
A Strange New World (7)

'I knew it. I fucking knew it. They are going to kill me. They are going to use us as bait—those idiots. Hahahahahhaha' Sorken was finding it hard to control himself even in this strange world. He wanted to rage and shout. To punch and kick.

Making assumptions and seeing as they turn true are two very distinct feelings. He knew he was going to be betrayed but not like this. He knew the people in this world would not care about him or the others that were useless to them but this was…. Yep, it was expected. But, it still made even his rational self lose its rationality for a moment.

Why? Through the guard's memories, he saw how his physical self had been turned into something unrecognizable like an animal in the zoo. But, something still didn't add up. Now, when he looked back at his memories, he realized that his emotions had always been greatly exaggerated except for a few moments. It was as if he was living on steroids. 

So, what exactly was at the play here? Was his rational self dormant in this strange world since the time he transmigrated or it did happen in that strange hall? 

'No, something did happen. Otherwise, I won't have those memories like I had lived them, and I already know how this world works. Thinking that I was dormant here and still syncing my memories would be giving myself' too much credit for no apparent reason.'

He again focused on what was happening right now and what he had witnessed. 'So Tamara didn't even wait for me to die before showing her true colours. This method is too cruel.'

'I feel like killing so many people all of a sudden. Feels good 

'Hmm… quite interesting though. I really might have to find a way to take over someone's body at this rate

The calm he felt after learning the real situation made him feel better suddenly. Before this, he was still split between finding his consciousness in this world and trying to descend into someone else. But now, finding his own split consciousness seemed redundant. 

He would better spend his time trying to see if he can control those tiny consciousnesses that have just bloomed. 'Maybe in some months or even years, I might be able to descent into a fine vessel' 

While sorken was busy in his own musings, he was unaware that his every action was being monitored by someone.

"Haaha. Once you said that order will never be destroyed and things will go that way indefinitely. We can never interfere until that supposed order is broken.

"An era was destroyed. I asked if it was still ordered. You said yes. Then another era was destroyed, worse than the last. Then another and your answer never changed. My heart cried but I was forced to watch but not act.

"What do you want from this world? I never understood but never dared to question you. 

"Now, see this. Order was finally broken and who did this? What an irony, my lord. What an irony

"It's been ages since you spoke to us. But, this world might finally get what it deserves, a tragic end or a more heartfelt one"

A child sitting on a throne in space spoke with a hoarse voice. His ever-changing throne was chaotic in its form as it melted into drops and quickly collected itself again. The child's face, hidden by shadows swirling around it. He shrank in his throne as if hiding from something. 

"I hope the pain you feel is worse than death. That is the only way this world will ever be free.

"After the split, we thought you would come to find us, unite with us. But alas, how wrong we were.

"This scar on this world and everything around it is due to your actions and now, the time has finally come for you to deal with the bloody mess you never cared to look for, lord" 

Inside the strange world, sorken again regained his composure.

'So, I wasn't without emotions either'. Earlier he had assumed that his self in this world was completely rational. But, the sudden burst of anger proved him wrong. Now did he realize that it was more of a yin-yang situation? 

'I have to force myself into others memories more often' 

This world was brutal. Even though the lives of common people didn't serve much purpose to his goal. He still had seen a lot of their memories. 

This continent was controlled by a single group, yet violence was the norm. Common people, even though they rarely saw any overseers in their lifetime had their entire lives dependant on them.

Strange things happened all over and yet, none of it was ever investigated. People would disappear and sometimes entire localities would die. 

There was no order in place. It seemed to arbitrary to be called an empire or even a societal structure. Arbitrary because sorken couldn't even understand what the hell was going on. This entire place and continent when seen through his eyes of a modern man and memories of a common person belonging to this world shared tales of a world that even savage tales of past on earth couldn't compare. 

Some people had it better, but that was because they were lucky to be in the right place at the right time. Everyone else had some form of doom waiting for them, whether at their jobs or at home.

What made his impress of the people in control worse was the influence of Zartan. He always believed that he had seen worse of religion in his world but no, he was just way too wrong. 

Atleast those people preached of harmony, benevolence and peace and you could argue that most of them were genuinely kind. But here? The religion of zartan would show atrocities as a show of respect to their god. 

It was nothing sort of madness. A strange madness that was hard to describe with limited understanding of this world. But, people here were mad, especially when it came to their god and religion. 

'Will I ever find a way out of this shithole?' sorken bellowed as he moved again.