'This aint it' Sorken bellowed. After watching his other self, he had set out to understand if he can descend over another person. He tried to force he way through some newly born blobs, only to discover that they were soon completely destroyed.
'Am i a baby killer right now? How many have i tried? Twenty atleast?' Sorken effectively destroyed natal consciousness of those babies, maybe a death worse than being literally burned. 'I dont feel great, but it had to be done'
He was not too concerned as his own life was at stake but it didnt mean he was too comfortable with the idea. Lest he realized it too late that his conjecture was build on a false presumption that his consciousness can absorb the natal one in babies, effectively replacing them. But, the physical vessel itself was unable to process such a sudden transfusion of information.
A baby with barely developed brain cannot process those memories and complexity that comes with it.
'Those fantasy books made it seem so plausible, but i am the one foolish enough to believe it'
To be fair to him, he realized this problem by the fifth natal consciousness. But, he thought if he can instead absorb them and use all of them as its vessels. Preposterous idea but it had some merit in his thinking atleast.
So, what happened? Simply said, he just found another way of killing those innocent babies. Not one of those blobs he absorbed helped him form a connection with the physical bodies. He wanted to try a slightly bigger blob to descend again, possibly a kid of 4-5 years but just halfway through the process he abstained.
'Babies and natal consciousness are different. This is a literal child with his own thoughts….. There is a very little chance of success anyway… i cant kill a child'
He actually tried to posses an adult too, whom he though can handle his memories but didnt have enough will to stop him from taking over and lest the persons memories affected him. At that time, he understood that his memories of traversal, that was the breakpoint.
'My memories about the traversal are still there and as my body came with me, it held on, bit no other body can possibly process it. I can try again with the onlookers, but lets be honest here. I will be destroyed instead'
Sorken found himself on a dead end. A very bad one at that. The way he thought would be easiest was simply not possible now. The only way he can survive and get out of this limbo state was now to find his own fragmented consciousness or others like him. Those who have traversed.
His expedition to find his own fragemned self was bound to be much more troublesome and even impossible if given the limited time span and his circumstances. He was also unaware of what situation his physical self would get caught in.
'There must be some way, I cant die like this…. This is unacceptable'
Sorken thought hard but only found despair waiting for him. While he was unaware, him being completely conscious even in this world had already turned him into an anomaly, and his rageful pondering effected the blobs around him, sometimes shattering them throughout before they were absorbed.
His own form was more than twice the size it once was, constantly growing on the expense of countless innocent lives.
'Lets look for my fragmented consciousness' Sorken felt uneasy as he forced his form to move while he continuously examined each consciousness around him, hoping for a miracle to save his ass.