
A Quick Plan of Things

Right outside the ruin gate, which looked like a broken stone doorway breathing out cold air even in the sun, Varakh pulled his apprentices closer. His voice was quieter now, but you could still hear the excitement underneath, a creepy thrill.

"Okay, listen," Varakh started, looking at Ted, Azim, and Tamara. He barely glanced at the slaves standing a little way off with their heavy packs. "Plan check, last time. Remember? Slaves are bait. For the wraiths."

He explained it again like it was obvious. "We use them," he said, and even that word – them – sounded cold, "to pull out those wraiths. Wraiths want people who smell like food. These…" he almost laughed, "haven't eaten much in days. We have. We're fine. Safe. Ready to fight back."

Varakh made it sound so easy, so simple. Use the slaves as bait, let them get attacked, and then they would be safe to fight. It was a horrible plan, but he talked about it like it was just smart.

"Can't lose all of them, though," Varakh went on, tapping his finger on his chin like he was thinking hard about it. "Reports say there are at least seven rooms past that courtyard. Mana scanners don't lie. The chest is down there. We need to get it."

Then he looked at his apprentices, his eyes hard. "Best case," he said slowly, making each word count, "they stay alive long enough to get us to the chest. Then… well, we can deal with whatever's left. If we have to." Deal with them. Everyone knew what that meant.

Ted, who was really paying attention, stepped closer, a weird light in his eyes. "Yeah, like that," he said, his voice low and happy, like he was looking forward to something fun. "Want to finish them myself. Up close. You know… fun." He chuckled, and it was a nasty sound, not happy at all.

Ted started talking about Elara again. "Elara… she was too smart," he said, frowning. "She knew she was going to die anyway. Jumped in that hole. Stupid witch." He looked angry, like Elara had done something to him by dying. "Wanted to make her pay, you know? For being difficult."

He went on and on about how the rules in their old world stopped him from doing what he wanted, how he'd taken Elara as a maid here to be nice, but she was still trouble. It was twisted, the way he talked, like Elara being a slave wasn't enough, he needed to punish her even more.

Azim looked uncomfortable like he didn't want to hear any more of it. He glanced at Tamara, a question in his eyes. Was this how they were supposed to act now? Was this what being an inheritor meant? He was still learning, still confused by this new world.

Valakh found it extremely annoying too apparently. "Can you cut the crap Ted? Don't you think we know what the fuck you really wanted? To ravish her and fullful whatever sadistic desires you have been penting up toward her. Zartan will be the witness that we gave you that chance, a great fucking chance and yet you couldn't man up, could you? 

"I am tired about hearing what you would do, now for once, do something! You are not as strong as me but you have more power than those slaves, so show it, you bigass crybaby"

Valakhs words made Ted shut up as he looked a bit frustrated but found it wise to not speak anything that could land him in trouble. He was not so important to be spared regardless of what he does.

Tamara didn't seem to care about Ted's rant or Valakhs outrage. She was somewhere else in her head. She was thinking about Sorken. Thinking about how she was going to hurt him, really hurt him, before he died. She imagined his face when she told him the truth. That was what she was focused on.

She was thinking so hard about it, she bit her lip without meaning to. A little blood came out. She didn't even notice at first.

Varakh, though, saw it right away. He moved close to Tamara, touching her chin gently. He wiped the blood away with his finger, then, right there, he put his finger in his mouth and licked it, looking right into Tamara's eyes. It was a strange, private moment, like they were the only two people there.

"Here they come," Ted said, pointing. He sounded happy about it. "Our dinner is served."

Varakh blinked, coming back to the real world. He smiled, but it was a cold smile. He looked towards Sorken, Jorah, and Kesta, who were walking towards them, carrying all their stuff. "Let's get this show on the road," Varakh said, and walked towards the ruin gate.

He put his hand on the old stone, muttering some words. You could see the carvings on the gate start to glow, a faint light running through the lines. Then, with a low rumble, the heavy stone gate began to open, showing the dark inside, and a cold, dusty smell came out, making you shiver.