"** Drake muttered, staring at his reflection in disbelief.
